Electrical and electronic products harmful substances restrictions on the management approach includes medical equipment?

Hello, in accordance with the "Electrical and Electronic Products Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances Management Measures" on electrical and electronic products is defined as: electrical and electronic products, refers to rely on the work of the current or electromagnetic field, or to generate, transmit and measure the current and electromagnetic field for the purpose of the rated working voltage of direct current does not exceed 1500 volts, alternating current does not exceed 1,000 volts of the equipment and ancillary products. The equipment involved in the production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy are excluded.

In this case, it seems that the active medical devices belong to the scope of management of this regulation, but the active medical devices in the various products have detailed provisions for the requirements of hazardous substances in which will be much higher than the "Electrical and Electronic Products Restriction on the Use of Hazardous Substances in the Management of the" provisions. So only need to do a good job of the medical device itself will not be too big a problem.