To study in Germany mechanical professional research in a very wide range of fields, not only involves the mechanical meaning itself, such as heat engines, machine tools, working machines (lathes, typewriters, etc.), automation, robotics, etc., but also all types of means of delivery, transportation technology, utility technology, production process technology (equipment technology), nuclear reaction technology, etc., as well as products made by precision instrument technology (all types of electrical and electronic instruments). In all fields, the automation of manufacturing processes and computer applications play an increasing role. Mechatronics is a specialty that encompasses multidisciplinary knowledge, and its content includes the fundamentals of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science specialties. The diversity of the field of mechanical engineering has led to the division of many specialties in completely different directions, such as printing engineering and media technology, vehicle engineering, precision instrumentation technology, food engineering, aerospace engineering, mechatronics, production technology and materials and raw materials science, materials technology, construction materials and paper technology.
According to the methods and tasks can also be divided into specializations such as, for example, general mechanical engineering, mechanics, design technology. Specialization in economic-industrial engineering is a close link between the contents of technical and economic disciplines.
The second thing to say is the analysis of the employment prospects of the mechanical engineering profession:
Germany to study in the choice of specialties, Tendo I recommend the mechanical profession. Mechanical engineering graduates can be widely engaged in machinery and equipment innovation, manufacturing, operation and maintenance work. According to the different major direction of specialization can be responsible for the invention, planning, design and inspection of machines, production scheduling and monitoring, quality control, maintenance, after-sales service, product use training and sales work and so on. Thus, you can choose to work for engineers' offices, professional associations, research and educational institutions, industrial technology testing associations and public **** organizations. It is also possible to work in planning and design, or as a subject specialist.