Ten thousand dollars high salary can not recruit seafarers, why most people would rather take 3,000 wages do not go to be a seafarer?

The life on the ship is not as good as on the shore, and it is not good to eat or sleep well, Take 10,000 salary can be said to be hard money. You can't even go home once a year, so there's not a lot of people going to be seafarers.

The crew's life is such that there is usually no signal in the depths of the ocean, so even if you have a cell phone, you can't connect to the data network. So in addition to resting, the crew reads novels, watches pre-downloaded movies and TV shows on their computers, plays cards and chess, and sometimes starts a group activity. The daily life of the crew is very difficult. The crew's room is usually very small, with only a bed, a desk, a small sofa, and a separate restroom, and it's stuffy and humid because of the long hours at sea.

In terms of food, the average ocean-going ship has a lot of meat, but most of it is frozen meat, and a lot of fruits and vegetables and fruits are not eaten for a long period of time, so a lot of crew members suffer from scurvy, which is mainly due to a lack of vitamin C. The most important thing is that the ship is not equipped with the necessary equipment, so it's not necessary for the ship to have the necessary equipment. Most importantly, the ship's medical equipment is very poor, if the ship to the depths of the ocean, this time if the body produces discomfort, then only to endure. In addition, at sea is also very easy to catch a cold, and fever and cold is not so easy to recover, which is very easy to give the body to leave sequelae.

Most people live on land for more than ten years, you suddenly let him go to the sea daily life for a few months, that kind of discomfort should be very significant, and the taste of seasickness than the taste of seasickness to be more sad, because the boat has been constantly rocking. Even if you get over the feeling of seasickness after a long period of time, it is still quite uncomfortable to be in that dizzy state for a long period of time. Even sometimes you can't sleep well even if you want to rest, because once you encounter the wind and waves, it's not uncommon for a whole person to be thrown from the bed to the ground. As the saying goes, "always walk by the river, where there is not wet shoes", long-term are out to sea crew, who can ensure that never possible to encounter danger? If you are unlucky enough to encounter a storm that causes the ship to capsize or encounter pirates robbing, this will be a serious blow to their loved ones. Any one of the high-paying career behind has its own unique heartache, but if not forced to life, are not likely to go as a crew.