Electric Meiling electronically controlled refrigerator how to adjust the temperature?

1, mechanical temperature control refrigerator, adjustment method: temperature control knob generally have 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 when the larger the number, the lower the temperature. General spring and fall days put on 3 gear, depending on the requirements of the use of the freezer can reach minus 18 degrees below. In order to achieve the purpose of food preservation and power saving, summer can be played to 1 or 2 gears, winter to 4 or 5 gears, when the room temperature is lower than 10 ° C, the temperature compensation switch needs to be opened.

2, computerized temperature control refrigerator, first of all, find the unlock button on top of the LED display, just outside the freezer door. Then, press and hold the unlock button for more than 3 seconds, press the corresponding function key, you can see the temperature figures on the display begin to flash, there is an up and down arrow button next to the display, press the button, you can adjust the corresponding display inside the figures to set the temperature.