How to solve the current situation of difficult and expensive to see a doctor?

Now most people see a doctor know that there is medical insurance, but not all medical expenses can be used medical insurance, then this time, people will think of buying commercial medical insurance. With the development of science and technology, China's medical level is gradually improving. However, it is still difficult and expensive to see a doctor, and it is still a problem for the general public. Once you have a small illness, you need to go to the hospital, which undoubtedly adds a lot of financial burden for us. Therefore, in order to avoid such risks and reduce the pressure brought by their own medical treatment, more and more people choose to buy different kinds of commercial insurance, so as to transfer the risk to the insurance company, and maximize the possibility of protecting their future.

The hottest medical insurance in the country now is the Million Dollar Medical Insurance, which offers lower premiums to leverage millions of dollars in reimbursement, which is a great value for money. However, basically the million medical insurance does not include reimbursement of general outpatient expenses. You should know that nowadays, we basically go to the general outpatient clinic for consultation and tests. This is not a small amount of money for a single visit to the doctor. Therefore, in addition to large medical insurance, we can also consider commercial insurance that can reimburse outpatient expenses. Purchasing a commercial insurance policy that reimburses outpatient expenses can help reduce the burden of further visits to the doctor. There are not many insurance policies in the market that can reimburse outpatient expenses because the frequency of reimbursement of outpatient expenses is high, but there are some commercial medical insurance policies that have additional outpatient liability, so they can also be used to reimburse outpatient expenses.

For example, accidental medical insurance with outpatient liability, multi-million dollar medical insurance with outpatient liability, hospitalization medical insurance with outpatient liability, and mid- to high-end medical insurance.

No matter what kind of medical insurance we buy, we need to know the eight benefits that medical insurance brings:

1. Hospitalization Advance Payment, after an accident, the insured can apply for an advance payment from the insurance company. This is a very practical feature that can significantly reduce the financial pressure caused by medical expenses.

2. Confirmation of medical institutions, the wider the range of medical institutions included, the better.

3. Insurance coverage, preferably one that does not limit reimbursement.

4. Deductibles, of course, the lower the better, and even better to have a family or annual *** enjoyment deductible.

5. value-added services , out-of-pocket expenses can be reimbursed, hospitalization will have a green channel, there can be a special treatment for cancer and after care.

6. Renewal conditions, guaranteed renewal + rates remain unchanged

7. Health advice, if you have ever had a health problem, you must read the health advice.

8. Payout ratio, the best reimbursement ratio is 100%.

These are the things you need to be aware of when taking out a medical insurance policy. First of all, let's start with the million-dollar medical insurance policy

1. Although the million-dollar insurance policy sounds very attractive, it is important to note that the million-dollar policy is only a reimbursement amount, and the actual amount of money that you get in a claim still depends on the actual medical expenses incurred.

2. You need to pay attention to the specific coverage amount, such as the deductible, whether the medicine purchased outside the hospital during the hospitalization can also be reimbursed.

3. There are many companies selling million dollar medical care in the market now, we need to pay more attention to the product itself than the size of the insurance company.

4. Most of the million medical insurance policy price is relatively affordable, the floating price will not be a big difference, so we need to pay more attention to the product itself and the renewal conditions, such as the renewal of the insurance need to be re-examined, whether the claim can be renewed after the various issues.

The above is the million medical insurance we need to pay attention to, let's take a look at other medical insurance need to what problems?

1. Be sure to look carefully at what the scope of responsibility of the insurance policy, such as hospitalization insurance, the insurance company has stipulated a wait-and-see period, usually within 90 or 180 days of the day the contract comes into effect, if you need to pay for the medical expenses during the wait-and-see period, the insurance company will not pay for the medical expenses during this period.

2. You have to present your health condition and past medical history to the insurance company honestly, and the insurance company will judge the underwriting conditions based on the health condition you provided.

3. All commercial health insurance policies have a deductible, so it is important to look at the deductible or you will not be compensated if your medical expenses are below the deductible.

4. If you need to buy hospitalization insurance, it is best to choose an insurance product with a guaranteed renewal feature.

Consolidating the above, we should all have a preliminary understanding of the different medical insurance. When we are sick, an insurance policy can alleviate our financial losses to a certain extent. So whether it is for yourself or for your family, you need to buy an insurance policy so that you can better protect your future life. If after reading this article, you do not know much about medical insurance, it is okay, you can find a professional and excellent insurance broker online to consult, professional things need to be left to the professionals to do. Baojun has a professional and strong team of insurance consultants, will select the most suitable for your exclusive insurance consultant. The first thing you need to do is to search on Baidu and find out what you need to do to get the most out of your life.