Electrical system diagram in the need factor K how to determine the kind of trunking system diagram

Kx, coefficient of need, refers to the installation of all electrical equipment need to run the "probability", in general, more than one electrical equipment is not at the same time to be used (and sometimes consider the simultaneous coefficients), the choice of the Kx value is as a "coefficient of experience" to The determination of the.

Suppose: a room with only 1 lamp, then, Kx = 1; if there are different kinds of 100 lamps, normal use will not appear 100 at the same time, Kx<1, specific design manuals can be consulted.

The power distribution situation is more complicated, 334KW is not a small capacity, Kx = 0.9, indicating that the designer to consider the need to run the power equipment or more.

Reference: civil buildings, residential power distribution Kx value is usually between 0.45 ~ 0.75.