White in the red Kang Enwei have this spot removal products, I bought the morning and evening cream, and online check the box is not the same, will it be fake!

The way to get rid of spots:

1) banana mask:

The banana peeled and mashed into a paste after the face, 15-20 minutes after the wash, long-term adherence to the face can make the skin tender, fresh, especially for dry or sensitive skin facial beauty, once a week, can be softened keratinization of the white skin.

2) spot face palm press method:

The palms of the two hands relative friction, until the palm of the hot, and immediately press the palm to the spot face, circle massage, gentle, aimed at the loose pigmentation dispersion, conducive to rapid absorption.

3) Poria cocos powder:

Poria cocos is used externally to remove spots, use Poria cocos to research into fine powder, take the appropriate amount of milk into a paste in the spot, half an hour to wash off. It can effectively inhibit the formation of chloasma and improve it.

4) loofah honey spot method:

Loofah has a very strong skin effect, and honey also has the same magical skin effect, the combination of loofah and honey, is a very good spot beauty recipe. The method of production is very simple, the beauty can be cut into small pieces of loofah, and then dry, and then after the drying of the loofah block grinding to powder, mixing with water, mixing, and then add honey for mixing, mixing into the mud, and then clean the facial skin, the mixture of loofah and honey on the face, twenty minutes later, and then clean with water. Beauty can adhere to every week with this way to care for the skin, adhere to a period of time, you will find that the face of the spots have significantly reduced.

5) idle apricot:

Idle apricot peeled, slippery surface, light powder equal parts, research powder steam a few moments across the water, take out and add a little bit of lobster brain and musk, and then mix and become a paste of egg white, get up every morning after washing the face, with the drug coated, after a few months, the face will become smooth and red, delicate as the peach blossom of spring.

6) Lemon rock candy juice:

Lemon juice, add rock candy to drink. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, 100 grams of lemon juice containing vitamin C can be up to 50 mg. In addition, it also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron and B vitamins. Drinking lemon juice, not only can white skin, prevent skin vascular aging, effectively remove spots, but also has the role of prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. But you must pay attention: lemon must be peeled, because the lemon peel is easy to make the skin precipitate melanin.
