What about the supporting facilities around Yinchuan Tanglai Community?

Address of Tanglai Community: Intersection of Xinmin Lane and Chong 'an Lane, Fenghuang North Street, xingqing district (near Tanglai Small Park).

The transportation supporting resources within the range of 1KM include (Xingren Lane, Xiqiao Lane North, Park West Gate, Phoenix Street Corner of Hubin Road, Sun God Hotel, Tanglai North Gate, Tianxi International Center, West Gate) and so on.

Educational resources within 2km 10 (Dongningshu Trusteeship Center, Yi Wan Zhi Education, Yingding Education, Jinghua Education Trusteeship Center, Shuguang Education (Tang Zhong Campus), Fugue Education, Chenguang Education (Tang Zhong Campus), Yinlu Education, Happy Learning Education (Fenghuang North Street) and Huisiyuan Education (Zhuosi Campus)).

There are five major medical resources in the vicinity of 2 kilometers, of which Jacky Osteoarthrosis Specialist Hospital is 245 meters away from the community, Ningxia Medical Emergency Center is 867 meters away from the community, Ningxia People's Hospital Branch is 879 meters away from the community, Yinchuan Chinese Medicine Hospital is 989 meters away from the community, and Ningxia Workers' Hospital is 19 15 meters away from the community, which provides a guarantee for medical needs.

The commercial facilities around Tanglai Community are: (Jiurong Liquor Store, Cai Xia Sweater Store, Good Concept Stationery, Xinchuangwei Supermarket, Qiangzi Supermarket, Elsher Glasses (First City Store), Yonghui Supermarket (Phoenix North Street Store in Ningxia), Xinbai Lifestyle Supermarket (Yangcheng Lane Store), Xinhua Department Store Chain Supermarket (Jacky Store), Xinbai Lifestyle Supermarket (Jacky Store) and so on.

Click to see more: details of Tanglai community