Sunfeng price guarantee fee is in accordance with the insured price of five thousandths of the charge, that is to say, if you write the price of 6,000 yuan, the price guarantee fee is 6,000x0.005 = 30 yuan.
This service is voluntary. When senders choose this service, they should make sure that the insured amount is the same as the actual value of each piece of mail, and the maximum insured amount of each piece of mail is 100,000 RMB, and the insured fee is charged at 0.5% of the declared insured amount, with a minimum charge of 1.00 RMB per piece. The mails which are not paid the premium according to the regulations are not considered as insured mails.
In case of loss, damage or shortage of insured mail, compensation will be made according to the actual value of loss, but the maximum amount will not exceed the insured amount of the relevant mail; in case of loss, damage or shortage of uninsured mail, compensation will be made according to the actual loss, but the maximum amount will not exceed twice the postage paid; in case of delay of the mail, the mail will be compensated in accordance with the standard stipulated by the postal authorities; in case of any other loss or indirect loss, the postal authorities will not be liable for compensation. The postal service shall not be liable for any other losses or indirect losses.