When I wash my nose with a nose washer, the water goes in from one side of the nose but does not come out from the other side, I don't know where the water goes, the

Hello, like yoga nose washer this manual simple nose wash, due to the large amount of water, one nostril to another nostril, nasal congestion can not be used to flow through the patient, will lead to sore eyes or choking dangerous water or ears.

Recommended the best choice of pressure spray nasal wash, the first set of pressure makes no harm to the nasal passages, can be thoroughly washed, touching all parts of the deep nasal cavity, sinuses and nasopharynx. Secondly, some have decompression devices that can be used normally by patients with nasal congestion. Spray, so it will not choke, the use of safer, more comfortable, so that children can rest, rest assured that the use. Fourth, the spray nasal cilia movement frequency can help restore normal swing, restore the nasal cavity self shooting poison.

Choose, be sure to pay attention to whether there is a group of medical equipment, there should be guaranteed in order to rest assured that the safety and effectiveness of use. After all, in contact with the nasal passages, tools aimed at the treatment and prevention of diseases, so do not slacken. I hope you can help, do not understand, you can use Baidu HI to find me.