Soft Exam Intermediate Information Systems Management Engineer morning exam subject for the basics of the subject, full of 75 points, the question type is objective multiple choice questions. According to the syllabus of the Information Systems Management Engineer exam, the scope of the basic knowledge subject exam is as follows:
1.Information Systems Fundamentals
1.Computer Science Fundamentals
1.1 Number System and Its Conversion
●Binary, Decimal, and Hexadecimal, and other commonly used number systems and their conversion to each other
1.2 Data Representation
●Number representation: original code, complement, inverse code, in-computer representation of integers and real numbers, precision and overflow
●Non-numeric representation: in-computer representation of characters and kanji, in-computer representation of sounds and images
●Checksum methods and checksum coding
1.3Arithmetic and Logical Operations
●Methods of arithmetic of binary numbers in a computer
p>●Basic operations of logical algebra
1.4Basic concepts of data structures and algorithms
2. Knowledge of computer systems
2.1 Knowledge of computer hardware
2.1.1Composition of computer systems and basic operating principles of major devices
●Composition, performance and basic operating principles of CPUs and memories
●Functions, types, and characteristics of I/0 interfaces
●Performance and basic working principles of commonly used I/0 devices
●Basic concepts of CISC/RISC, pipelined operation, multiprocessors, and parallel processing
2.1.2Storage systems
●Types of caches and main memory
●Basic working principles of virtual memories Multi-level storage system
●RAID types and characteristics
●Storage media characteristics and capacity calculations
2.2 Knowledge of computer software
2.2.1 Knowledge of operating systems
●Types, features, and functions of an operating system
●Basic concepts of interrupt control, process, and thread
● Processor management (state transitions, synchronization and mutual exclusion, time-sharing, preemption, deadlocks)
●Storage management (main memory protection, dynamic connection allocation, paging, dummy storage)
●Device management (I/0 control, pseudo-offline)
●File management (file directories, structure and organization of files, methods of access, access control, recovery processing, ****enjoyment and security)
●Job management
●Handling of Chinese characters, human-computer interface
●Configuration of the operating system
2.2.2 Basics of Programming Languages and Language Processing Programs
●Basics of assembly, compilation, and interpreting systems and the basic principles of their operation
●Basic components of a programming language: data, arithmetic, control, and transmission, and the implementation mechanism of procedure calls
●The main features and applicability of various types of programming languages
2.3 System Configuration and Methods
2.3.1 System Configuration Techniques
●C/S systems, B/S systems, multilayered systems, and distributed systems
●System configuration methods (dual, double, hot standby fault tolerance and clustering)
●Processing modes (centralized, distributed, batch, real-time, and web computing)
●Things management (concurrency control, exclusivity control, failback, rollback, and roll-forward)
2.3.2 System Performance
●Performance metrics and performance design, performance calculations, performance testing, and performance evaluation
p>2.3.3 System Reliability
● Reliability metrics and design, reliability calculations and assessment
2.4 Basic knowledge of computer applications
● Basic knowledge of information management, data processing, aided design, scientific computing, artificial intelligence, and telecommunication services
● Basic knowledge of multimedia applications
3. Knowledge of Computer Networks
3.1 Protocols and Transmission
● Network architecture (network topology, 0SI/RM, basic network and communication protocols)
● Fundamentals of TCP/IP protocols
● Transmission media, transmission techniques, transmission methods, transmission control
3.2 Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs)
● LAN topology, access control, networking of LANs, inter-LAN connections, LAN-WAN connections
● Internet basics and its applications
● Network performance analysis (transmission speeds, line utilization, line capacity) and performance evaluation
● Essentials of network-related laws and regulations
● Network security (encryption and decryption, authorization, firewalls, security protocols)
●Remote transmission services
3.3 Commonly used network equipment and various types of communication equipment
3.4 Network management and network software basics
●Network management (operation management, configuration management, security management, fault management, performance management, billing management)
●Network software ( Network operating systems, drivers, network management systems, network management tools)
4. Database Fundamentals
4.1 Basic Concepts of Database Systems
4.2 Database System Architecture
●Centralized Database Systems, Client/Server Database Systems, Distributed Database Systems
4.3 Relational Database Standard Language (SQL)
● Functions and Features of SQL
● Data Definition (Tables, Views, Indexes, Constraints) with SQL
● Data Manipulation (Data Retrieval, Data Insertion Deletion/Update, Trigger Control) with SQL
● Security Controls and Authorization
● APIs in applications, embedded SQL
4.4 Database Management and Control
● Functions and Features of Database Management Systems
● Database Transaction Management, Database Backup and Recovery Techniques, Concurrency Control
4.5 Fundamentals of Data Mining and Data Warehousing
5. Information Systems Development and Operations Management Knowledge
5.1 Basic Knowledge of Informatization, Information System and Information System Development
● Concepts of Informatization, Information System and Information Engineering
● Information System Architecture and Middleware Technology
● Laws and Regulations Related to Intellectual Property Rights, Information System, and the Internet
● Objectives and Tasks of Each Stage of Information System Development
● Concepts of information system development tools, development environments, and development methods
● Fundamentals of information system development project management
5.2 Basics of System Analysis and Design
● Purpose and Tasks of System Analysis
● Structured Analysis and Design Methods and Tools
● System Specification
● System Overall structural design, detailed design
●System design specification
●Object-oriented analysis and design and Unified Modeling Language (UML)
5.3 Basics of system implementation
●Main tasks of system implementation
●Structured programming, object-oriented programming, visual programming
● Selection of programming languages, programming styles
● Purpose, types, and methods of system testing
● Test design and management
● Knowledge of system conversion
5.4 Knowledge of system operation and management
● Operation and management of the system (computer system, database system, computer network system)
● System Duties of various personnel in operation management
●Cost management, user management, security management, and performance management of the system
●System operation (system control operation, data I/O management, and operation manual)
●Resource management (hardware resource management, software resource management, data resource management, network resource management, management of related equipment and facilities, and document management)
●System failure management (handling steps, monitoring, recovery process, preventive measures)
●Distributed system management
●System operation and management tools (automated operation tools, monitoring tools, diagnostic tools)
●Standardization of system operation and management
5.5 Knowledge of system maintenance
● Contents of System Maintenance (Software Maintenance, Hardware Maintenance, Data Maintenance)
●Types of System Maintenance (Perfection Maintenance, Adaptive Maintenance, Error Correcting Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance)
●Methods of System Maintenance (Routine Inspection, Periodic Inspection, Preventive Maintenance, Post-Maintenance, Remote Maintenance)
●Maintenance by Contract
●System Maintenance Work Characteristics of system maintenance
●Maintainability of the system (comprehensibility, testability, modifiability)
●Organization and management of system maintenance
5.6 Fundamentals of system evaluation
●Technical evaluation of the system (evaluation of objectives, evaluation of functions, evaluation of performance, and evaluation of the mode of operation)
●Composition of the system cost
● Evaluation of system economic benefits (performance benefits, cost-saving benefits) and its evaluation methods
6. Information Security Knowledge
●Basic Concepts of Information Security
●Computer Virus Prevention and Control, Prevention of Computer Crimes, Network Intrusion Means and Their Prevention
●Disaster Tolerance
●Encryption and Decryption Mechanisms, Authentication (Digital Signature, Identity) Security protection of information systems, security management measures
●Private information protection
●Availability assurance (backup and restoration, switching to free lines and communication control equipment)
7. Knowledge of standardization
●Concepts of standardization (significance of standardization, development of standardization, standardization bodies)
●Levels of standards (significance of standardization, development of standardization, standardization bodies)
Hierarchy of standards (digital signature, identity, etc.
How to protect against network intrusion and prevention of network intrusion) p>●Hierarchy of standards (international standards, standards, industry standards, enterprise standards)
●Basic knowledge of code standards, file format standards, security standards, software development specifications, and documentation standards
8.Professional English
●Correctly read and comprehend English language materials in the relevant fields
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