1 Requirements
Write? a fixed red envelope + random red envelope
Fixed red envelope is each red envelope? The amount of each red packet is the same as the amount of each red packet. The number of fixed red envelopes is as many as there are? The amount is the same as the number of fixed red envelopes.
The need for random red packets is. If the total red envelope? amount of 5 dollars, need to send 10 red envelopes. Random range is 0.01 to 0.99; 5 yuan must be sent out, ? The amount needs to be normally distributed with a ? normal distribution with a definite trend.
(0.99 can be specified arbitrarily, can also be avg * 2 - 0.01;? e.g. avg = 5 / 10 = 0.5; (avg * 2 - 0.01 = 0.99))
2 Requirements Analysis
2.1 Fixed Bonus Packets
If it is a fixed bonus packet, the algorithm is ? A straight line. t is the amount of the fixed bonus. As in the figure.
f(x) = t;(1 <= x <= num)
2.2 Random Red Envelope
If we make ? random function rand. rand(0.01,0.99); then 10 times randomly, if the worst case are ? amount 0.99, the total ? amount is $9.9. It will be more than $5. The amount would also not be normally distributed. Finally, I've been thinking about how to use the math function as a randomizer. I thought about using a mathematical function as a random red packet generator, which could be used to generate a random red packet. You can use a parabola, a triple function, and a randomizer. Parabolas, trigonometric functions. The parabola, the trigonometric function. Finally, the isosceles triple function was chosen. Linear function.
1 Principle of the algorithm
If you need to send a red envelope total? Amount is totalMoney, the number of red envelopes is num,? The range of the amount is [min,max], linear? The program is shown in the figure.
Coordinates of the three points:
(x1,y1) = (1,min)
(x2,y2) = (num/2,max)
(x3,y3) = (num,min)
Determined linear? Program:
$y = 1.0 * ($x - $x1) / ($x2 - $x1) * ($y2 - $y1) + $y1 ; (x1 <= x <= x2)
$y = 1.0 * ($x - $x2) / ($x3 - $x2) * ($y3 - $y2) + $y2; (x2 <= x <= x3)
Fix the data:
y(Hop) = y1 + y2 + y3 + ...... ynum;
y(together) has the possibility > totalMoney , indicating ? into? amount more, need to fix the data, then from (y1,y2,y3 .... .ynum) these each time to reduce 0.01. Until y(together) = totalMoney.
y(together) has the possibility < totalMoney , that means ? The amount is less than the total amount. amount is less, need to fix the data, then from (y1,y2,y3.... .ynum) these each time plus 0.01. until y (together) = totalMoney.
2 Sample Algorithm Principles
If you need to send a red packet with a total amount of 11,470, the red packet will be sent to the person who has the right to send the red packet to the person who has the right to send the red packet. amount is 11470, the number of red envelopes is 7400, the ? The range of the amount is [0.01,3.09], the linear? The program is shown in the figure.
3 Requirements Design
3.1 Class Diagram Design
3.2 Source Code Design
* Random Red Envelope+Fixed Red Envelope Algorithm [Strategy Mode]
// Configuration Transmission Data DTO
class OptionDTO
// Total Red Packet? Amount
public $totalMoney;
// Number of red packets
public $num;
// Range start
public $rangeStart;
// Range settlement
public $rangeEnd ;
//? Randomized Red Packet Residuals
public $builderStrategy;
/// Randomized Red Packet Residuals
public $randFormatType; //Can_Left: don't fix the data, there can be residuals; No_Left: can't have residualspublic static function create($totalMoney,$num,$rangeStart,$rangEnd, $builderStrategy,$randFormatType = 'No_Left')
$self = new self();
$self->num = $num;
$self->rangeStart = $rangeStart;
$self->rangeEnd = $rangEnd;
$self->totalMoney = $ totalMoney;
$self->builderStrategy = $builderStrategy;
$self->randFormatType = $randFormatType;
return $self; p>
// Red Packet? The generator picks up?
interface IBuilderStrategy
//Creating a Red Packet
public function create();
//Setting the configuration
public function setOption( OptionDTO $option);
// Is it possible? into a red packet
public function isCanBuilder();
//? into a red packet function
public function fx($x);
// Fixed EqualPackageStrategy
class EqualPackageStrategy implements IBuilderStrategy {
// Individual Red Packets ? Amount
public $oneMoney;
public $num;
public function __construct($option = null)
if($option instanceof OptionDTO)
public function setOption(OptionDTO $option) p>
$this->oneMoney = $option->rangeStart;
$this->num = $option->num;
public function create()< /p>
$data = array();
if(false == $this->isCanBuilder())
return $data;
$data = array();
$this->num = $option->num;
public function create()<)
if(false == is_int($this->num) || $this->num <= 0) {
return $data;
for($i = 1;$i <= $this->num;$i++)
$data[$i] = $this->fx($i);
return $data;
*The equal bonus? program is? a straight line
* @param mixed $x
* @access public
* @return void
public function fx($x)
return $ this->oneMoney;
* Whether or not the red envelope can be fixed
* @access public
* @return void
public function isCanBuilder()
if(false == is_int($this->num) || $this->num <= 0)
return false;
if( false == is_numeric($this->oneMoney) || $this->oneMoney <= 0)
return false;
// Individual bonus? less than 1 cent
if($this->oneMoney < 0.01)
return false;
return true;
// Randomized red packet strategy (three? Shape)
class RandTrianglePackageStrategy implements IBuilderStrategy
public $totalMoney;
//Quantity of red packets
public $num;
// Random red packet most? value
public $minMoney;
/// Random red packet most? value
public $maxMoney;
// Fix data? Format: NO_LEFT: red packet total = budget total; CAN_LEFT: red packet total <= budget total public $formatType;
//Budget remaining? Amount
public $leftMoney;
public function __construct($option = null)
if($option instanceof OptionDTO)
public function setOption(OptionDTO $option) {
$this->totalMoney = $option ->totalMoney;
$this->num = $option->num;
$this->formatType = $option->randFormatType; $this->minMoney = $ option->rangeStart;
$this->maxMoney = $option->rangeEnd;
$this->leftMoney = $this->totalMoney;
< p>/*** Create a random red packet
* @access public
* @return void
public function create()
$data = array();
if(false == $this->isCanBuilder())
return $data;
$leftMoney = $this->leftMoney;
for($i = 1;$i <= $this->num;$i++)
$data[$i] = $this->fx($i);
$leftMoney = $leftMoney - $data[$i];
list($okLeftMoney,$okData) = $this->format($leftMoney,$data);
/ Randomize sort
$this-> leftMoney = $okLeftMoney;
return $okData;
* Whether or not it is possible to send out random red envelopes
* @access public
* @return void
*/ p>
public function isCanBuilder()
if(false == is_int($this->num) || $this->num <= 0)
return false; p>
if(false == is_numeric($this->totalMoney) || $this->totalMoney <= 0) {
return false;
$avgMoney = $this->totalMoney / 1.0 / $this->num;
if($avgMoney < $this->minMoney )
return false;
return true;
* Get remaining ? Amount
* @access public
public function getLeftMoney()
return $this->leftMoney;
* Random bonus? into a function. Three? function. [(1,0.01),($num/2,$avgMoney),($num,0.01)] * @param mixed $x,1 <= $x <= $this->num;
* @access public
* @return void
public function fx($x)
if(false == $this->isCanBuilder())
return 0;
if($x < 1 || $ x > $this->num)
return 0;
$x1 = 1;
$y1 = $this->minMoney;
//middle point$x2 = ceil($this-> ;num / 1.0 / 2);
//my peak
$y2 = $this->maxMoney;
//final point
$x3 = $this->num;
$y3 = $this->minMoney;
// //When x1,x2,x3 are all 1's (vertical lines)
if($x1 == $x2 && $x2 == $x3)
// '/_\' three? shape of the linear? program
//'/' part
if($x1 ! = $x2 && $x >= $x1 && $x <= $x2)
, $y = 1.0 * ($x - $x1) / ($x2 - $x1) * ($y2 - $y1) + $y1; return number_format($y, 2, '.' , '');
//'\' shape
if($x2 ! = $x3 && $x >= $x2 && $x <= $x3)
$y = 1.0 * ($x - $x2) / ($x3 - $x2) * ($y3 - $y2) + $y2; return number_format($y, 2, '.'. , '');
return 0;
* Formatting Red Packet Fixing Data
* @param mixed $leftMoney
* @param array $data
* @access public
* @return void
private function format($leftMoney,array $data)
// Can't send a random red packet
if( false == $this->isCanBuilder())
return array($leftMoney,$data);
// Red envelope remainder is 0
if(0 == $leftMoney) //? Need to fix data
return array($leftMoney,$data);
// Array is empty
if(count($data) < 1)
return array($leftMoney,$ data);
//If it's Can_Left and $leftMoney > 0
if('Can_Left' == $this->formatType
&& $leftMoney > 0)
// If there is still money left, try adding to ? one. while($leftMoney > 0)
$found = 0;
foreach($data as $key => $val)
// Reduce loop optimization
if($leftMoney < ;= 0)
$afterLeftMoney = (double)$leftMoney - 0.01;
$afterVal = (double)$val + 0.01;
if( $afterLeftMoney >= 0 && $afterVal <= $this->maxMoney)
$found = 1;
$data[$key] = number_format($ afterVal,2,'.' If the red envelopes have all been the most? value. This is when a flag must be given at the time of splitting to prevent ? dead loop. if($found == 0)
//// If $leftMoney < 0 , it means that ? is over budget and needs to be reduced by a portion of the red envelope?
while($leftMoney < 0)
$found = 0;
foreach($data as $key => $val)
If($leftMoney >= 0)
If($leftMoney >= 0)
< p>{break;
$afterLeftMoney = (double)$leftMoney + 0.01;
$afterVal = (double)$val - 0.01;
if( $ afterLeftMoney <= 0 && $afterVal >= $this->minMoney)
$found = 1;
$data[$key] = number_format($afterVal, 2,'.' ,'');
$leftMoney = $afterLeftMoney;
$leftMoney = number_format($leftMoney,2,'. ,'');
// If ? None of the decreasing reds need to end, otherwise dead loop
if($found == 0)
return array($leftMoney,$data);
/Maintaining the Environment class for the strategy
class RedPackageBuilder
// Instance
protected static $_instance = null;
* Singleton instance(get ? instance)
* @return MemcacheOperate
public static function getInstance()
if (null === self::$_ instance)
self::$_instance = new self();
return self::$_instance;
* The get strategy makes ? Reflection
* @param string $type type
* @return void
public function getBuilderStrategy($type) {
$class = $ type.'PackageStrategy';
return new $class();
throw new Exception ("{$class} class does not exist!") )
public function getRedPackageByDTO(OptionDTO $optionDTO)
// Get Strategy
$builderStrategy = $this-& gt;getBuilderStrategy($optionDTO->builderStrategy); //set parameters
return $ builderStrategy->create();
class Client
public static function main($argv)
$dto = OptionDTO::create(1000,10,100,100,'Equal');
$data = RedPackageBuilder::getInstance()->getRedPackageByDTO($dto);
// Random RedPackage [fix data]
$dto = OptionDTO::create(5,10,0.01,0.99,'RandTriangle');
$data = RedPackageBuilder::getInstance()->getRedPackageByDTO($dto); print_r($data);
// Random RedPackage [no data fix]
$dto = OptionDTO::create(5,10 ,0.01,0.99,'RandTriangle','Can_Left');
$data = RedPackageBuilder::getInstance()->getRedPackageByDTO($dto);
//print_r( $data);
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WeChat Random Numbers Wechat random number of red envelopes and algorithmic code
WeChat random numbers wechat random numbers wechat red envelope Detailed explanation and algorithm code
1 Requirements
Write? A fixed red packet + a random red packet
A fixed red packet is each red packet? The amount of each red packet is the same as the amount of each red packet. The number of fixed red envelopes is as many as there are? The amount is the same as the number of fixed red envelopes.
The need for random red packets is. If the total red envelope? amount of 5 dollars, need to send 10 red envelopes. Random range is 0.01 to 0.99; 5 yuan must be sent out, ? The amount needs to be normally distributed with a ? normal distribution with a definite trend.
(0.99 can be specified arbitrarily, can also be avg * 2 - 0.01;? e.g. avg = 5 / 10 = 0.5; (avg * 2 - 0.01 = 0.99))
Page 1
2 Requirements Analysis
2.1 Fixed Bonus Packets
If it is a fixed bonus packet, the algorithm is ? A straight line. t is the amount of fixed bonus. As in the figure.
f(x) = t;(1 <= x <= num)
2.2 Random Red Envelope
If we make ? random function rand. rand(0.01,0.99); then 10 times randomly, if the worst case are ? amount 0.99, the total ? amount is $9.9. It will be more than $5. The amount would also not be normally distributed. Finally, I've been thinking about how to use the math function as a randomizer. I thought about using a mathematical function as a random red packet generator, which could be used to generate a random red packet. You can use a math function as a randomizer. Parabolas, trigonometric functions. The parabola, the trigonometric function. The final choice was the isosceles triple? Linear function.
Page 2
1 Principle of the algorithm
If you need to send red envelopes total? Amount is totalMoney, the number of red envelopes is num, ? The range of the amount is [min,max], the linear? The program is shown in the figure.
Coordinates of the three points:
(x1,y1) = (1,min)
(x2,y2) = (num/2,max)
(x3,y3) = (num,min)
Determined linear? Program:
$y = 1.0 * ($x - $x1) / ($x2 - $x1) * ($y2 - $y1) + $y1 ; (x1 <= x <= x2)
Page 3
$y = 1.0 * ($x - $x2) / ($x3 - $x2) * ($y3 - $y2) + $y2; (x2 <. = x < = x3)
Fixing the data:
y(Hop) = y1 + y2 + y3 + ...... ynum;
y(combined) has the possibility > totalMoney , indicating ? into? amount more, need to fix the data, then from (y1,y2,y3 .... .ynum) these each time to reduce 0.01. Until y(together) = totalMoney.
y(together) has the possibility < totalMoney , that means ? The amount is less than the total amount. amount is less, need to fix the data, then from (y1,y2,y3.... . ynum) these each time plus 0.01. Until y (together) = totalMoney.
Page 4
2 Sample Algorithmic Principles
If you need to send a red packet with a total amount of 11,470, the red packet will be sent to a person who is not a member of the family, and the amount of the red packet is 11,470. amount is 11470, the number of red envelopes is 7400, the ? Amount range is [0.01,3.09], linear? The program is shown in the figure.
3 Requirements Design
3.1 Class Diagram Design
3.2 Source Code Design
* Random Red Envelope+Fixed Red Envelope Algorithm [Strategy Mode]
Page 5
//Configure the transmission data DTO
class OptionDTO
///Total red packet? Amount
public $totalMoney;
// Number of red packets
public $num;
// Range start
public $rangeStart;
Page 6
// Range settlement
public $rangeEnd;
//? into bonus strategy
public $builderStrategy;
/// Random bonus remainder rules
public $randFormatType; //Can_Left: no data fixing, there can be a remainder; No_Left: there can be no remainder public static function create($totalMoney,$num,$rangeStart,$rangEnd, $builderStrategy,$randFormatType = 'No_Left')
Page 7
$self = new self();
$self->num = $num;
$self->rangeStart = $rangeStart;
$self->rangeEnd = $rangEnd;
$self->. totalMoney = $totalMoney;
$self->builderStrategy = $builderStrategy;
$self->randFormatType = $randFormatType;
return $self;
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