How should I fill in the deviation form in the technical specifications?

Positive deviation means that the quality, quantity and delivery period of the bidder's bid are significantly higher than the requirements of the bidding documents.

Negative deviation means that the quality, quantity and delivery period of the bidder's bid are obviously unable to meet the requirements of the bidding documents.

No deviation refers to the quality, quantity and delivery of the bidder's bid is clearly equal to the requirements of the tender documents.

Deviation means that the content of the bidder's bid is higher or lower than the relevant requirements of the bidding documents, and bidding documents with significant negative deviation from the bidding documents will be rejected.

Expanded information:

1, the commercial terms of the table of deviations: Because the first part of the bidding document The contents of the first part of the tender documents are generally standard commercial document format, so the focus is to review the changes listed in the "tender information sheet" and "contract terms information sheet", which "tender information sheet" in the important The important items in the "Tender Information Form" are: the requirements of the quotation method and related costs; performance requirements; and the number of years after acceptance of the goods need spare parts.

The evaluation of all the considerations (delivery time, payment requirements, spare parts prices, after-sales service, etc.); "contract terms and conditions of the information sheet" concerned about the terms of the performance bond requirements, destination, accompanying services, spare parts, warranty period, maintenance and response time and payment terms (some of which will be explained in the technical requirements) ).

Differences from the above terms should be noted in the commercial deviation table, such as delivery and payment time. Advantages of the bidder should also be emphasized here, such as maintenance points and bonded warehouses. Depending on the different requirements of the bidding documents, the deviation of the commercial terms may directly cause the abolition of the bid, and may also lead to the adjustment of the evaluation price, so it is better to have no deviation, and should try to meet all the requirements of the bidding documents.

2. Technical specifications deviation table: the intent of the technical specifications deviation table is to list the provisions that do not conform to the requirements of the bidding documents, but it is recommended that the use of this table for all technical indicators. If there is a deviation from the requirements of the technical specifications of the bidding documents, fill in, if the technical specifications and the requirements of the bidding documents can not fill in the same.

Your technical specifications and the tender documents stipulated in the good (a simple example: the tender documents need desktop 18 'monitor, and you provide a 22' LCD monitor,) you can be in the deviation of that one fill in the positive deviation. But it must be written clearly your positive deviation in which aspect. Conversely, some of your technical requirements do not meet the requirements of the tender documents, fill in the negative deviation.

If the tender evaluation method is a comprehensive bid evaluation method, your positive deviation will get the corresponding points. Rigorous and complete technical part of the tender documents should include:

(1) technical specifications response, that is, against the technical specifications of the tender documents, item by item to explain the responsiveness, including the responsiveness of the relevant service requirements (such as willing to be placed in the business part can be, but can not be omitted);

(2) the scope of supply, referring to the goods of the constituent parts and the price of the components (separate form of an attachment to the description of the form can be, or not point out the price);

(2) the scope of supply, refers to the component parts and price of goods. Or not point out the price as needed);

(3) description of the goods, that is, the bidder's own way, custom and format of the product in detail, highlighting the features and advantages;

(4) product printing sample information.

Technical specifications response notes: the first part of the bidding document entry number and required specifications, the second part of the technical specifications of the bidding product, the third part of the relevant instructions. The second part of the content should be based on the performance of the requirements of the use of detailed numerical and textual descriptions, generally do not simply answer "meet / meet".

The third part if the response to the requirements, you can fill in the "meet, comply with, respond to", such as higher than the requirements, should fill in the "more than, better than the tender specifications", and in the notes to emphasize the superiority of this performance or deviations to make a reasonable explanation. explanation for the deviation.

Description of the column should be fully utilized, and the standard configuration or and sample information inconsistent with the place to make a statement, so that bidders can understand, and to avoid being considered inconsistent, there is a suspicion of false bidding.


Baidu Encyclopedia-Technical Deviation Table