emc electromagnetic compatibility how to produce Knowing

EMC for Electromagnetic Compatibility acronym, the so-called electromagnetic compatibility that is to regulate the product of electromagnetic interference waves will not affect the operation of other products, while the product also has enough resistance to external interference. Therefore, EMC includes two requirements: one refers to the equipment operating program of the environmental production of electromagnetic interference can exceed the limit value; the other refers to the apparatus of the environment with a certain degree of electromagnetic interference with the degree of immunity that electromagnetic sensitivity.

Now we know what is the EMC Directive, then what products need to carry out EMC Directive test certification?EMC test product range for 1, information technology equipment and office equipment. 2, audio-visual equipment. 3, power tools, household electrical equipment. 4, lamps, lighting appliances. 5, industrial, research, medical use equipment (ISM). 6, telecommunications equipment. 7, automotive parts (such as automotive equipment). 8, the EMC Directive, the EMC Directive, the EMC Directive, the EMC Directive, the EMC Directive, the EMC Directive and the EMC Directive. 7, automobile parts (such as car receivers), etc..

EMC test items are EMI and EMS. EMI includes conduction (Conduction), radiation (Radiation), harmonics (Harmonic), voltage fluctuations (Flicker), nuisance power (Power Clamp), electromagnetic nuisance (Magnetic), etc. EMS includes electrostatic discharge (ESD), radiation sensitivity (ESD), and radiation sensitivity (ESD). EMS includes Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), Radiation Sensitivity (RS), Electrical Fast Transient Pulsation (EFT), Surge, Conductivity Sensitivity (CS), Power Frequency Magnetic (PFM), and Voltage Dips (DIPS).

With the development of electrical and electronic technology, the increasing popularity of household appliances and electronic products, radio and television, post and telecommunications and computer networks are increasingly developed, the electromagnetic environment is increasingly complex and deterioration of the electrical and electronic products of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC electromagnetic interference EMI and electromagnetic anti-EMS) issues have received the increasing attention of governments and production enterprises. European **** body government regulations, from January 1, 1996, all electrical and electronic products must be certified by the EMC, affixed with the CE mark to be sold in the European **** body market. This move has caused a wide impact in the world, countries have taken measures to implement mandatory management of the RMC performance of electrical and electronic products. According to the European Union's Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 83/336/ECC, all electrical and electronic products sold in the European market must be strictly in line with the European Union law in terms of interference with other products and anti-interference with foreign influences. In order to harmonize the permissible level of electromagnetic interference among the member states of the European Union, the Council of the European Union announced on December 31, 2004, the harmonization of laws related to electromagnetic compatibility among the member states - Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2004/108/Directive, 2004/108/Directive, 2004/108/Directive, 2004/108/Directive, 2004/108/ECC). Directive, 2004/108/EC, referred to as the EMC Directive), and July 20, 2007 officially came into force, and subsequently amended by 89/336/EEC, 92/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC three times
