A320 airplane handheld microphone key function

There are two modes of.

① ACTIVE frequency display through the RMP will frequency output (preset frequency conversion to this is activated) ② STBY / CRS (standby / heading) for the preset frequency display (rotary knob to adjust the preset frequency in this display) ③ green transmission button gates is to transfer the frequency from one display to another display (Example: preset frequency set up after pressing the Transmit button to switch to ACTIVE to activate it) ④ Five button gates with selective feedback are used to select VHF and HF systems (pressing the green light is on to indicate that it has been selected) ⑤ SEL indicator lamps show the interaction between the different RMPs (Example: when the VHF2 transceiver is selected by RMP1, the SEL indicator lamps on RMP1 and RMP2 will be on) ⑥ Dual selector knob is used for dual selection of frequency/channel and Dual Selector knob is used for dual selection of frequency/channel and heading selection (use this knob to adjust the desired frequency when communication or navigation is selected) ⑦ The two pushbutton gates, AM and BFO, are used for mode-specific selection.The AM pushbutton gate is used for the HF system (press the AM pushbutton gate to activate the AM mode (Amplitude Modulation Modulation) used for HF transceivers).

①The seven (Transmit Channel Selection) transmit button gates are used for transmit channel selection, and they also display Selection Call (Ground Crew and Cabin Crew Call) (Note: ①Only one of the eight rectangular transmit button gates (including the PA button gate) can be active at the same time; ②When one of the gates buttons is pressed, the three green bars above it light up to indicate that this channel is selected; ③When a new transmit function is selected, the three green bars above it light up to indicate that this channel is selected; ③When a new transmit function is selected, the three green bars above it light up to indicate that this channel is selected. When a new transmit function is selected, the previously selected gate is inhibited and the green bar is extinguished; ④ If a selected button gate is pressed, the function is inhibited and the green bar is extinguished; ⑤ During a ground crew or cabin crew or selective call the legend below the green bar of the relevant transmit button gate flashes amber (regardless of whether the transmit button gate is selected or not); ⑥ Pressing the " RESET" button gate can only work one at a time; ⑥ Pressing the "RESET" button gate can only work one at a time; ⑥ Pressing the "RESET" button gate can only work one at a time. RESET" button gate to turn off the amber symbol (note: amber flashing on MECH and ATT meets the 60-second mark and then automatically turns off).