How do you clean soot out of your ears?

What do I need to pay attention to when pulling out my ears?

1, can not be too frequent pulling out the ears, because cotton swabs or ear digging spoon and other tools will stimulate the skin of our external ear canal, resulting in skin sensitivity, there will be pain or strange itching sensation from time to time. Long-term severe irritation, there is a certain possibility of causing cancer.

2, it is best to use a cotton swab to pull out the ear, can reduce the stimulation of the ear, to prevent too hard to break the eardrum, and daily pull out the ear don't use too sharp things, to avoid ear canal injury.

Methods to clean up the ears

1, we can use salt water drops into the ear canal, shaking a few times, and finally rinsed, as a way to clean up the ears.

2, baby oil, mineral oil and special ear canal cleaning oil, can help us clean the ear, if you are worried about allergies, you can first apply on the wrist, one to two hours to see if there is no allergy phenomenon, in deciding whether to use.

3, with hydrogen peroxide to clean the ear is also very good. It is also a commonly used ear canal cleaning liquid.

4, it is best to buy a special ear dropper to drop the liquid into the ear canal. If you are still worried about accidents when using such a device, you can go to the doctor, the hospital will always have professional and suitable medical tools for you.