What is the phone number of Fujian Pengzehai Environmental Protection Co.

Fujian Pengzehai Environmental Protection Co. contact information: company phone number 0597-2305918, 公司邮箱postmaster@pzhenv.com, the company has 4 contact information in the love enterprise check ****, which has a phone number 1.

Company Profile:

Fujian Pengzehai Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established on 2017-12-26 in Xinluo District, Longyan City, Fujian Province, with a registered address at Room 902-A, 9th Floor, Building E, Business Operation Center, No. 278 Longyan Avenue, Xipi Street, Xinluo District, Longyan City, Fujian Province.

Fujian Pengzehai Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. legal representative Lan Xiaopeng, registered capital of 33,333,300 (yuan), is currently in the state of operation.

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