Middle School Politics Essay on Science and Technology Innovation

Science and technology innovation is the engine of economic growth and promotes social progress. The following is my carefully recommended junior high school political essay on science and technology innovation, I hope it can help you.

Junior high school political papers on science and technology innovation a

Science and technology innovation and sustainable development

Abstract In the context of sustainable development, the use of ecology's holistic principles and the basic principles of systems science, focusing on the role of science and technology innovation in the natural ecosystems of mankind, the role of science and technology innovation in the ecosystem, for the ecological shortcomings of the traditional view of science and technology innovation, the ecological aspects of science and technology innovation is the core view of sustainable development. In order to address the ecological flaws of the traditional view of science and technology innovation, the ecologization of science and technology innovation is the core of sustainable development.

Keywords sustainable development, science and technology innovation, ecologization system

Sustainable development is a new development concept and a new development model formed on the basis of people's profound reflection on the traditional development model and industrial civilization, which is a proposition about the harmonious development of human and nature, and a rational choice for human beings to get out of the ecological crisis. As an intellectual support system for sustainable development, science, technology and innovation capability is the core factor of sustainable development capability. In the era of knowledge economy, science and technology innovation is the engine of economic growth. Today, when human beings are facing an existential crisis, the ecologization of science and technology innovation is a powerful guarantee for the sustainable development of the country, enterprises, science and technology innovation itself, and the overall sustainable development of human society.

1 Science and technology innovation is the guarantee of sustained economic growth

The development of science and technology and its contribution to mankind is realized by the bridge of technological innovation, which can not only commercialize scientific discoveries and technological inventions, but also industrialize them through the diffusion of technological innovation, and thus promote the progress of society. The research on the role of science and technology innovation can be traced back to the early 20th century in the United States, in 1912, the Austrian-American economist Schumpeter for the first time clearly put forward ? Innovation is the core force of modern economic growth. In today's knowledge-based economy, the science and technology innovation activities centered on developed countries are gaining momentum, and many countries have set up national innovation systems, and science and technology innovation as the core of the national innovation system has been raised to an unprecedented level.

Technological innovation is a powerful wing for the sustainable development of a country or an enterprise. Technological innovation can make an unheard-of enterprise become an industry giant, or even bring an enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy back to life. If science and technology innovation is ignored, even the original strong competitiveness of the enterprise will be lost. Such cases abound: Wang An computer company's failure is due to the use of computers located in the office, and the first personalized computer Microsoft later rose to the top and became a giant in the computer industry; the development of the world's first quartz electronic watch? Switzerland, which developed the world's first quartz electronic watch, has become a giant in the computer industry. Switzerland, which developed the world's first quartz electronic watch, lost out because its industrial decision makers favored mechanical watches, so that the watch market was finally captured by Japanese companies that actively innovated. Technology and innovation are the lifeblood of a company, and the same is true for a country. As we all know, the reason why Japan, which was in economic ruins after World War II, has achieved miraculous economic development is that it has emphasized scientific and technological innovation on the basis of the introduction of technology.

Science and technology innovation is the driving force of economic restructuring. Because scientific and technological innovation can promote the renewal of the leading industries, so that the key elements of the economic structure of the industrial structure to develop. Throughout the industrial economic era, all the major adjustments in industrial structure, the emergence of leading industries and their replacement, are the results of scientific and technological innovation.

The cyclic spiral development of scientific revolution, technological revolution, and industrial revolution constitutes the historical logic of scientific and technological innovation to promote the development of economic structure. In other words, the industrial revolution is driven by the scientific and technological revolution (the climax of scientific and technological innovation). China as a developing country, the main body of the economic structure still belongs to the industrial economy, it is more necessary to optimize the economic structure through scientific and technological innovation, economic growth, and lay a solid economic foundation for sustainable development.

2 The ecologicalization of science and technology innovation is the core of sustainable development

2.1 The role of science and technology innovation in the natural ecosystem of human beings

Several scholars in China have explored the role and mechanism of human activities on the natural ecosystem. On the basis of summarizing the viewpoints of the previous scholars and combining the general principles of system science, this paper conducts a preliminary research on the mechanism of the role of science and technology innovation in the natural ecosystem of human beings. According to the two scholars, Hu Hao and Lou Huixin, who summarized the ? Basic system thinking? paradigm, when the environmental change is small, the main use of negative feedback mechanism, the rise and fall to attenuate, in order to maintain the stability of the existing orderly structure of the system, or in order to maintain the stability of the existing orderly structure under the premise of its structural function optimization (sub-paradigm Ⅰ); when the environmental change is large, the main use of positive feedback mechanism, will be some kind of ups and downs amplified to the macro-whole range, to achieve the conversion between different macro-stable state, to make the system adapt to or better adapt to the environment, to make the system adapt to or better adapt to the environment, and to make it adapt to or better adapt to the environment. make the system adapt or better adapt to the larger changes in the environment (subparadigm Ⅱ). In route ①, during the transmission and exchange of material and energy information with the natural ecosystem, the disturbance to the natural ecosystem is still within the range of ecological carrying capacity, and the positive ups and downs are mainly conducive to the promotion of the system structure to reach a new stable and orderly structure. According to subparadigm Ⅰ, the natural ecosystem uses negative feedback mechanism to attenuate the rise and fall, to maintain the stability of the existing structure of the system, at this time, if the scientific and technological innovation pays full attention to its ecological value, it will optimize its structure and function under the premise of ensuring the stability of the giant system. Obviously, in the case of route ①, human beings have a bright prospect of sustainable development. Route ② indicates that the interference of science and technology innovation activities to the natural ecosystem is dominated by negative ups and downs, and the degree of interference or damage exceeds the threshold of the natural ecological carrying capacity, according to the subparadigm Ⅱ, in order to adapt to this change, the natural ecosystem will use the positive feedback mechanism to amplify the negative ups and downs to the macro-integral range, and realize the conversion to a different macro-stable state. If human beings do not regulate their own behavior in time and allow them to continue to amplify, this kind of conversion will eventually lead to the collapse and disintegration of the established orderly structure of the giant system, so that it can realize the conversion of the macro-stable state, and then, as the human subsystem of the giant system, it will be a fantasy to survive and develop.

From this, we can see that focusing on the research and development of the ecological function of science and technology, and the development of high technology with high ecological value is particularly important in coordinating the relationship between human beings and nature.

In addition, sustainable development economist Hong Yinxing that ? From the perspective of sustainable development analysis , the significance of technological progress is to achieve resource substitution.? With technological progress, the pressure on the natural ecosystem on which human beings depend for their survival will be greatly reduced? Technological progress on science and technology innovation is the requirement of science and technology innovation ecological, which is an effective way to prevent and control ecological imbalance and environmental pollution, and its development will help people consciously form a sustainable mode of production, lifestyle and social development model.

2.2 Ecological defects of the traditional view of technological innovation

About ? The concept of technological innovation? Innovation is a process. After that, Solow put forward a two-step theory of new sources of thought and subsequent stages of realization of the development? Müller, on the basis of organizing the research results of the previous researchers in the past decades, believes that, ? technological innovation is a meaningful discontinuous event characterized by the novelty of its conception and its successful realization? These views are **** the same in that they point out that technological innovation refers to the process of commercialization of scientific and technological achievements. That is to say, whether the first commercial value can be realized is the key to measure the success or failure of technological innovation. It focuses on the significance of economics, ignoring the ecological significance of scientific and technological innovation, there is an obvious ecological defect.

This ecological defect of the traditional concept of scientific and technological innovation is consistent with the mechanistic worldview and the traditional concept of economic growth and development, which is limited to the unidirectional economic value orientation, characterized by the demand for resources and energy from nature and the emission of a large amount of waste, and whose technological and organizational principles are linear and non-circular, which violates the principle of the ecological system of the cycle, and is inevitably caused by the deterioration of the ecological environment in practice, making the technology alienated into a dominant force in the world. In practice, it will inevitably lead to the deterioration of the ecological environment, alienate technology into an alien force that dominates people and deprives them of their freedom, and at the same time make the space for economic growth more and more limited, and ultimately weaken the ability of scientific and technological innovation. Under the guidance of the traditional concept of scientific and technological innovation, technology is reduced to a tool and means for human beings to conquer nature and control nature, and becomes a culprit in creating ecological crisis. The main culprit is the ecological crisis.

For example, the ozone hole, urban? and other ecological deterioration phenomena, and the massive use of steel, cement, fluorine refrigerators, air conditioners, airplanes, decontaminants, pesticides and other technological products are inseparable.

In the field of high technology, there are many potential ecological threats, we can not turn a blind eye. For example, aerospace technology to expand the vision of mankind and living space, but it brings waste to the space has left a security risk; genetic engineering technology in the field of medicine to mankind, new energy development and other areas to bring the light at the same time, but also pregnant with factors that are not conducive to ecological balance and so on, such as the development of unrestricted, can only be? lead to 3D (DEADLY, DANGEROUS AND DIRTY), i.e. harmful, dangerous and dirty bio-ecological consequences? STI needs an ecological turn.

2.3 Ecologizing for a technological paradigm shift

? The technological paradigm? is Kuhn's ? scientific paradigm? In economics, it is recognized as a model of technological development. The history of technology has shifted from the agro-technical paradigm to the industrial-technical paradigm, and the increasing visibility of modern technological problems has led to the development of an ecological framework for the future of technology.

In ancient agricultural societies, the impact of primitive technologies on natural ecosystems was essentially shallow and localized due to low levels of productivity. But after the modern European natural science revolution and the technological revolution, the human processing and manufacturing technology capacity has increased rapidly, and the way of technological existence has undergone a fundamental change. On the one hand, artificial ecosystems are expanding rapidly, and the degree and scope of exploitation of natural resources are much higher than in agricultural societies; on the other hand, a large amount of waste is imported into the environment, which affects the spatial and temporal distribution of environmental elements and the dynamic range, causing deviations in the evolution of ecosystems and posing a threat to the survival of human beings. In short, the combination of modern technology and the production of a large number of artifacts, through the environmental factors have an impact on the biological elements, intervened in the ecological process, and became a tool and means of human conquest of nature and control of nature.

We believe that the real root cause of the phenomenon of alienation of science and technology does not lie in science and technology itself, but in the fact that people as science and technology **** the same body ignored the ecological value of artificial nature, thus destroying the balance of natural nature, and the destruction of the balance of the natural natural macrosystems in turn acted on the artificial nature to alienate the artificial nature into the root cause of the bad environment. Therefore, we are in the process of ? humanization of nature? process, we should vigorously carry out eco-technological innovation, prompting? The practice of humanized nature? system to evolve, and natural nature into one, to promote the balance and evolution of human social natural system.

In short, to realize the technological paradigm shift by ecologization, efforts should be made at the following levels: First, we should carry out scientific and technological innovation, and vigorously develop high technology; second, we should pay full attention to the ecological value of science and technology, and develop the high-tech ecological protection and environmental improvement functions; third, the high-tech industry in the process of its own development, we should be reasonable, efficient and comprehensive use of existing resources, and develop the unused natural resources.

3 The connotation of the ecological characteristics of science and technology innovation

In summary, the ecological science and technology innovation is the use of ecology or the principle of holism in system science to view the role of science and technology innovation in the natural ecosystem of mankind, the use of ecological thinking in the whole process of scientific and technological innovation, scientific and technological innovation of the conception, design, development, transformation of the results of the diffusion of a series of links to put forward the goal of ecological protection and ecological construction, in order to achieve the goal of ecological protection and ecological construction. The goal of ecological protection and ecological construction, in order to ensure access to economic benefits at the same time, pay attention to the development of science and technology of ecological benefits, adhere to the sustainable development of technological innovation and sustainable economic development, ecological sustainable development in conjunction with the coordinated development of man and nature as the fundamental goal, so as to provide green technology support for the sustainable development of human society.

The ecologization of science and technology innovation is an effective and realistic response of human beings in the economic field to the concept of sustainable development, which is the manifestation of circular economy. It implies the introduction of the ecological view into the field of science and technology innovation, which requires us to evaluate science and technology innovation not only by economic indicators, but also by taking into account humanistic, resource and environmental indicators, which is consistent with the concept of Indicators of Sustainable Development (ISD). The ecologization of science and technology innovation is not to pursue ecological balance and give up the development in the real sense, but to realize the comprehensive development of human beings through the coordinated development of economy and ecology.

Vigorously implement eco-technology innovation is the key to the development of science and technology innovation ecological. At present, domestic scholars generally believe that management innovation and technological innovation for environmental purposes are collectively referred to as eco-technological innovation or green technological innovation. Eco-technology innovation at the technical level refers to all the technology innovations that save resources, avoid or reduce environmental pollution, including green technology innovation and green product innovation; management eco-technology innovation is to ensure the smooth progress of green technology innovation and green product innovation. Soft technology innovation. Therefore, in the process of research and development, industrialization and commercialization, enterprises should establish the "soft technology innovation". In the process of research and development, industrialization and commercialization, enterprises should establish a closed cycle model of "resource production, product consumption and waste re-resourcing". closed loop model, so as to integrate clean production, comprehensive utilization of resources, development of renewable energy, eco-design and eco-consumption of products; at the same time, in order to ensure the production of products that do not endanger human health and are easily absorbed by the environment in the process of use and after use or are renewable, and for certain new technological products whose ecological effects cannot be identified in a short time, two links of technology foresight and ecological experimentation should be added to the traditional technological innovation chain. For some new technology products whose ecological effects cannot be identified in a short time, in the traditional technology innovation chain, two links of technology foresight and ecological experimentation should be added to form a virtuous cycle of conceptualization and design, technology foresight, development, ecological experimentation and transformation of the results into technology diffusion.


1 Wang Dianju, Qi Ershi. Introduction to Technological Innovation [M]. Tianjin: Tianjin University Press, 2003

2 Ding Houde. Economic restructuring and sustainable development [J]. Journal of China Geological University (Social Science Edition), 2003(2)

3 Hu Hao and Lou Huixin. Self-Organization Theory and Social Development Research [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Science and Technology Education Publishing House, 2002

4 Hong Yinxing et al. The Economics of Sustainable Development [M]. Beijing: Commercial Press, 2000

5 Chen Bin. Ecologization of Technological Innovation: A Turn of Thought [J]. Guihai Lecture Series, 2003(2)

6 Barry K. Conmuner. Conmana. Closed Loop Nature, Man and Technology[M]. Translated by Hou Wenhui. Changchun: Jilin People's Publishing House, 1999

7 Yang Yonggang. Attaching great importance to the environmental problems in the application of genetic engineering technology [J]. China Environmental Management, 1998(2)

8 Zhang Chenggang. The Ecological Turn of the Modern Technological Paradigm[J]. The Ecological Turn of Modern Technology Paradigm[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2003(4)

9 Lei Yi. The Ecological Value of High Technology[J]. Philosophical Dynamics, 1998(9)

10 Yu Mouchang. Ecological Philosophy [M]. Xi'an: Shaanxi People's Education Publishing House, 2000

11 Jin Yong, Li You Run, Feng Jiutian, eds. Eco-industry: Principles and Applications [M]. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2003

Junior high school political essay on scientific and technological innovation II

Scientific and technological innovation in China's enterprises

Abstract Firstly, we analyze the significance of scientific and technological innovation to the enterprise, and then we describe the status quo and problems in science and technology in China's enterprises in that year, and finally we summarize the problems according to its status quo, and put forward proposals for these problems.

Keywords: scientific and technological innovation; enterprise; input

Since the economist Schumpeter put forward the concept of innovation for the first time in 1972, countless scholars have begun the research on innovation, especially scientific and technological innovation. The reason why science and technology innovation can cause many scholars to pursue is that it has a great role to play in promoting the development of the whole society and the economy, and as a major player in the economy - enterprises, science and technology innovation has a pivotal role.

First, the significance of scientific and technological innovation on the enterprise

1. Favorable to the enterprise to improve the economic efficiency

Profit, is the fundamental purpose of the enterprise's economic activities, but also to ensure that the enterprise can continue to operate, and to improve the economic efficiency of the enterprise is the fundamental point of departure for all the economic activities of the enterprise. In order to ensure that enterprises have continuous vitality, relying only on the input of material and human resources has been far from meeting the requirements, especially in the economic transformation of the modern society, many enterprises after many years of rapid economic growth, but did not bring about a general increase in economic efficiency, and even a serious loss. Only unremitting scientific and technological innovation, and constantly improve the technical content of products, develop marketable products, improve product structure, improve product value-added, in order to adapt to market demand, to ensure the long-term development of enterprises.

2. Favor the development of enterprises and improve the core competence

The essence of the core competence of the enterprise is to have the leading products, the soul of the core competence is scientific and technological innovation; the sustainable development of the core competence of the enterprise is inseparable from the innovation of the enterprise. Scientific and technological innovation plays a decisive role in the formation of unique, irreplaceable and long-lasting core competence of an enterprise.

3. It is conducive to promoting the upgrading of traditional industries

The wide application of new technology products, new technology and new equipment in traditional industries can accelerate the transformation of equipment and the improvement of production process in traditional industries, promote the development of new products, increase the value-added of traditional industries, conserve resources and improve the productivity of labor, and enhance the competitiveness of traditional industries.

4. Science and technology innovation enables enterprises to break through the life cycle constraints and move towards a new stage of development

The life cycle of an enterprise is closely linked to the life cycle of its products. If the enterprise can continue to innovate and produce new products to meet the market demand. With the growth and development of new products, the enterprise will also obtain new vitality. When the industry in which the enterprise is located is gradually going into decline, only with the help of scientific and technological innovation into new industrial fields, the enterprise has the possibility of sustainable development. It can be seen through scientific and technological innovation, can promote the expansion of enterprise products, industrial fields, so that enterprises to achieve their own sustainable development.

Second, the current situation of scientific and technological innovation in China's enterprises

1. scientific and technological innovation is not strong, many enterprises have not formed their own core technology

With the development of China's economic and social development, China's enterprises continue to grow and develop. The technological conditions of enterprises to enhance faster, some enterprises have a better foundation for innovation, has a close to the same industry R & D capabilities of multinational corporations, and even ahead of multinational corporations in a number of aspects. Huawei is among the first in the world in the 3G field, and ZTE has developed the world's leading GoTa digital trunking products. In the field of emerging industries, the emergence of a core technology, international cutting-edge R & D capabilities of enterprises, such as the breakthrough in the field of multimedia micro 7 core technologies, applied for more than 600 domestic and foreign patents, has been authorized by more than 120 patents; Ann Potter developed five kinds of tumor-oriented treatment of genetically engineered antibodies, three of which are the first of its kind in the world, and so on.

From another point of view, China's current high-tech industries accounted for 8% of the value-added of the manufacturing sector, far lower than the 40% of the developed countries; China's exports of high-tech products, 90% of which are? Second capital? Enterprises to achieve; almost all of the optical fiber manufacturing equipment, 85% of the integrated circuit manufacturing equipment, 80% of the petrochemical manufacturing equipment, 70% of the CNC machine tools, 95% of the medical equipment dependent on imports. 86% of the world's R & D investment, 90% of the invention patents are in the hands of developed countries, many of China's key industries and leading technology is still in the hands of foreign enterprises.

2. China's enterprises specializing in scientific and technological innovation in the serious shortage of personnel

Scientific and technological innovation activities in the enterprise, in the final analysis, is to be carried out by the people to study and implement, leaving the talent, scientific and technological innovation is like a source of water without wood, no vitality. In terms of the number of scientific and technological personnel in China, there are about 878,000 people engaged in research and development work, and the number of basic researchers is only 79,000, accounting for 8.3% of the whole research and development team, and there is a lack of world-class scientists. The vast majority of these researchers are engaged in scientific research activities in non-enterprise sectors, and there is a serious shortage of scientific and technological personnel in enterprises.

3. China's enterprises' R&D capital investment is obviously insufficient, weakening the ability of enterprises' scientific and technological innovation

Enterprises' R&D activities need sufficient financial support, stable cash flow can be used to finance enterprises' R&D activities, and the lack of internal financing of the enterprise may limit the enterprise's ability to support the R&D activities, and some studies have shown that there is a relationship between R&D investment and company performance. There is a significant correlation between R&D investment and company performance. The ratio of China's R&D investment to GDP is about 1.35%, which is far lower than that of many countries and regions in the world. The research and development expenditure of large and medium-sized enterprises only accounted for 0.39% of sales, and even high-tech enterprises only accounted for 0.6%, which is less than one-tenth of that of developed countries.

4. The main body of scientific and technological innovation is not clear, and the enterprise scientific and technological innovation is relatively independent

In accordance with international practice, the implementation of scientific and technological innovation is mainly the organization of research and development institutions, including the government, universities, enterprises and private R & amp; D institutions. According to the data show that: in the mid-1980s, Japanese enterprises engaged in R&D engineers accounted for 3.45% of the total number of employees, China's state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises is only 0.75%; Japan per 100 large and medium-sized enterprises have 134 R&D institutions. According to the State Economic and Trade Commission in 1995, China's 23,026 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises in only 39.8% of the technology development organizations. China's enterprises and other research institutions with the cooperation of foreign countries compared to the serious lack of innovation activities of enterprises are relatively independent, so that enterprises can not take full advantage of the scientific and technological strength of the school government and other research institutions to enhance their level of scientific and technological innovation, resulting in a waste of resources.

5. Scientific and technological innovation does not pay attention to its practicality

Since 1990, China's average annual awards for major scientific and technological achievements of more than 30,000, but so far the conversion rate of less than 30%, the rate of popularization and application rate of 10%, the formation of batch production capacity and access to the benefits of scale of only 5%, the Japanese scientific and technological achievements of the conversion rate is as high as 80%. Although China is not inferior to any developed country in terms of invention ability, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements is far lower than many countries, which makes many valuable achievements in China stay in the prototype, sample and exhibits stage, difficult to mass production, and ultimately affect the process of modernization in China.

III. Suggestions for improving the scientific and technological innovation ability of enterprises

China's scientific and technological innovation, especially the scientific and technological innovation of enterprises is still very weak, there is a serious waste of resources and talents, inhibiting the rapid development of enterprises. Reasonable utilization of resources, and constantly improve the scientific and technological innovation ability of enterprises has become an important factor to improve the business performance of enterprises and promote economic development. In order to improve the innovation ability of enterprises, we can mainly start from the following aspects:

1. Improve the environment of enterprise scientific and technological innovation

Enterprise scientific and technological innovation is not independent and closed, and needs a lot of information exchange and collaboration. Only in a good innovation environment, only to constantly stimulate the enterprise's innovative consciousness, make full use of the surrounding favorable factors for their own services. To create such an environment, first of all, we need to take advantage of the social forces, coordination, play the government science and technology departments, economic departments and the integration of the advantages of the relevant departments, to provide a full range of services for the technological innovation of enterprises. But also continue to formulate and implement the protection of intellectual property rights as the core of the local laws and regulations, so that the technological innovation of enterprises have a law to protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and scientific and technological personnel, and promote technological innovation of enterprises to carry out. Finally, we should pay special attention to the role of fiscal policy, the application of government fiscal and taxation policies should be gradually moved from the production field to the field of research and development, from the preferential policies on products to the preferential policies on research and development.

2. Increase the investment in scientific and technological innovation

The investment of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation can be divided into two aspects: material input and human input. Material input mainly refers to the investment of funds, is an important guarantee for enterprises to maintain their core competitiveness. Practice has proved that the larger the investment, the stronger the innovation ability will be. Enterprises should be from a strategic height, to ensure that the funds required for technological innovation, increase the government's investment in research and development funds, the implementation of incentives to stimulate technological innovation of fiscal and tax incentives, and focus on supporting high-tech enterprises and a small number of large-scale enterprises with relatively leading technology research and development funds. Human input mainly refers to people-oriented, increase the strength of continuing education, technological innovation is a process of accumulation of knowledge and skills to the creative application of this process is to carry the knowledge and skills of a variety of talents to complete.

From the information disclosed by China's listed companies, most of the employees have received specialized education, and the number of undergraduate education in many enterprises has exceeded more than half of the total number of enterprises. On the whole, the proportion of highly educated and highly skilled personnel is still very small, and in most of the enterprises, specialized education and the following degrees still occupy a large proportion of the enterprises. With the globalization of knowledge level as a reference system for the rapid flow of new knowledge, new skills, according to the needs of economic development, can be sustained to improve the efficiency of receiving continuing education, can be sustained to accelerate the rate of updating the knowledge and technology of the staff themselves, is the enterprise science and technology innovation will be the specific strategic action.

3. Update the awareness of enterprise science and technology innovation, so that enterprises really become the main body of scientific and technological innovation

Enterprises are the basic units of the social economy, only to the new technology, new theories and enterprises to combine, in order to make it really become the main force to promote economic development. Society's technology research and development work should be carried out mainly in the enterprise, not outside the enterprise research institutes. Enterprises should, according to their own strength, analyze and grasp the market demand, seek technological opportunities, make independent decisions on the direction and projects of technological innovation; invest on their own, decide on their own the channels and ways of financing, and consider the distribution of inputs and steps in an integrated manner; enjoy the benefits brought by technological innovation, and also bear the risks brought by technological innovation. Enterprises become the main body of technological innovation, the main symbol is that enterprises have their own patents, own intellectual property rights, own scientific research results, will fundamentally improve the scientific and technological innovation ability of enterprises.

4. Strengthening school-enterprise cooperation, and promote technology exchanges

Strengthening the independent innovation of enterprises, so that enterprises become the main body of scientific and technological innovation does not mean that the enterprise is closed up, do not contact with the outside world, should be based on cooperative innovation. Strengthen cooperation and innovation, strengthen the government and enterprises, scientific research institutions, innovation collaboration, to create a platform for the government and enterprises, scientific research institutions to work together, coordinate the objectives, form a synergy, promote enterprise innovation, encourage and support enterprises and universities, scientific research institutions *** with the establishment of laboratories or R & D institutions, improve the government support, enterprise-led, government, industry, academia, research and combination of technological research and development system. We should also support our enterprises to cooperate and innovate with foreign enterprises, foreign technological institutions, experts and scholars, and support our enterprises to open up cooperation in different ways in the fields of applied research, product design, technological advancement, business model innovation, etc. We should also encourage the introduction of core technologies and key equipments, and enhance the ability of enterprises to participate in the market.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that although the level of scientific and technological innovation of Chinese enterprises is improving every year, it still has great limitations compared with the level of developed countries. Fully recognize the shortcomings of China's enterprise science and technology innovation, and on this basis, continuous improvement, will ensure that China's enterprises, and even the whole society, the economy sustained and healthy development.


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