Malaysia's healthcare system and medical benefits for second homes?

<< Malaysia's healthcare system follows the system that was established 50 years ago when it was a British colonial power, so the standard of medical care and medical facilities are very complete. The national medical benefits are also very high. When I was in Damascus, I heard that it was for nationals of Damascus who could see a doctor all year round for 1 dollar a year. But now that the standard of living in Malaysia has improved, there are more and more rich people, especially Chinese. Many people also do not want to go to the kind of national hospitals where there are a lot of people and the doctors are very busy and the equipment is not updated in time. Therefore, in the past few years, private hospitals have developed rapidly. Private hospitals are very good in terms of medical level, medical equipment and service attitude. In order to drive the overall medical protection from this aspect, the state allows nationals to acquire this high level of medical treatment by means of purchasing insurance. Nowadays, the applicants of the second home also belong to this group of people, and they enjoy a high level of medical treatment through the purchase of medical insurance. The state also appropriately subsidizes this part. >>