Guangdong bidding center introduction?

Guangdong Bidding Center belongs to the Guangdong Provincial Government Procurement Network, is a professional website for the construction enterprises in the region of Guangdong engineering bidding, government procurement, construction project bidding information management and other areas of transaction services. Guangdong bidding network to actively fulfill the corresponding duties to maintain the order of the activities of the various engineering procurement projects.

Guangdong government procurement network basic profile:

Guangdong bidding network is the construction enterprises in the region of guangdong engineering bidding, government procurement, construction project bidding information management and other areas of transaction services professional website.

Guangdong Bidding Center work responsibilities:

Development of centralized government procurement catalog, government procurement limit standards; participation in the review of the provincial government procurement budget; management of the provincial government procurement methods; undertake the government procurement agency B qualification recognition; supervision and management of provincial government procurement activities; dealing with the complaints of the government procurement suppliers; the centralized procurement agencies at the provincial level for the assessment; It undertakes the construction and management of the province's unified electronic government procurement platform.

Guangdong Bidding Network Information:

Guangdong Government Procurement Network Website:

Guangdong Bidding Center Address: 8th Floor, No. 26, Cangbian Road, Guangzhou City, China

Guangdong Bidding Center Contact Information:

Guangdong Bidding Center Fax:

Guangdong Bidding Center Fax:

Guangdong Bidding Center Fax: 020- 83357559

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