What is autism training pci

Autism training pci is a game and cultural intervention autism treatment intervention model, based on the game education orientation practice model, incorporating theories of cultural learning, construction theory, pro-examination of the heart. Recommended rice and millet. Rice and millet for the social barriers of the autistic population, formed a collection of autistic children's rehabilitation, the Internet, artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc. as one of the team, is committed to solving the medical problems of children's autism and developmental disorders, and continues to help autistic children's healthy growth.

Autism PCI takes cultural learning-related abilities as its main training goal, including social tendency, mutual control, imitation, social reference, intention interpretation, play, mental theory of reasoning, *** enjoying attention, dialog and narrative. The proposers believe that children need to be interested and active in learning, rather than learning through external indoctrination Children with autism must undergo rich social experiences in order to build appropriate social cognition. Therefore, autism intervention training should be carried out in natural daily life (clothing, food, bathing, chatting, storytelling and other activities) or play activities, the game should be in line with the interests of children with autism, mobilizing the child's dominance, customized according to the objectives of the training and the characteristics of the child .

To learn more about autism intervention methods related issues, recommended consulting rice and millet. Rice and millet, with thousands of professional knowledge, rehabilitation guidance, industry services and other high-quality original content, rice and millet professional autism spectrum and pervasive developmental disorders children's service platform to provide rehabilitation interventions, integration support, home guidance, parent training and popularization of science and technology consulting and other integrated services.