Foreign trade interview questions classic Q&A?

Why do you want to work for our company?

The most common interview questions and favorite answers for personnel managers

Foreign Trade Interview Question 1:If I hire you, how long do you think you'll stay on the job?

A.That's a question I probably won't be able to answer more specifically until I've been on the job for a while.

B.A job should be done for at least 3 or 5 years to learn the best parts.

C. This is quite a difficult question to answer, it may depend on the situation at the time.

D. At least 2 years, after 2 years I plan to go abroad again for further study.

Answer: B was the most popular choice, followed by A. B's answer showed a good deal of stability, but it had to be matched with consistency in your resume and in your previous work. A's answer was very practical, and some HR managers were able to accept it because they appreciated the candidate's candor.

Foreign trade interview question 2: What other companies have you applied to besides ours?

A. In addition to computer peripheral product companies like your company, I have also applied to? beverage companies,? software design company and? chemical companies.

B.Since it was through a talent site, I was contacted by too many companies to mention.

C. Since I am only interested in computer companies, I have applied to? and? companies.

D. I am not very active in trying to change jobs, and I have been sending in resumes one after another for the past six months or so, and I don't quite remember the names of the companies.

Answer: The most ideal answer is C. Answer C can show that the candidate has a clear goal and is thinking clearly about where his or her next job should be.

Foreign Trade Interview Question 3:What do you hope to achieve in 5 years?

A. Being a monk for a day and ringing a bell for a day, doing my best and going with the flow.

B.According to my wit and talent, promotion to department manager is my medium-term goal.

C. To start my own company.

D.? Do your best? is my motto and I hope to be given more responsibilities and challenges as I gain experience.

Answer: The best answer is D.

Foreign Trade Interview Question 4:How do you think your boss would react if you left your current position?

A. Shocked, because my boss kind of trusts me and I'm like his right hand man.

B. It's okay, he probably has it in his mind that the company isn't busy right now anyway.

C. He's probably used to it, and it's not uncommon to see people come and go under him anyway.

D.I think he would have broken down in anger, he is quite an emotional person.

Answer: The best answer is A. The interviewer wants to know how you and your former (current) supervisor got along, and what your status is in the supervisor's mind.

Foreign trade interview question 5: Why do you want to work for us?

A. The main reason is that the content of this job is very attractive to me.

B.Your company is quite famous in the industry, and I heard that the management is also very humane.

C. My college friend works in your accounting department, and he suggested that I apply for the job.

D. I was attracted to your industry, its reputation, and the nature of your work.

Answer: The most desirable answer is D,A is second.