How to apply for the welding welder's license

Welding welder license for the following methods:

Welder license process:

1, to the Safety Supervision Bureau or its approved assessment unit to apply for registration.

2, after the application for registration passed to participate in the training and examination arranged by the Safety Supervision Bureau or the training and examination center.

3, after passing the examination can obtain a certificate.

Welder license application conditions:

1, more than 18 years old, 55 years old.

2, physical health, no impediment to the electrician's work of disease and physical defects.

3, with this type of work of the induction operation certificate.

Welder license registration information:

1, a copy of ID card.

2, 1 photo of myself (size and color).

3, junior high school or junior high school or above 1 certificate of education (no graduation certificate can be provided with the household register my information page).

4, 1 personal health commitment (provided by the school, my signature and handprint).

5, electrician license application form 1 (provided by the school, my signature and fingerprints).

Applicants for "special equipment operator license" should meet the following conditions:

(a) age 18 years old or older.

(B) physical health and meet the application to engage in the type of work on the special requirements of the body.

(c) Have a level of education appropriate to the type of work applied for.

(d) Have the appropriate technical safety knowledge and skills.

(e) Meet other requirements stipulated in the safety technical specifications.

Welder's general knowledge and welder's duties:

Welder's general knowledge

1, commonly used welding methods (fusion welding; pressure welding and brazing).

2, manual electric arc welding, gas welding and gas cutting, argon arc welding, co2 gas shielded welding.

3, the type of welding rod selection and storage, the type and purpose of welding equipment, the form of welded joints.

4, the principle of formation of welded joints.

5, welding position (flat welding, vertical welding, horizontal welding, back welding) and welding process parameters (welding current, arc voltage, welding polarity, welding speed, etc.) selection, weld layout and weldment structure, gas welding process and cutting process, gas welding and gas cutting of commonly used metal materials, the principle of argon arc welding, the use of equipment and welding technology.

6, welding deformation and stress and generation and prevention methods.

7, commonly used welding defects and preventive measures.

8, welding inspection.

9, electric and gas welding safety regulations.

10, understanding of cast iron, copper, aluminum, titanium and other metal welding characteristics and operation points.

Welder duties:

1, welding operations on products arranged by the supervisor on a daily basis.

2, daily pre-shift and post-shift maintenance and maintenance of the machine, site organization.

3, follow the process standards for operation; quality inspection of input parts to ensure the quality of the output assembly or sub-assembly; report product defects to the section manager.

4. Report equipment and tooling failures to the section manager; responsible for cleaning and lubricating fixtures and jigs to ensure proper storage on a daily basis.