What can be used for pig farm disinfection to give the best results?

1, personnel disinfection - the key control point.

(1) body surface disinfection

All personnel who need to enter the farm (guests, staff, etc.) must take a special disinfection channel. In the gate personnel entrance and exit channel should be set up vapor spray disinfection device, in the personnel to enter the channel before the vapor spray, so that the channel

filled with disinfectant vapor mist, the personnel entered the whole body adhering to a thin layer of disinfectant aerosol, can effectively block the outsiders carry a variety of pathogenic microorganisms. Available iodic acid disinfectant solution 1:500 dilution or Pertussis 1:800 dilution, pig farms are always prepared three disinfectants 1-2 months rotation.

(2) sole disinfection

Personnel access to the ground should be made into a shallow pool type, the pool padded with flexible outdoor-type plastic carpet, and add iodic acid disinfectant 1:500 dilution or glutaraldehyde disinfectant 1:300 dilution, add the right amount of every day, and once a week to replace. The two disinfectants are interchanged once in 1-2 months.

(3) hand disinfection:

Can be used in the Biotoxin disinfectant solution 1:300 dilution (i.e., per liter of water to add the bacterial enemy of 3 ml) can be coated with hand, without the need to rinse with water.

2, the gate disinfection pool - an important control point for foreign sources of disease

The length of the disinfection pool for the entry and exit of the vehicle wheels more than 2 circumference, disinfection pool is best to build a roof, to prevent sun and rain; and should be set up to spray disinfection device. Available iodic acid disinfectant 1:800 dilution or glutaraldehyde disinfectant 1:300 dilution, add 1-2 caps of disinfectant per day, 7 days to replace once, 1-2 months to swap once.

3, vehicles (including buses, feed trucks, pig trucks, etc.) All vehicles entering the farm (non-production area, or production area) disinfection must be strictly disinfected, especially the vehicle's fenders and chassis must be fully sprayed through the cab must be strictly disinfected. Available iodic acid disinfectant solution 1:800 dilution or Pertussis disinfectant solution 1:300 dilution, added every day, 7 days to replace once. 1-2 months to swap once. (The same disinfectant used in the disinfection pool with the gate.) 4, office and living area environmental disinfection under normal circumstances, the office, dormitory, kitchen, refrigerator, etc. must be disinfected once a week, the bathroom, cafeteria restaurant, etc. must be disinfected twice a week. Outbreak period must be 1-2 times a day. The available chlorothalonil disinfection night 1:1000 dilution or glutaraldehyde 1:1200 dilution, 1-2 months interchangeably.

(2) production area disinfection

Employees and visitors into the production area must be changed and disinfected bath, or change the disposable work clothes, change rubber shoes through the foot disinfection pool (disinfection bucket) before entering the production area.

1, dressing and bathing

Spray disinfection room, the available chlorpyrifos disinfectant 1:1800 dilution or glutaraldehyde 1:1200 dilution, add the right amount every day, once a week to replace the 1-2 months of interchangeable.

2, foot disinfection pool (disinfection bucket):

Staff should wear rubber shoes or other special shoes in the production area, and enter the production area through the foot disinfection pool (disinfection bucket). Available iodic acid disinfectant 1:800 dilution or chlorothalonil 1:300 dilution, add the right amount every day, change once a week, the two kinds of disinfectants 1-2 months interchangeable.

3, the entrance to the production area disinfection pool

Can be used in Chlorpyrifos disinfectant solution 1:800 dilution or iodic acid disinfectant solution 1:300 dilution, add the appropriate amount every day, once a week to replace the two kinds of disinfectant once in 1-2 months to exchange.

4, the production area roads, open space, sports fields, etc.

Should do a good job of environmental hygiene in the plant, often use high-pressure water cleaning, weekly iodic acid disinfectant 1:1200 disinfection of the plant environment 1-2 times.

5, sewage ditch disinfection

Regularly the sewage ditch in the dirt, debris, etc. to remove smooth and clean, and high-pressure water gun flushing, at least once a week with iodic acid disinfectant 1: 300 disinfection of mosquitoes and flies breeding inhibitory effect.

6, catching the pig channel, loading pig platform disinfection:

Conditions should be separated from the breeding platform and meat pig platform, each time before and after the use must be disinfected, in order to prevent cross-infection. Available iodic acid disinfectant 1:800 dilution or glutaraldehyde disinfectant 1:1000 dilution, 1-2 months interchangeable.

7, delivery room disinfection

(1) prenatal treatment:

Permethrin 1:200 or iodic acid 1:150 diluted as a detergent disinfectant, the whole body wiped wash and dry.

(2) post-partum protective treatment

Post-partum must be clean and disinfected, especially artificial assisted delivery, must be strictly protective treatment to ensure the health of the reproductive system of the sow sow after delivery, 24 hours or less, the first saline flush the uterus, two hours after the stagnant fetal clothing can be peeled off and discharged; and then with the Uterus Yanqing 100ml instillation of the uterus.

(3) Piglet umbilical cord cutting and heat preservation treatment

After piglet umbilical cord is cut off at birth, use towel and other towels to wipe away the fetal clothing, and then use drying powder (special heat preservation and drying powder for piglets--demoisturizing and heat preservation, disinfecting and refreshing) to thoroughly wipe and dry the umbilical cord, especially the umbilical cord area. It can make piglets dry quickly, keep body temperature and reduce energy loss; they can eat colostrum faster and more often. The umbilical cord of the piglet can be soaked in povidone iodine (for human use) again for double protection.

(4) Tail-breaking, tooth-cutting, de-trending, etc.

Tail-breaking, tooth-cutting, trending and other surgical wounds can be directly applied with povidone iodine for a few times over and over again; (5) environmental disinfection of farrowing room Place a slow-release disinfection basin in the farrowing room before farrowing, i.e., add 2-3 capfuls of iodic acid or pachyphenicol to the plastic basin, dilute it with an appropriate amount of water, and place one slow-release disinfection basin per 10-20 m2 before giving birth. -20 square meters to place a slow-release disinfection basin.

8, piglet disinfection after birth

Ten days after the birth of piglets, available iodic acid 1:500 or Chlorpyrifos 1:500 spray disinfection, summer spray disinfection can be directly on the piglets, when the temperature is low in the winter, upward spraying, the water mist (droplets) to be fine, slowly down, the piglets will not feel the cold. Once a day, the dosage is 15-30ml/square. At the same time, pigs can effectively control and improve the respiratory diseases of piglets by inhaling the fine mist of povidone iodine, which acts directly on the alveoli.

9, nursery disinfection

Nursery house into the pig the day before, on the high bed, ground, thermal insulation matting fully sprayed, can sterilize and disinfect, repel flies and mosquitoes, prevent abrasions, etc., at the same time, let the piglet nursery room with the maternity wards with the same smell, reduce the weaned piglets on the change of the environment of the stress. Dry before entering the piglets. It can be diluted with iodic acid 1:500 or Parathion 1:500 or glutaraldehyde 1:1000 at a dosage of 100ml/square meter.

10. Disinfection of the room of reserve and pregnant sows and boar room

Whether it is the living environment of reserve and pregnant sows as well as boars, the environment must be kept hygienic, dry and strictly disinfected; this can not only reduce the chances of infection of all kinds of infectious diseases, but also reduce the reproductive system infected by pathogenic microorganisms, resulting in infertility, abortion, stillbirths, low spermatozoa, dead spermatozoa, etc. The disinfection can be used to prevent the infection of the reproductive system, which can be caused by pathogenic microorganisms. It can be diluted with glutaraldehyde 1:1000, once in 3 days. In case of disease outbreak, glutaraldehyde 1:800 dilution, disinfect once a day.

When the boar is collecting semen, grabbing the penis with the hand is easy to bruise or residual semen corruption, making the penis infected. At the end of the semen collection, one hand grasps the penis first and does not let go, the other hand coated with iodic acid 1:150, slowly release the hand grasping the penis, so that it is evenly coated on the penis to protect the penis.

11, fattening pig room (medium and large) disinfection

Spray disinfection with special vaporizing spray disinfectant machine, spray droplet diameter 80-100 microns, so that the disinfectant droplets slowly drop with the air dust in full contact, kill the dust in the pathogenic microorganisms. Daily every other day disinfection,

can be iodic acid disinfectant 1: 1200 dilution or glutaraldehyde 1: 1500 dilution, twice a week; outbreaks of disease, iodic acid disinfectant 1: 800 dilution, disinfected once a day.

12, sick pigs (sick pig isolation room) disinfection

Each production area should have a separate isolation room for sick pigs, once a certain or several pigs are found abnormal, they should be isolated for observation and treatment, so as not to infect other healthy pigs.

Daily dilution with glutaraldehyde 1:800 or chlorpyrifos 1:300, if respiratory disease occurs, can be used iodic acid 1:300 vaporization spray disinfection, ten minutes and then open the window to ventilate, so that the pigs fully inhale active iodine, directly as

All alveolar, can effectively control and kill pathogenic microorganisms in the alveolus, so that respiratory diseases can be effectively controlled and slowed down. In case of intestinal diseases, such as bacterial or viral diarrhea, add iodic acid in drinking water at 0.8 kg/ton of water

and the curative effect will be exact.

13, drinking water disinfection

No matter the water quality itself or the secondary pollution, pigs drinking polluted water will cause a lot of diseases; drinking water disinfection is to kill and control the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms in drinking water. However, excessive or toxic disinfectants entering the stomach and intestines through drinking water may affect the balance of normal flora or cause health problems and affect the digestion and absorption of feed, thus daily drinking water disinfectants should pay attention to the disinfectant varieties and the proportion of adding. Quaternary amine compounds are not suitable for drinking water

Disinfection. Pig drinking water should be clean and non-toxic, free of pathogenic bacteria, in line with human drinking water standards, production should use clean tap water or deep well water. Drinking water and flushing water should be separated, on the one hand, drinking water must be disinfected, while flushing water generally does not need to be disinfected, low cost, at the same time it can be very easy to add a variety of health care and therapeutic drugs in the drinking water. Drinking water disinfection

, Thymol 1:2000 drinking water disinfection, increase the dosage when the outbreak of acute diseases (daily dosage doubled), especially the occurrence of intestinal diseases, such as viral diarrhea, etc., drinking water to 0.8

kg / ton of water added iodic acid, for three consecutive days, it can be effective in controlling the disease.

14, feeding tools, carriers, and other utensils of disinfection

Frequent access to the pig house of a variety of utensils, trolleys, such as piglet turnover box (car), etc., must be strictly disinfected. All kinds of feeding tools must be brushed and cleaned every day, rinsed with water gun, and then soaked and disinfected with 1:800 iodic acid disinfectant and 1:500 chlorothalonil scrubbing brush before use.

15, drugs, feed and other materials outside the surface (packaging)

For can not spray disinfection of drugs and feed and other materials on the surface of the use of Chlorpyrifos 1:800 times or glutaraldehyde 1:1500 fumigation disinfection of airtight: remove the packaging before the use of materials.

16, dermatitis eczema disinfection

Pigs regardless of size, the body surface bacteria, mycobacterial dermatitis, eczema, etc., can be used to iodic acid 1: 300 dilution of the body surface of the pig sprayed twice a day for more than three days; or directly with a cotton swab dipped in iodic acid solution coated with the affected area, until cured.

17, surgical (wound) disinfection

Before surgery, surgical wounds can be sterilized by applying iodic acid 1:200 directly for more than two times; veterinary staff can be sterilized by rubbing iodic acid 1:200 times diluted solution repeatedly for more than one minute; wounds or ulcers can be rinsed out with iodic acid 1:200 times diluted solution first, and then applied directly with the original solution.

18, medical equipment disinfection

Post-operative use of a variety of medical equipment, iodic acid 1:150 diluted solution can be soaked and scrubbed, and then put into the Chlorpyrifos 1:300 soak for more than half a day, remove the clean water rinse and dry standby. The same instrument to be used continuously for different pigs, such as special suppository propeller, emergency disinfection method is: first rinse with clean water, and then soaked in iodic acid 1:100 diluted solution for 2-3 minutes, can be used.

19, sick and dead pigs, live vaccine vials and other treatment and disinfection

Diseased and dead pigs are best burned in a special incinerator, but also can be buried, mixed with quicklime and caustic soda and buried deep. After each use of live vaccine empty vials should be concentrated into a plastic bucket with a lid sterilization treatment to prevent the spread of the virus, available disinfectants: iodic acid 1:100 diluted solution, chlorpyrifos 1:100 diluted solution.

Empty barn empty house terminal disinfection procedures

Generally in some kind of infectious disease subsided or after the pig house empty barn, the need for the environment and each of the pig house for the terminal disinfection, the measures are as follows:

1, cleaning

Swine manure and garbage of the high degree of contamination, but also the main source of infection, so it must be thoroughly cleaned up.

①Pig house if there are pigs, pigs should be driven out, and move out of the feed and drinking water equipment, pens partition, etc., and clean them; ② brush, knife or mechanical scraper to remove all the feces and contaminated bedding in the area disinfected and the remaining feed; ③ removal of feces and contaminated bedding can be buried, incineration or other harmless treatment.

2, cleaning

No cleaning process can not get rid of all the infectious pollutants, and therefore after cleaning to use the disinfectant with decontamination and sterilization effect of the walls and floors for cleaning and decontamination, for this purpose of 1:1500 iodic acid or 1:1500 glutaraldehyde solution, with pressure spray washing machine for spraying and washing, the amount of disinfection of about 1 liters of disinfectant per square meter of area. The dosage is approximately 1 liter of disinfectant per square meter of surface area. Rinse first from the roof of the house, and then along the walls all the way to the floor spray, while paying attention to cleaning the dead corners and dirty accumulation of places.

3, drinking water system and equipment cleaning and disinfection

All water supply systems generally have microbial contamination, especially storage tanks or pools, etc. is the dust and dirt easy to accumulate, the cleaning and disinfection of which can remove the presence of microorganisms.

①Drainage system

Drainage system in the main pipeline to unload the storage tank, and from the furthest end of the storage tank will be drained, to remove the accumulation of dirt in the storage tank, refill the water, and according to the end of the water concentration of 5-8 ppm requirements, according to the water per ton of water by adding 20-50 ml of Thytoxicidin / iodic acid to flush the drainage pipe, to maintain the drain for 30 minutes, and then re-fill with fresh water. For non-drainage systems and poor water quality, contaminated water supply

water system, can also refer to the "drainage system" treatment.

②movable equipment will be moved out of the equipment, such as feeding and drinking equipment, pig pen partitions, etc. may be contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms, the following measures can be taken to clean: soak the equipment in a pool and scrub, or 1:2000 iodic acid disinfectant spray disinfectant, will be placed in a place where the treated equipment is not contaminated.

4, disinfection

After cleaning, the degree of contamination of pathogenic microorganisms, especially viruses may still be high enough to pose a serious threat to sensitive young pigs or just introduced pigs, so it must be thoroughly disinfected to kill a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, depending on the disinfection of different objects can be used to disinfect the Wei, the whole of the security, bacteriophages, green power to eliminate, iodic acid, caustic soda, peroxide acetic acid disinfectant, etc. These disinfectants can not only kill the pathogenic microorganisms, but also can kill the bacteria.

These disinfectants can kill both bacteria and viruses, as well as bacterial germ cells,

belonging to the broad-spectrum, high-efficiency, low-toxicity (in addition to caustic soda), low-residue disinfectants.

Use 1:500 Chlorothalonil disinfectant solution or 1:300 iodic acid solution to carry out comprehensive spray disinfection and immersion disinfection of non-metallic products (utensils) (maintenance time 25-30 minutes), spray disinfection per square meter of surface (such as the ground, walls, etc.) with a prepared disinfectant solution of 300 ml.

When spraying, pay special attention to places where dirt is easily left behind, such as corners, cracks, seams and surfaces that are easy to penetrate, and the order of spraying is first the roof of the pigsty, and washed along the walls to the ground. When the cleaned surface is dry, then introduce the pigs.

5, space spray disinfection

Space (air) disinfection of the pig house is also very important for modern intensive farms, especially to reduce respiratory diseases is very effective. Use 1:1200 glutaraldehyde or 1:800 chlorothalonil for air spray disinfection, 500 ml of prepared disinfectant solution per square meter, once every 2 days at an interval, *** for 2 times.


①Carefully choose the disinfectant (it is best to choose under the guidance of experts to use).

②Disinfection procedures need to choose a responsible disinfector to implement.

③Disinfection measures should be combined with other measures to achieve good results


The so-called disinfection is to kill the pathogenic microorganisms, which constitutes the core of the epidemic prevention in the current pig farming industry. Disinfection can control the occurrence of livestock infectious diseases, is to kill or kill the pathogen, cut off the best way to spread the disease. A large number of practical results show that strict disinfection can reduce the incidence of disease on the farm to 80%. That is to say, good disinfection work can bring greater economic benefits to the farm safety production