Physical Properties of Water:
Pure water has no color, no odor, no taste liquid. At 101KPa, the freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius, the boiling point is 100 degrees Celsius, 4 degrees Celsius is the density of the largest, 1g / cm3. water freezing volume expansion, so the density of ice is less than the density of water, can float on top of the water.
Chemical properties of water:
1, electrified to produce hydrogen and oxygen 2H2O electrified 2H2↑ + O2 ↑
2, and alkaline oxides react to form bases CaO + H2O ==?Ca(OH)2
3, and acidic oxides to form acids H2O + CO2 ==?H2CO3
Water is the most important element in the Earth's environment. p>
Water is one of the most common substances on Earth, is an important resource for the survival of all life, including inorganic chemistry, human beings, and is the most important component of living organisms. Water plays an important role in the evolution of life. It is a non-renewable in the narrow sense and a renewable resource in the broad sense.
Pure water can conduct electricity, but very weak (conductivity in daily life can be ignored), belongs to the very weak electrolyte. Water in daily life has more positive and negative ions due to the dissolution of other electrolytes and increased conductivity.
Expanded information:
Three State Changes
It is well known that there are three states of water: solid, liquid, and gas.
But water has more than just three states: supercritical fluid, supersolid, superfluid, fermionic condensate, plasma,
Bose-Einstein condensate, and so on.
Groundwater and surface water
Groundwater--organic matter and microbial contamination is less, while the ions are more dissolved, usually higher hardness, distillation of boiling water is easy to scale; sometimes manganese and fluoride ions exceed the standard, and can not meet the needs of production of water for domestic use.
Surface water - more organic and microbial contamination than groundwater, if the place is a limestone area, its surface water often also has a greater hardness, such as Deyang, Sichuan, Mianyang, Guangyuan, Aba and other areas.
Raw water and water purification
Raw water - usually refers to the water treatment equipment, such as commonly used city water, suburban groundwater, wild surface water, etc., often to the TDS value (the content of total dissolved solids in the water) to detect the quality of its water, China's city water TDS value is usually 100 ~ 400ppm.
Purified water - raw water is called purified water after treatment in water treatment facilities.
Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia: Water