What are the solid waste standards

Summary: What are the solid waste criteria? The Solid Waste Identification Criteria General Principles provide guidelines for the identification of solid waste based on the source of generation, guidelines for the identification of solid waste during utilization and disposal, substances not to be managed as solid waste, substances not to be managed as liquid waste, and supervisory and management requirements. Solid Waste Identification Standards Solid Waste Identification Standards General Principles of Solid Waste Standards

Solid Waste Identification Standards General Principles

1, the scope of application

This standard provides for the identification of solid waste based on the source of solid waste identification guidelines, in the process of utilization and disposal of solid waste identification guidelines, solid waste is not managed as a solid waste, not as a liquid waste management of substances, and supervision and management requirements. As well as supervision and management requirements.

This standard applies to solid waste identification of substances (or materials) and articles (including products and commodities) (hereinafter referred to as substances).

This standard applies to the identification of liquid waste.

This standard does not apply to the identification of radioactive waste.

This standard does not apply to the classification of solid waste.

For solid waste identification of substances with special solid waste identification standards, does not apply to this standard.

2, normative references

The content of this standard cites the following documents in the article. Where the cited documents are not dated, its latest version applies to this standard.

GB18599 general industrial solid waste storage, disposal site pollution control standards

3, terms and definitions

The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.

3.1 solidwastesolidwastes

is the loss of the original use of value in production, life and other activities or not lost the use of value but abandoned or abandoned solid, semi-solid and placed in containers of gaseous objects, substances, and laws and administrative regulations into the management of solid wastes, objects, substances.

3.2 solidwasteidentification solidwasteidentification refers to the activity of determining whether a substance is solid waste.

3.3 utilizationrecycle

is the activity of extracting substances from solid waste as raw materials or fuel.

3.4 treatment


is the activity of converting solid wastes to be suitable for transportation, storage, utilization and disposal through physical, chemical and biological methods.


It refers to the incineration of solid wastes and other methods of changing the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of solid wastes to reduce the amount of solid wastes generated, reduce the volume of solid wastes, reduce or eliminate the hazardous constituents of the activities, or solid wastes finally placed in a landfill site in line with the requirements of the provisions of environmental protection activities.

3.6 targetproducts targetproducts

means one or more products, including by-products, that are desired during the design, construction and operation of a process.


are substances that are produced along with the targetproducts during the production process.

4. Identification of solid waste based on the source of generation

The following substances are solid waste (except those included in Chapter 6).

4.1 Substances that have lost their original use value, including the following categories:

a) Substances generated in the production process that cannot be sold or circulated in the market or used in accordance with their original use because they do not comply with national, locally formulated or industry-prevailing product standards (norms) or because of their quality, such as defective, defective, or waste products. However, except for the substances that meet the national, local or industry standard of the product standard of medium and extra grade, and the substances that are reworked (repaired) in the production enterprise;

b) the substances that cannot be sold or circulated in the market or used according to the original purpose because of exceeding the quality guarantee period;

c) the substances that cannot be sold or circulated in the market or used according to the original purpose because of being contaminated with, adulterated with, or mixed with the unwanted or hazardous substances, and whose quality cannot meet the requirements for use.

c)Substances that cannot be sold or circulated in the market or used in accordance with their original purpose due to contamination, adulteration or mixing with unwanted or hazardous substances so that their quality cannot meet the requirements of use;

d)Substances that cannot be used in accordance with their original purpose due to the expiration of their useful life after being produced in the process of consumption or use;

e)Substances that are subject to environmentally friendly treatment such as scrapping, destruction, etc., which are investigated and confiscated by the law enforcement agencies, including (but not limited to) counterfeit and shoddy products, products that infringe intellectual property rights, drugs and other prohibited products. intellectual property rights, drugs and other prohibited products;

f) substances produced for the purpose of waste disposal, for which there is no market demand or which cannot be sold or circulated in the market;

g) substances that cannot be used in accordance with their original purpose due to damage caused by natural disasters, force majeure factors and man-made catastrophes;

h) substances that can no longer be used due to the loss of their original function;

h) substances that cannot be used due to the loss of their original function;

h) substances that cannot be used due to the loss of their original function; and

i) Substances that cannot be sold or circulated in the market or used for their original purpose for other reasons.

4.2 By-products generated in the production process, including the following types:

a) scraps, trimmings, residual substances, etc. generated in the process of processing and manufacturing of the products;

b) residual substances generated in the process of extraction, purification, electrolysis, electrowinning, purification, modification, surface treatment, and other treatments of the substances, including (but not limited to) the following substances:< /p>

1) in the ferrous metal smelting or processing of blast furnace slag, steel slag, rolled steel oxide skin, ferroalloy slag, manganese slag;

2) in the non-ferrous metal smelting or processing of copper slag, lead slag, tin slag, zinc slag, aluminum ash (slag) and other pyrometallurgical slag, as well as red mud, electrolytic anode sludge, anodized aluminum anodes, carbon residue, electrolytic accumulation of slag, acid (alkali) leaching slag, purification of Slag and other wet smelting slag;

3) in the metal surface treatment process generated by electroplating tank slag, grinding dust.

c) in the material synthesis, cracking, fractional distillation, distillation, dissolution, precipitation, and other processes of residual substances, including (but not limited to) the following substances:

1) in the process of petroleum refining waste acid, waste lye, white clay slag, oil shale slag;

2) in the process of organic chemical production of acid slag, waste mother liquor, the bottom of the distillation kettle residue, calcium carbide slag;

3) phosphogypsum, ammonia alkali white sludge, chromium slag, sulfuric iron ore slag, salt sludge produced in the process of inorganic chemical production.

d)Waste rock, tailings, coal gangue, etc. generated in the process of mining and beneficiation of metal ores, non-metallic ores and coal;

e)Drilling mud, waste fracturing fluids, oil sludge or oil sludge sands, oil feet, and oil field spills, etc., generated during the process of oil, natural gas, and geothermal mining;

f)Thermal power plant boilers, other industrial and civil boilers, industrial kilns, and other thermal or combustion facilities, fuel combustion slag and other residual substances;

g) in the process of maintenance and overhaul of facilities and equipment, from the kiln, kettle, reaction tanks, pipelines, containers, as well as other facilities and equipment cleaned out of the residual substances and damaged substances;

h) in the material crushing, pulverizing, sieving, grinding, cutting, packaging and other processing and handling processes that can not be directly as products or raw materials or as recycled dust and powder returned to the site;

i) construction waste such as newspaper waste and residual substances generated in the course of construction and operation of buildings, engineering, etc.

j) animal manure, sick animal carcasses, etc. generated in the course of livestock, poultry and aquaculture;

k) crop straws, plant branches and leaves, etc. generated during the production of agricultural Agricultural waste;

l)Laboratory waste materials such as animal carcasses generated in the course of teaching, scientific research, production, medical and other experiments;

m)By-products generated in other production processes.

4.3 Substances generated in the process of environmental treatment and pollution control, including the following types:

a) soot and dust, including coal ash, collected in the process of flue gas and waste gas purification and dust removal treatment;

b) desulfurization gypsum generated by flue gas desulfurization and waste denitrification catalyst generated by flue gas denitrification;

c) coal tar generated by coal gas purification;< /p>

d) sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid produced as a by-product of flue gas purification;

e) sludge and other waste materials produced by water purification and wastewater treatment;

f) concentrate produced by the treatment of wastewater or waste liquids (including leachate produced by landfills of solid wastes);

g) septic tank sludge, toilet feces;

h) solid wastes incinerator generated fly ash, bottom slag and other ash;

i) residual substances generated in the process of compost production;

j) plant branches and leaves generated by the cleanup of greening and landscape management;

k) floating debris and dredged sludge cleaned out of the environment of the water bodies such as rivers, ditches, lakes, waterways, bathing beaches, etc.;

l) flue gas, odorous gas and wastewater purification process generated waste activated carbon, filter membranes and other filter media;

m) contaminated soil that is disposed of or utilized in any of the following ways during the remediation and treatment of contaminated sites:

1) landfill;

2) incineration;

3) co-disposal in cement kilns;

4) production of other building materials such as bricks, tiles, and road-building materials .

n)Various types of substances produced in other environmental management and pollution remediation processes.

4.4 Others:

a) Substances whose use is prohibited by law;

b) Substances recognized as solid waste by the State Council's administrative department for environmental protection.

5. Identification of Solid Wastes during Utilization and Disposal

5.1 Under any conditions, solid wastes are still managed as solid wastes when utilized or disposed of in accordance with any of the following ways (except those included in Article 6.2):

a) directly applied to land by means of soil improvement, plot renovation, plot restoration, and other land use, or producing substances applied to land (including compost), and the production of road construction materials;

b) disposal by incineration (including incineration to obtain heat energy and incineration of refuse-derived fuels), or for the production of fuels, or contained in fuels;

c) disposal by landfill;

d) dumping or piling;

e) other disposal methods determined by the competent administrative department of the State Council in charge of environmental protection. other disposal methods.

5.2 Products produced from solid wastes that meet the following conditions at the same time are not managed as solid wastes and are managed in accordance with the corresponding products (except for those utilized or disposed of in accordance with Article 5.1):

a) conform to the product quality standards formulated nationally, locally, or prevailing in the industry for the raw materials to be substituted for the production of the products;

b) conform to the relevant national pollutant emission ( control) standards or technical specifications, including the limits of hazardous substances emitted into the environment during the production of the product and the limits of the content of hazardous substances in the product;

When there is no national pollution control standards or technical specifications, the content of hazardous components in the product is not higher than the content of hazardous components in the product produced by using the raw materials to be replaced, and in the production of the product, the concentration of hazardous substances emitted into the environment is not higher than the concentration of hazardous substances produced by using the raw materials to be replaced. The concentration of hazardous substances in the product production process is not higher than the concentration of hazardous substances emitted into the environment during the production of the product using the replaced raw materials, when there is no replaced raw materials, this condition is not taken into account;

c) there is a stable and reasonable market demand.

6. Substances not to be managed as solid waste

6.1 The following substances are not to be managed as solid waste:

a) any substance that does not require repair and processing to be used for its original purpose, or any substance that meets the product quality standards set by the state, the local government or the industry at the point of generation after repair and processing and that is used for its original purpose;

b) any substance that does not undergo repair and processing to meet the product quality standards set by the state, the local government or the industry;

Continue to be managed as solid waste. p>b) Substances that are returned directly to the original production process or to the generation process at the site without going through a storage or stockpiling process; c) Contaminated soil that is remediated and used for soil purposes;

d) Samples of solid waste for laboratory assay analysis or for scientific research.

6.2 Substances after disposal in accordance with the following are not managed as solid waste:

a) Mining waste rock, tailings and coal gangue that meet the requirements of Class I general industrial solid waste in GB18599 that are directly left in or returned to the mining area during the process of metal, non-metal ore and coal mining. However, except for bringing in other polluting substances other than mining waste rock, tailings and coal gangue;

b) substances generated in the course of engineering construction that are required to be disposed of on-site in accordance with regulatory requirements or national standards.

6.3 Substances determined by the State Council administrative department for environmental protection not to be managed as solid waste.

7. Substances not managed as liquid wastes

7.1 Wastewater and sewage that can be discharged into environmental water bodies or municipal sewage networks and treatment facilities to meet the requirements of relevant regulations and emission standards.

7.2 Wastewater and sewage that can meet the requirements of relevant regulations and emission standards for discharge into environmental water bodies or municipal sewage networks and treatment facilities after treatment by wastewater treatment processes such as physical treatment, chemical treatment, physicochemical treatment and biological treatment.

7.3 Wastewater generated after neutralization treatment of waste acids and alkalis to meet the requirements of Article 7.1 or 7.2.

8, implementation and supervision

This standard by the competent administrative department of environmental protection at or above the county level is responsible for supervision and implementation.

Q: Why develop this standard?

Solid waste is a wide variety of complex nature, solid waste identification is to determine the solid waste and non-solid waste management boundaries of the methods and means, environmental protection departments at all levels to implement the important basis for environmental management. At present, China's existing solid waste identification based on the "solid waste identification guidelines (for trial implementation)" (hereinafter referred to as "Guidelines"), the current "Guidelines" was formulated in 2006, the main contents of which include the definition of solid waste, the scope of solid waste and non-solid waste identification, etc., on the identification of solid waste in China and the management of an important role, especially in combating illegal imports of wastes as well as illegal disposal of solid waste plays an important role. It plays an important role in the identification and management of solid wastes in China, especially in combating illegal importation of wastes and illegal treatment and disposal of solid wastes.

With the in-depth development of solid waste management, more and more types of solid wastes need to be identified by identification organizations, and the application of the current "Guidelines" identification gradually revealed many drawbacks, which are difficult to meet the needs of the current environmental management work, and are mainly manifested in the following aspects:

One is that some of the rules for determining is too general, and the operation is not strong. Through the scope of solid waste (source of generation) to establish the rules of determination of relatively general, not listed specific types of solid waste, different identification agencies to identify the differences in the understanding of the rules of identification, resulting in different identification agencies on the same material to reach different conclusions from time to time;

The second is the lack of confusion or ambiguity of whether the material is solid waste is the lack of a clear distinction between the boundaries, such as by-products and by-products, solid wastes and solid wastes and solid wastes and by-products. by-products, solid waste and contaminated soil, wastewater and liquid waste, etc.;

Third, the lack of clear rules for determining the properties of products produced from solid waste, some enterprises are even in order to avoid regulation, the treatment products should be managed in accordance with the management of solid or hazardous wastes as a product for sale, there is a new risk of pollution of the environment.

Therefore, in order to unify the scale of identification of solid wastes by each inspection agency or identification agency, and to ensure the quality of identification and the fairness and reliability of the results, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the General Administration of Quality Supervision and Inspection of the People's Republic of China have jointly issued the "General Principles of Identification Standards for Solid Wastes" (GB34330-2017). This standard is the first identification standard on solid waste in China and has the effect of mandatory implementation.

Q: What is the scope of application of the standard?

This standard applies to the identification of solid waste (including the identification of liquid waste) of substances (or materials) and articles (including products and commodities) (hereinafter referred to as substances).

This standard does not apply to the identification of radioactive waste, classification of solid waste, solid waste identification of substances with special solid waste identification standards.

Q: What is the methodology for the development of standards?

One is based on the solid waste identification examples summarized. Solid waste identification mainly through the generation of material sources and material management process for identification, which management process includes collection, storage, transportation, treatment, disposal and comprehensive utilization (recycling), solid waste identification conclusion is the result of comprehensive judgment.

The second is to draw on foreign solid waste identification methods. Based on the scope and list of foreign solid waste, solid waste after processing whether the conditions of solid waste, solid waste judgment factors to be considered, as well as solid waste exclusion and exemption clauses for identification.

Q: What are the main elements included in the standard?

The standard mainly includes four parts, of which the first part is based on the source of generation of clear solid waste types, specifically including the loss of the original use of value of the products (commodities), in the process of industrial and agricultural production of by-products as well as in the process of environmental management and pollution control of waste materials, which clearly defines the boundaries of solid wastes and contaminated soils; the second part of the clear solid wastes in their utilization and disposal process management attributes, while proposing criteria for the boundaries between solid waste and its comprehensive utilization products; Part 3 specifies the types of substances that are not to be managed as solid waste; Part 4 specifies the substances that are not to be managed as liquid waste as well as the criteria for the distinction between liquid waste and wastewater managed as solid waste.

Q: What are the environmental benefits of implementing the standards?

This standard further clarifies the principles, procedures and methods for determining solid waste on the basis of the current Guidelines. More than 90% of the solid types of solid waste generated in China can be found in this standard, which is highly operational. The implementation of the standard will bring good environmental benefits, mainly in:

(1) The implementation of the standard is conducive to the identification of hazardous waste. Solid waste identification is a prerequisite for the identification of hazardous wastes, before the identification of hazardous wastes, solid waste identification must first be carried out, if a substance does not belong to solid waste, then it does not belong to hazardous waste. The implementation of this standard is conducive to strengthening the management of solid waste and will effectively stop the illegal utilization of solid waste, especially hazardous waste, and reduce environmental risks.

(2) The implementation of the standard is conducive to the management of imported waste. China's solid waste import restrictions on the implementation of management policies, in the port solid waste import management, many times need to be banned from importing solid wastes belonging to the state to carry out specialized identification, standards as an important means of controlling solid wastes from abroad to enter our country, to strengthen the management of imported solid wastes, construction and maintenance of solid waste imports of the normal order of trade as well as to protect China's ecological and environmental security play an important role. The role of the standard.

(3) The implementation of standards is conducive to further clarify the object of solid waste management. The standard specifies the definition, identification principles and methods of whether the by-products, by-products and products produced in the process of industrial production and the use of solid wastes are solid wastes.

(4) the implementation of this standard can promote the development of solid waste resourcefulness regeneration and ecological recycling technology, improve the comprehensive utilization of solid waste and disposal efficiency, so that it is converted to the comprehensive utilization of products more fluent. For example, metal mines, non-metallic mines and coal mining process directly left in or returned to the mining area in line with the requirements of GB18599 in the first class of general industrial solid waste mining waste rock, tailings and coal gangue is not managed as solid waste; to promote blast furnace slag, steel slag, fly ash, boiler slag, coal gangue, tailings, and other solid wastes as building materials used as raw materials to reduce the amount of stockpiles.