1, the solder material contains high levels of lead, long-term exposure will cause lead poisoning, more so for the fetus. 2, the smoke from the solder is mainly caused by rosin coking, carcinogenic. 3, do not engage in long-term soldering work during pregnancy. If you have the conditions, it is best to change the job, it is best to consider pregnancy for more than a year.
Solder in the welding of the most important hazardous factors is lead smoke, that is, you said the smoke, even lead-free solder, which contains more or less certain lead. Lead smoke in GBZ2-2002 in the limit value is very low, the toxicity is very large, the body absorbs a large number of these toxic substances will get cancer and leukemia and so on, but also a lot of damage to the eyes and therefore need to focus on the protection of the soldering process due to the destruction of the human body and the environment, so the soldering workers in the absence of how to protect the conditions of welding measures are not allowed.