l992, the international academic community clearly put forward the definition of green materials: green materials are included in the raw materials to take, product manufacturing, use or recycling and waste disposal and other aspects of the earth's environmental load to minimize and conducive to human health materials, also known as the "environmentally friendly materials". Green building materials is a large category of green materials.
Broadly speaking, green building materials is not a separate building materials, but the building materials, "health, environmental protection, safety" attribute evaluation, including the production of raw materials, production process, construction process, the use of the process and waste disposal of the five major aspects of the sub-evaluation and comprehensive evaluation.
The basic function of green building materials, in addition to the basic utility as a building material, lies in the maintenance of human health, environmental protection. The basic characteristics of green building materials Compared with traditional building materials, green building materials can be summarized in the following five aspects of the basic features:
①The raw materials used in the production of as little as possible to use natural resources, and a large number of use of tailings, waste, garbage, waste liquids and other wastes.
② low energy consumption manufacturing process and production technology that does not pollute the environment.
③ In the product formulation or production process, do not use formaldehyde, halogenated solvents or aromatic hydrocarbons products shall not contain mercury and its compounds, and shall not use pigments and additives containing lead, Fukushima, chromium and its compounds.
④Products are designed to improve the living environment, improve the quality of life for the purpose of conversation, that is, the product not only does not harm human health, but also should be beneficial to human health, the product has a multifunctionality, such as antimicrobial, sterilizing, anti-fogging, deodorizing, heat insulation, fire retardant, fireproofing, thermoregulation, temperature regulation, sound reduction, demagnetization, anti-rays, anti-static, etc..
⑤Products can be recycled or recovered for reuse without polluting the environment with waste.
China's green building development status:
①In the whole society's environmental awareness is increasing, to create green buildings, healthy homes is becoming more and more developers, architects pursue the goal. People have not only focus on the quality of the single building, but also focus on the environment of the neighborhood, not only focus on structural safety, but also focus on the quality of indoor air, not only focus on the material of the strong and durable and inexpensive, but also focus on the impact of material consumption on the environment and energy. At the same time, the user's self-protection awareness is also increasing. Today, people in addition to the gas, electrical appliances, housing structure of the potential hidden dangers of increasing attention to some of the chronic hazards to human health is also strengthening the understanding of things, people have realized that "green" and we are closely related.
②The development and production of a number of "green building materials". Through the introduction, digestion, reference, has developed environmentally friendly, healthy wallpaper, paint, carpet, laminate flooring, pipe fiber reinforced gypsum board and other decorative building materials, such as "anti-mold wallpaper" is a revolutionary change in wallpaper. "Plastic-metal composite pipe", is a high-tech products just started in the 1990s in foreign countries to replace the metal pipe, its internal and external layers of high-density polyethylene, aluminum in the middle layer of plastic and metal between the aluminum for the two layers of rubber, plastic and metal with excellent performance, it will not rust, do not make the water pollution advantages, has been developed successfully in the country. Developed successfully. Latex paint decorative materials in addition to construction is very simple, a variety of beautiful colors to the home environment to bring colorful. In terms of environmental protection is absolutely no pollution, after painting exudes mountain bursts of fragrance. When the wall is old. Can also be re-brush or clean up with cleaning agents, but also play a role in inhibiting mold within the wall to disseminate. At present, this green material has replaced the wallpaper trend, for the development of environmental protection materials for gypsum board decoration in recent years, there is a great momentum, through technological research, developed into a wet tropical climate in the coastal, moisture does not occur mold, sanitation ask leakage board surface does not deform the gypsum board decoration of environmental protection materials, so as to open up new horizons in the hotels and home decorations.
③ Attention to environmental issues in the construction process. At present, the main environmental factors in the construction industry are noise emissions, dust emissions (dust), the abolition of transportation, a large number of construction waste disposal, paint, coatings, and chemical leakage, the consumption of resources and energy, such as the consumption of water and electricity for production and living, the process of decoration caused by the more complaints of paints, coatings, glues and adhesive-containing materials in the toluene, formaldehyde odor emissions, and so on. Some companies have passed the 150l400l environmental management standards certification.
4 government authorities at all levels to force out backward products and processes in due course. Ministry of Construction, the State Economic and Trade Commission, Quality and Technical Supervision, the State Building Materials Bureau jointly issued <On the elimination of outdated products in the residential construction of the notice> (building housing [1999] No. 295) clearly stipulates that, from June 1, 2000 onwards, in the new residential, eliminating the sand casting of cast iron drainpipes, and promote the application of hard polyethylene (UPVC) Plasticco drainpipes and drainage in line with the <drainage with soft 's flexible interface cast iron pipes and fittings & gt; (GB/T2772 a l999) flexible interface mechanism cast iron drainage pipe. Prohibit the use of cold galvanized steel pipe, promote the application of aluminum-plastic composite camp, cross-linked polyethylene pipe, etc.. At the same time. Gradually ban the use of solid clay bricks, and actively promote the use of new building structure system and its matching new wall materials and recommended the use of harmless, non-radioactive, non-polluting environmentally friendly products.