Grounding protection for the power grid in the significance of where?
The role of the grounding of the total step can be divided into two: the protection of personnel and equipment from damage called protective grounding; to ensure the normal operation of the equipment is called the work of the grounding. 1, protective grounding: (1) lightning protection is to prevent lightning strikes; (2) chassis safety grounding is the system is usually not charged metal parts (cabinet shell, console shell, etc.) and the ground to form a good conductive connection to protect the equipment and personal safety. Protection of equipment and personal safety. Protective grounding can also prevent the accumulation of static electricity. 2, work grounding: work grounding is in order to make the system as well as the instrumentation connected to it can operate reliably and ensure that the measurement and control accuracy and set the ground. It is divided into machine logic ground, signal circuit grounding, shielding ground, in petrochemical and other explosion-proof systems and intrinsically safe grounding. The introduction of grounding technology was initially introduced to prevent electrical or electronic equipment such as lightning and take protective measures, the purpose is to generate lightning lightning current through the lightning rod into the earth, thus playing a role in protecting the building. At the same time, grounding is also an effective means of protecting personal safety, when some cause caused by the phase line (such as poor insulation of wires, line aging, etc.) and the equipment shell touch, the shell of the equipment will have a dangerous voltage, the resulting current will be generated by the protection of the ground to the earth, thus playing a role in personal safety protection. ? ?