Kneeling Sany pumping after-sales service engineer future

Now Sany after-sales recruitment is mainly undergraduate students, to two, three colleges and universities, and part of the specialist students, mainly from the Trinity College of Technology. After-sales service is a technical route, the so-called promotion is a technical level up to the examination, Sany has its own technical level examination, from the primary to the chief, divided into a number of levels, different levels correspond to different treatment.

Now the domestic after-sales this, is indeed packaged to the dealer, but the dealer is not necessarily worse than the company's treatment of the headquarters, may be around the salary and management system is slightly different.

Now it is difficult to assign to work in provincial cities, because the headquarters of the branch are in provincial cities, well-staffed, and the shortage of people is precisely some prefecture-level cities, or larger counties.

Some of the systems are fixed by the company, such as the basic salary according to the level, the level corresponding to the relevant welfare benefits, accessories, an average of 3% commission, etc. Some of them, such as the year-end bonus, reimbursement of the amount of money, and so on. Some issues like year-end bonuses, reimbursements, etc. may vary from place to place.