The phone number of Handan Pharmaceutical Building is 0310-5278866.
The business hours of Handan Pharmaceutical Building are from 8am to 7pm from Monday to Sunday. In the Monday to Sunday morning 8:00 to 7:00 p.m. to facilitate the purchase of people, will not let people use the medicine, can not buy medicine. Pharmaceutical building in Handan is relatively old drugstore, it is said that the drugs inside the more complete, many other drugstores do not have drugs, this side of the possibility of finding, inside the Western medicine area, Chinese medicine area, health care products area, and sell gum, buy gum free powder or do gum cake.
Handan Pharmaceutical Building Chain Company Limited was established on September 13, 2004 . Legal representative Zhao Xinjun, the company's scope of business includes: proprietary Chinese medicines, chemical preparations, antibiotic preparations, biochemical drugs, biological products, traditional Chinese medicine tablets, the second category of psychotropic substances, toxic drugs for medical use, chemical raw materials, poppy husk retail; Class II: 6846 - 5 sales of hearing aids; health food, birth control supplies, Medical equipment, daily-use chemicals, disinfection supplies sales; own site rental business, own house rental business, warehousing; exhibition and display services, medical consulting services (projects subject to approval by law, subject to approval by the relevant departments before carrying out business activities) and so on.