For 105 buses in Shenzhen to put AED, is not every one of them will be used?

Our society is progressing, society's various supporting facilities are gradually improved. AED as a kind of first aid equipment, is also has begun to put in each city's public **** area. We all know that people in cardiac arrest, there is a golden 4 minutes. In the golden 4 minutes can get timely treatment, can greatly increase the chance of successful treatment.

January 28, Shenzhen's ? mobile ambulance station? Bus AED emergency equipment officially appeared in some buses. This time, Shenzhen Bus Group*** equipped 105 buses with AED first aid equipment on 3 lines. In order to better utilize these AEDs, Shenzhen Bus Group will train the bus drivers and passengers.

Bus First Aid Volunteer Team

Shenzhen has now installed 4,800 AEDs in densely populated public ****places.

Shenzhen, in order to efficiently utilize the role of these AEDs, will follow the installation of each AED, and the training of first aiders 10 first aiders training requirements.

The public transportation first-aid volunteer team has been established, and there are already nine public transportation drivers who have been trained and passed the examination to obtain the ? Junior lifeguard? qualification certificate. From Jan. 25 to 31, Shenzhen will also arrange seven professional training sessions so that more than 300 front-line drivers and passengers can acquire the skills to use AEDs. This will enable the AED on buses to play its role in times of emergency.

Mobile AED, mobile ambulance station

Installing an AED on a bus can not only help bus passengers, but also help people in need in times of emergency. The installation of an AED on a bus turns the bus into a mobile ambulance station. This is through the mobility of the bus so that it can reach the maximum radiation area.

If conditions permit, when all buses are equipped with AEDs. At the same time, in the bus driver and passenger also have the skills to use the AED, the bus will really become a mobile ? ambulance?

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