What is a medical scientist?

Introduction Generally speaking, the duty of clinicians is to help patients and improve their clinical professional ability, while physicians are committed to theoretical research and medical improvement. Throughout the ages, medical scientists have emerged one after another, and many of them have won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine and other medical authoritative awards. So, who is the medical scientist? Let's take a look at this topic and introduce the latest inventory of biomedical scientists. Let's have a look.

The name and nationality of PartOne, a former winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, contributed to the research of serum therapy in emil adolf von behring and Germany, especially the application of diphtheria treatment. 1902 contributed to the malaria research in ronald ross and Britain. This shows how malaria entered the organism 1903. Niels Rehberg Finson and Denmark used concentrated radiation to treat diseases. Especially the contribution of lupus erythematosus 1904 Ivan Pavlov's work in Russian digestive physiology research 1905 related research and discovery of tuberculosis in robert koch and Germany 1906 camillo golgi and Italy's work in nervous system structure research Santiago Ramon-Cahal Spain 1907 Charles Louis alfons Lafran France. Study on the Role of Protozoa in Pathogenesis 1908 Ella ilych Mechnikov Russian Immunology Research paul ehrlich Germany 1909 Emil theodor koch Swiss Thyroid Physiology, Pathology and Surgery Research 19 10 Albrecht Kossel Germany's research on protein including nuclear materials, Contribution to understanding cytochemistry 19 1/studied refractive optics of eyes in alva Gullstrand and Sweden 19 12 studied vascular structure and vascular and organ transplantation in alexis karel and France191 Study on allergic reaction in Charles Robert Richet and France for 3 years 65438+ 09 14 Robert Barani studied the fixed relationship between oxygen consumption and lactic acid metabolism in meat 1923 Sir Frederick Grant Banting Canada discovered insulin John mcleod Canada 1924 William Einthoven invented electrocardiograph in Holland 1 926 Johannes Fibiger Denmark Found Mouse Cancer 1927 Julius Wagner-Yoriger Austria found malaria in the process of treating paralytic dementia, Therapeutic value of vaccination therapy on diseases 1928 Charles Nicolle French study on typhus 1929 Christian ekman Holland discovered anti-neuritis vitamin frederick hopkins Britain discovered growth-promoting vitamin 1930 Karl Landsteiner Austria discovered human blood type 193 1 Otto Heinrich Val. Nature and Mode of Action of Respiratory Enzyme Discovered in Germany 1932 Sherrington Discovered Related Functions of Neurons in Britain Edgar Adrian UK 1933 Thomas Hunt Morgan USA Discovered the Role of Chromosomes in Inheritance 1934 George Whipple USA Discovered Liver Treatment of Anemia George Minot USA William Murphy USA 1935. Hans Spelman and German Discover the Organizer Effect in Embryo Development (the embryonic region that plays a central role in embryo development) 1936 Related Discovery of Chemical Transmission of Nerve Impulses in Henry Hallett Dale and Britain Otto Leviaustria1937 Discovery of Biological Combustion Process in and Hungary, Especially on the catalysis of vitamin c and fumaric acid 1938 corneille heymans discovered the role of sinus and aorta mechanism in respiratory regulation in Belgium 1939 discovered the antibacterial effect of Brandeis in Gerhard Domagk and Germany1943 discovered vitamin k in Denmark, Edward adelbert doisy discovered the chemical properties of vitamin K 194 4, Joseph erlanger and the United States discovered the highly differentiated function of a single nerve fiber, herbert spencer Gasser, the United States 1945, alexander fleming and Britain discovered penicillin and its curative effect on various infectious diseases. Ernst Boris Chain, Britain, Howard Walter Florey Baron Florey, Australia 1946, Herman joseph mawle and the United States found that X-ray irradiation can produce mutation 1947, Karl. Ferdinand Corey of the United States discovered the catalytic transformation of glycogen. Gerty Theresa Cori, the United States, Bernardo Hauser and Argenyan discovered the role of pituitary hormones in glucose metabolism. 1948 Paul Hermann Müller and Switzerland found that DDT is a contact poison, which can effectively kill many kinds of arthropods. 1949 Walter rudolf hess and Swiss discovered the regulation of diencephalon functional tissue on visceral activity. Antonio Egas moniz discovered the therapeutic effect of lobectomy on patients with specific severe mental illness in Portugal 1950. Philip Showalter Hench and the United States discovered adrenocortical hormone and its structural and biological effects. Edward Calvin Kendall, USA, Reichstein, Tadeusz and Switzerland 195 1. Max Taylor discovered yellow fever in South Africa and its treatment 1952. Selman discovered streptomycin in the United States, and the first effective anti-tuberculosis antibiotic was 1953. Hans adolf krebs discovered the citric acid cycle in Britain, Fritz Albert Lipmann discovered coenzyme A, and the United States discovered its importance to intermediate metabolism. 1954. John franklin enders and the United States, Frederick Chapman Robbins, Thomas Huckle Weller and the United States have discovered the growth ability of poliovirus in various tissue culture media, 65. 438+0955 Axel Hugo teodor Teorell discovers the nature and mode of action of oxidase in Sweden 1956 Andre Frederic Cournand American cardiac catheterization and its discovery in pathological changes of circulatory system werner forssmann Germany Dickinson woodruff Richards USA/ Kloc-0/957 daniel bovet discovered synthetic compounds that inhibit the action of some organism substances in Italy, especially in the vascular system and skeletal muscle. 1958 George Wells Bedell American genes can regulate chemical reactions in living organisms, Edward Laurie Tatum discovered gene recombination and tissue of bacterial genetic material in joshua lederberg, USA. 1959 biosynthetic mechanism of ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid discovered in arthur kornberg and America, Severo ochoa USA 1960. Frank MacFarlane Burnett discovers acquired immune tolerance in Australia Peter Medawar UK 196 1 Georg Von Békésy US discovers physical mechanism of cochlear stimulation 1 962 Francis Harry compton Crick discovered the molecular structure of nucleic acid in Britain and its importance to information transmission in biology james dewey watson USA maurice wilkins UK 1 963 JohnKaroo eccles Australia discovered the ionic mechanism related to nerve excitation and inhibition in the periphery and center of nerve cell membrane Alan Lloyd Hodgkin UK Andrew Huxley UK1 964 Conrad Bloch USA discovered the metabolic mechanism and regulation of cholesterol and fatty acids Feodor Lynen Germany 1965 Fran?ois Jacob France discovered Andre in the genetic control of enzyme and virus synthesis, Lviv France Jacques Monod France 1966 Peyton Routh USA discovered the tumor-inducing virus Charles Brenton Huggins USA discovered the hormone therapy for prostate cancer 1967 Ragnar Granit Sweden discovered the primary physiological and chemical visual process of the eye haldan keffer hartline USA george wald USA 1968 Dr Robert W. Holley USA cracked the genetic code and explained it. Its role in the synthesis of protein Halger bin Corana Marshall Warren Nirenberg USA 1969 max The replication mechanism and genetic structure of the virus discovered in Delbruck USA Alfred Hirsch USA El Salvador Luria USA 1 970 julius axelrod discovered humoral transmission substances in nerve endings in the United States and their storage, release and inhibition mechanisms Ulf von Euler Sweden bernard katz UK 197 1 Earl Wilbur Sutherland Jr. USA discovered the mechanism of action of hormones 1 972 Gerald Edelman and the United States discovered the chemical structure of antibody rodney robert porter UK 1973 Karl von Foley Germany discovered the organization of individual and social behavior patterns and triggered Conrad Lowe. Nicholas Timbergen, an Austrian from Lenz, UK 1974 Discovered Belgian Cells in Albert Claude Christian Renede Duve, Belgium George Emile Palade USA 1975 David Baltimore USA Discovered the Interaction between Tumor Virus and Cell Genetic Material Ronato Dulbecco USA Howard Martin Temin USA 1976 Baru. G. Samuel Bloomberg discovered a new mechanism for the generation and spread of infectious diseases in the United States. Daniel Carlton Gadasek in the United States 1977 Roger Gillett in the United States discovered peptide hormones secreted by the brain. Andrew Sally in the United States Rosalyn sussman Yalow in the United States developed a radioimmunoassay for peptide hormones 1978 Werner Alber in Switzerland discovered restriction endonucleases and its application in molecular genetics. Daniel. Korea Milton Smith USA 1979 allan macleod cormack USA developed computer-aided tomography Godfrey Hausfield UK 1 980 baruj benacerraf American Discovery of Genetic Structure of Cell Surface Receptors Regulating Immune Response jean dausset French george snell USA 198 1 Roger Sperry American Discovery of Functional Division of Cerebral Hemisphere. David huber discovered the information processing of the visual system in the United States Tostain Wiesel Sweden 1982 Su En Bogestrom discovered prostaglandin and its related bioactive substances Bengt Samilsson Sweden John Fan En UK 1983 Barbara mcclintock discovered the movable genetic element in the United States 1984 Niels Kaj Jerne Denmark about the development and control specificity of the immune system. Theory and the discovery principle of monoclonal antibodies: George Kohler, Germany, César Milstein, Britain, 1985, michael brown, USA, discovery of cholesterol metabolism, Joseph Leonard Goldstein, USA, 1986, Stanley cohen, USA, rita Levi Montalcini, USA, 1987, Sus. 38+0988 Sir James W. Braque discovered the important principle of drug therapy in Britain, Gertrude Belle Elion George Hitchings USA 1989 Michael Bishop discovered the cell source of retrovirus oncogene in Harold Varmus USA 1 990 joseph murray invented organ and cell transplantation in the United States to treat human diseases, 099 1 erwin neher discovered the function of single ion channel in cells in Germany Bert Sakerman Germany 1992 Edmund Fisher discovered that reversible protein phosphorylation in the United States is a biological regulation mechanism. Edwin Krebs USA 1993 Richard Roberts discovered the broken gene philip sharpe USA 1994 alfred goodman gilman USA discovered it. G protein and its signal transduction in cells: martin rodbell, USA 1995, edward louis, USA, genetic regulation mechanism of early embryonic development: Christine Neuslin-Walhard, Germany, Eric Westjos, USA 1996, Peter Duhti, Australia, Cell-mediated immune defense: Rove Sinknaghi, Switzerland 1997, stanley prusiner, USA. Prion-a new biological principle of infection 1998 Robert Fachet discovered nitric oxide as a signal molecule of cardiovascular system in the United States, Luis Luigi Genaro in the United States, Ferry Murad in the United States 1999 in Gunter Blobel, the United States, found that protein has internal signals to control its intracellular transmission, and in 2000, Arbide Carlson and Sweden located the signal transmission in the nervous system. Rogrun Gard USA USA 200 1 Leland hartwell USA Discovered Key Regulator of Cell Cycle Tim Hunt UK Nurse Paul UK 2002 Sydney Brane UK Discovered Gene Regulation Mechanism of Organ Development and Programmed Cell Death H. Robert Horvitz USA John E. Sulston UK 2003 Paul Lauterper USA in NMR * * * Discovery of vibration imaging: Peter Mansfield, Richard Axel in Britain and the United States in 2004, linda buck and the United States in 2005, olfactory receptor and the organizational model of olfactory system, Barry Marshall and its role in gastritis and gastric ulcer in Australia, Robin Warren and Australia in 2006, Andrew Farr and the United States found RNA interference-silence caused by double-stranded RNA, Craig Melo and the United States in 2007, Mali. O Capecci discovered the principle of introducing specific gene modification by embryonic stem cells in the United States Martin Evans, oliver smith, Britain, and Hausen of the United States In 2008, Harald Zul discovered human papillomavirus (HPV) which caused cervical cancer in Germany, and Fran? oise Barr-Sinosi discovered human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and HIV in France. Luc Montagni, France, Elizabeth Blackburn, Australia discovered how telomeres and telomerase protect chromosomes in 2009. carol greider, the United States, Jack Szostak, Britain, 20 10 Robert Jeffrey Edwards, steinman, Britain and the United States discovered dendritic cells and their role in acquired immunity. john gordon and Britain discovered that mature cells can be rewritten into multifunctional cells. Nuclear reprogramming technology shinya yamanaka Japan 20 13 Discovery of cell vesicle transport and regulation mechanism in James E. Rothman and the United States Randy-W. Schekman in the United States Thomas-C. Sudhoff in Germany 20 1 4 John O'Keefe The cells that make up the brain localization system were discovered in Britain. May Brett Mosor, Norway, Edvard Moser, Norway, 20 15 The treatment of filariasis was found in William C. Campbell and Ireland. New treatment of parasites Satoshi Omura Japan Tu Youyou China discovered new treatment of malaria 20 16 yoshinori ohsumi Japan discovered autophagy mechanism 20 17 Jeffrey Hall USA discovered molecular mechanism controlling circadian rhythm Michael Rosbash USA Michael Young USA 20 18 James Ellison USA discovered the contribution of negative immune regulation in cancer treatment Tasuku Honjo Japan 20654. 38+09 William discovers how cells perceive and adapt to oxygen supply in the United States Peter ratcliffe British Greg Semenza American Load More China Medical Scientists Award Winner Liang: Academician of China Academy of Sciences, researcher of Pharmacology Institute of China Academy of Medical Sciences, In China, the structure of organic compounds was studied by nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry and other physical means for the first time. Hou Yunde, the winner of the second session (1996), is an academician of China Academy of Engineering, an expert in medical virology, and the director of the laboratory of the Institute of Viral Disease Prevention and Control of China Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Outstanding achievements have been made in the research and development of gene drugs and the control of emerging infectious diseases, which have made important contributions to the industrialization of medical molecular virology, genetic engineering and biotechnology and the control of infectious diseases in China. Tang Zhaoyou: tumor surgeon, founder of small liver cancer research, academician of China Academy of Engineering, director of the Institute of Liver Cancer of Fudan University. Mainly engaged in clinical diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer and basic research, and has done a lot of work in clinical diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer and related basic research. The third winner (199865438+February) Wu Yingkai: Academician of China Academy of Sciences, famous expert, professor of thoracic and cardiac surgery. China successfully performed esophageal cancer surgery for the first time; He has unique views on the pathology, pathogenic factors, prevention and treatment of esophageal cancer; Created the cause of thoracic surgery in China; The first specialized chest hospital in China was established. Qiu Fazu, the winner of the fourth session (65438+February 2000), is known as "the father of surgery in China", as the main pioneer of modern general surgery in China, one of the main founders of hepatobiliary surgery and organ transplantation surgery, the pioneer of surgical treatment of advanced schistosomiasis, and a senior academician of China Academy of Sciences. Its knife method is famous for its accuracy, and it is called "Qiu's knife method" by the medical community. Partthree 1 Tu Youyou, one of the top ten life sciences leaders in China, is the chief scientist of Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has been engaged in the research of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine for many years and won the Lasker Clinical Medical Research Award. Her outstanding contribution to the creation of new antimalarial drugs artemisinin and dihydroartemisinin has saved millions of lives in the world, especially in developing countries. Bian Xiao thinks she is the greatest life scientist in China. Tan, the founder of modern gene science in China, has been engaged in gene research and teaching for more than 70 years and published more than 65,438,000 academic papers, which is known as "Morgan of China". The "mosaic dominance" found in the spotted inheritance of ladybugs is considered to be an important supplement to the development of classical genetics and a key point of modern comprehensive evolution theory. Founder of biophysics in China and one of the founders of cytology and embryology in China. Its main research includes animal individual development, cell constant, regeneration, intermediate generation, sexual transformation, chromosome structure, cell reconstruction, insect endocrine gland, crustacean eye stalk hormone, etc., among which the study of cell reconstruction is the most prominent. Ba Denian, one of the most famous experts in the field of life sciences in China, was at the leading level at home and abroad in the early 1980s because of his many achievements in immunology research, and became one of the academic leaders in tumor biotherapy in China. Long-term commitment to tumor immunity research, published more than 2000 papers included in SCI. Muming Poo, a leading figure in life science in China, is mainly engaged in the research of cell membrane biophysics, axonal guidance mechanism, the relationship between neurotrophic factors and synaptic plasticity, synaptic plasticity mechanism, neural circuit function and so on. He promoted the development of neurophysiology and computational neuroscience and won the 20 16 Gruber Neuroscience Award. More China life science leaders China Top Ten Female Biomedicals Partfour 1 Li Lanjuan China outstanding female biomedical scientist, China artificial liver pioneer, national key infectious disease discipline leader, she is good at the diagnosis and treatment of various hepatitis, infectious diseases, emerging infectious diseases, created a unique and effective Lee's artificial liver support system to treat severe hepatitis, and revealed the secrets of intestinal flora and cirrhosis from the genetic point of view for the first time. Yuan is a tenured professor in the Department of Cell Biology at Harvard Medical School. She is mainly engaged in the research on the mechanism of cell death. She is one of the pioneers in the field of cell death research in the world and the first discoverer of cell death gene in the world, which has laid the research foundation in the field of cell apoptosis research in the world. With the rank of Major General Chen Wei, he has long been committed to the research of new vaccines and therapeutic drugs for highly pathogenic microorganisms, and is a leading biomedical scientist in China. Selected as "CCTV20 15 Science and Technology Innovation Person of the Year". As of May, 20 19, Chen Wei has published SCI papers in NatureNanotechnology and other journals, with the highest impact factor of 53.2. Zhuang Xiaowei's main research work is to develop and use single molecule biology and biological imaging technology and ultra-high resolution biological imaging technology to study biomolecules and their molecular assembly process in vitro and living cells, setting a new record for the youngest Chinese academician in the American Academy of Sciences. The Life Science Breakthrough Award won the 20 18 Science Breakthrough Award. Yang Luhan, the head of the xenotransplantation project, led the research team to use CRISPR-Cas9 "gene scissors" technology at Harvard and eGenesis to knock out the possible pathogenic genes in the pig genome. 20 14 the first female biomedical scientist named by Forbes magazine as one of the 30 leading figures under the age of 30 in the field of scientific medicine. China's more outstanding female biomedical scientist Partfive 1 The world's top ten most influential life scientists, charles robert darwin MacGuBian Xiao, thinks that Darwin is the top life scientist in history, and his theory of biological evolution is the largest unified theory of biology, which has profoundly changed people's views on the biological world and the status of human beings in the biological world. As the founder of evolution, no biologist can reach his historical height. Gregor Mendel is one of the top life scientists in the world, the founder of genetics, and known as the father of modern genetics. Among the three basic theories of modern genetics, Mendel discovered separation phenomenon and the law of free combination, revealing the basic laws of biological genetic mystery. James dewey watson is a world-famous life scientist and one of the leading figures in molecular biology in the 20th century. His discovery of DNA double helix structure is one of the most important scientific discoveries in the 20th century, and it is another epoch-making discovery after Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, which indicates that biological research has entered the molecular level. One of the most outstanding life scientists in francis crick, his most important achievement is that 1953 and james watson discovered the double helix structure of DNA in Cavendish laboratory of Cambridge University. 1958, he put forward the central rule, which concisely and vividly expounded the transmission mode of genetic information, and it has become one of the most important and basic rules in modern biology. Thomas Hunt Morgan devoted his life to embryology and genetics, founded the "gene theory" of modern genetics on the basis of Mendel's law, completed the third most difficult and complicated genetic law in modern genetics, built a genetic bridge between embryology and evolution, promoted the development of cytology, and laid the foundation for realizing new comprehensive biology. See more recommended reading Partsix0 1 Find a doctor by department. It is inevitable for everyone to see a doctor at the famous doctor's ceremony in China. There are famous doctors and experts specializing in related intractable diseases in all departments. The patients are all ...

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