Building Electrical System Diagram Can that man tell me what this drawing means Thanks!

Pe is the equipment capacity, usually obtained by adding the nameplate capacity of all equipment.

cosφ is the power factor.

Pjs is the calculated load, which is derived from the statistical calculation of load and used to select the load value of each component (including equipment and wiring, etc.) in the power supply system according to the heat generating conditions.


Ijs is the calculated current.

kx is the coefficient of need, which is the ratio of the active power required by the electrical equipment at maximum load (Pjs calculated load) to the equipment capacity Pe. This value can be obtained by looking up the table according to the nature of the load and correcting it empirically.


Ijs=Pjs/(1.732*Ue*cosφ) , ue=380


About: Pjs=Pe*Kx

(Single-phase)Ijs=Pjs/0.22CosΦ = (Pjs * 4.5454)/ CosΦ

(Three-phase)Ijs=Pjs/0.38*1.732*CosΦ(1.732 is a 3-open root sign)=( Pjs*1.5193)/CosΦ

Above the formula:Pe ----Total power of the load; Kx- --- demand factor; CosΦ --- power factor. Alternatively it can be calculated according to the compliance calculation program I provided;