Electrical fire monitoring detector which has been mandatory to use in some places

GB 50116 Fire Alarm System Design Specification Part 12 Electrical Fire Monitoring System Setting There are detailed instructions. Appendix lists the specific setup parts of the fire detector:

D.1 Extraordinary protection objects

D.1.1 Extraordinary protection objects fire detector setup parts should be consistent with the current national standards, "Code for the design of high-rise civil buildings fire code," GB 50045 of the relevant provisions.

D.2 First-class protection objects

D.2.1 Offices, business halls, ticket bank of finance and trade and financial buildings;

D.2.2 Important machine rooms and important rooms of telecommunication buildings and postal buildings;

D.2.3 Business halls of commercial buildings, commercial and residential buildings, and exhibition halls of exhibition buildings;

D.2.4 Rooms of high-level hotels and public *** activities rooms;

D.2.4 Rooms of high-level hotels and public *** activities rooms;

D.2.4 Fire detectors should be set up in accordance with the current national standard "Fire Protection Code for High-rise Civil Buildings" GB 50045. ** activity rooms;

D.2.5 microwave machine rooms, computer rooms, control rooms, power machine rooms in power dispatch buildings, disaster prevention command and control buildings, etc.

D.2.6 studios, broadcasting studios, recording studios, technical rooms for program broadcasting, and props and set rooms in radio and television buildings;

D.2.7 book vaults, reading rooms, and offices in libraries;

D.2.8 Archives, reading rooms and offices in archives buildings;

D.2.9 Offices, conference rooms and archives in office buildings;

D.2.10 Wards, rooms for valuable medical equipment, rooms for medical records and archives, and drug stores in ward buildings of hospitals;

D.2.11 Data rooms, rooms for valuable equipment, rooms for combustibles, and laboratories of greater fire hazard in scientific research buildings;

D.2.12 Laboratories of greater fire risk in scientific research buildings;

D.2.13 Laboratories of greater fire hazard in scientific research buildings;

D.2.12 electrochemical classrooms, physical and chemical demonstration and laboratories, valuable equipment and instrument rooms in teaching buildings;

D.2.13 bedrooms, study rooms, living rooms (anterooms) and kitchens in high-class residential buildings (apartments);

D.2.14 production plants of categories A and B and their control rooms;

D.2.15 storage rooms for goods of categories A, B and C;

D.2.15 storage rooms for goods of categories A B and C goods storage;

D.2.16 C and D production workshops located in the basement;

D.2.17 C and D goods storage located in the basement;

D.2.18 Subway halls, pedestrian passages of underground railroads;

D.2.19 Stages, dressing rooms, props rooms, projection rooms, audience halls, etc., in gymnasiums, cinemas, auditoria room, projection room, audience hall, lounge and all entertainment places attached thereto;

D.2.20 High-ranking offices, conference rooms, showrooms, exhibition rooms, business halls of shopping malls;

D.2.21 The front rooms of fire-fighting elevators, smoke-proof staircases and the shared front rooms, the aisles and foyers except for ordinary residential buildings;

D.2.22 Combustible goods storage rooms, air-conditioning plant rooms

D.2.23 Technical mezzanines with a net height of more than 2.6 m and a large number of combustible materials;

D.2.24 cable shafts, cable mezzanines, cable tunnels, and cable wiring bridges for the laying of cables with extinguishable insulations and outer sheaths;

D.2.25 rooms for precious equipment and rooms with greater fire hazards;

D.2.26 Mainframe rooms of electronic computers, control rooms, paper stores, optical or magnetic recording material stores;

D.2.27 Basements where people often stay or where there are many combustibles;

D.2.28 Restaurants, places of entertainment, karaoke halls (rooms), cabarets, multi-purpose performance halls, electronic game rooms, etc.

D.2.28 Restaurants, entertainment venues, karaoke halls (rooms), cabarets, multi-functional performance halls, electronic game rooms, etc;

D.2.29 Restaurants, rooms of electronic games and other electronic games, etc.;< /p>

D.2.29 High-rise garages, Class I garages, Class I and Class II underground garages, mechanical three-dimensional garages, duplex garages, garages using elevators as car evacuation exits (open garages may not be provided);

D.2.30 sewage tunnel front room, garbage tunnel front room, net height of more than 0.8m with combustible materials, muffled roof, commercial or public **** kitchen;< /p>

D.2.28 Restaurants, entertainment establishments, karaoke halls (room), dance halls, multi-functional performance halls, electronic game rooms, etc.;< /p>

D.2.29 /p>

D.2.31 Commercial and enterprise or public **** kitchen with combustible gas as fuel and gas meter room;

D.2.32 Other places that need to set up fire detectors.

D.3 Objects of secondary protection

D.3.1 Offices, business halls, and ticket warehouses of finance and trade and financial buildings;

D.3.2 Studios, broadcasting studios, recording studios, technical rooms for broadcasting programs, microwave rooms, and communication rooms of radio, television, and telecommunication buildings;

D.3.3 Microwave and communication rooms of command and dispatch buildings;

D.3.3 Microwave and communication rooms of command and dispatch buildings. p>

D.3.4 library, archive building bookstore, archives;

D.3.5 theater stage, set props room;

D.3.6 high-class residential (apartments) bedrooms, study, living room (anteroom), kitchen;

D.3.7 C production plant, storage of goods of Category C;

D.3.8 production workshop C and D in the basement of D.3.8 Production workshops of C and D categories located in the basement, and warehouses of C and D categories;

D.3.9 High-rise automobile garages, automobile garages of I categories, underground automobile garages of I and II categories, mechanical three-dimensional automobile garages, duplex automobile garages, automobile garages using elevators as the evacuation exits for automobiles (open garages may not be provided);

D.3.10 Underground urban lanes and tunnels of lengths exceeding 500m;

D.3.9 Underground automobile garages of C and D categories located in the basement; and

D.3.11 Commercial restaurants, business halls, auditoriums, exhibition halls and other public **** activity rooms with an area of more than 500m2, high-level offices, guest rooms in hotels;

D.3.12 Fire elevators, smoke-proof staircases in the front room and the front room of the shared, except for the aisles of ordinary homes, foyers, commercial kitchens;

D.3.13 The net height of the combustible material more than 0.8m. m with combustible materials, the technical interlayer with more combustible materials;

D.3.14 cable shafts, cable interlayers, cable tunnels, cable wiring bridges for the laying of cables with extinguishable insulating and sheathing layers;

D.3.15 public **** kitchens and gas meter rooms of commercial and enterprise and institutions fueled by combustible gas;

D.3.16 Cabaret halls, karaoke halls (rooms), nightclubs;

D.3.17 basements where people often stay or where there are many combustibles;

D.3.18 mainframe rooms of electronic computer rooms, control rooms, paper libraries, libraries of optical or magnetic recording materials, important machine rooms, rooms for valuable instruments and equipment, air-conditioning machine rooms, power distribution rooms, transformer rooms, rooms for self-provided generators, elevator rooms, and rooms for combustible materials with areas of Greater than 50m2 of combustible goods storage room;

D.3.19 important nature or valuable rooms and other places need to set fire detectors.

D.4 third-level protection objects

D.4.1 residential (apartment) bedroom, study, living room, kitchen;

D.4.2 often people stay or combustible materials more places.