Help for Medical Workers

Ethanol producers say that they can produce?millions of?gallons of?alcohol that could be made into?hand sanitizers . gallons of?alcohol that could be made into?hand sanitizers .

Health care workers across the US struggle with the shortage of hand sanitizer, and ethanol producers say that they can produce millions of gallons of alcohol that could be made into hand sanitizers.

Health care workers across the US struggle with?the?shortage?of?hand sanitizers, and ethanol producers are?willing?to help. However, federal regulators have been?preventing?this from?happening.

The reason is that most?ethanol producers are not willing to help. However, federal regulators have been preventing this from happening ing.

The reason is that most?ethanol plants?make?food-grade?ethanol, which is a step?below?medical grade .

The reason is that most ethanol plants ? The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) worries about ? The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) worries about allowing?people to put a lower grade alcohol on their skin. Some officials say that the FDA should?consider?loosening its?guideline s? Some officials say that the FDA should consider ?loosen ing its? guideline s, which would allow ethanol producers to help with the hand sanitizer shortage.

In recent days, federal regulators have? relax ed? restriction s to support to production of? medical supplies?

In recent days federal regulators have relax ed restriction s to support to production of medical supplies ?

Language Knowledge Points

1? Key Vocabulary Expressions

1. willing , adj, ready, eager, or prepared to do something, willingly, gladly; the adverb is willingly, unwillingly

eg. be willing/ unwilling to ?do sth, willing/ unwilling to do something; be reluctant to do sth, unwilling to do something

2. prevent , vt, to stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something, stop, block, prevent, prevent; the noun is prevention, prevent, prevent

eg.?prevent/?keep/ stop?sb/ sth from?doing sth, prevent/? prevent someone from doing sth/? stop/ prevent something from happening

3.?happen, vt, to take place, especially without being planned, (esp. by chance) to occur, to appear

eg. take place, (esp. according to arrangement or plan) to happen, to proceed

4. below , prep, at or to a lower level or position than sb/sth, at/ to ...... below

eg. under/ underneath, at ...... below; on/ above, at/ to ...... above

5. allow , vt, to let sb/sth do sth, ?to let sth happen or be done, allow, permit

eg. allow sb to do sth, to allow someone to do something; allow doing sth, to allow doing something

6. consider , vt, to think about something carefully, especially before making a choice or decision, to consider, to think carefully; the noun is consideration, deliberation, deep thought; considerate, adjective, considerate of; considerable, adjective, considerable, considerable

eg. consider/ ponder/ meditate/ deliberate, to think y, think over and over again; consider doing sth, to consider doing something; consider/ regard/ take/ to see...... .as...... see...... Consider/ regard/ as......

7. loosen , vt, to make sth less tight or firmly fixed, to become less tight or firmly fixed, (to make) relaxed, loosened; loose, adjective, loosening; loosely, adverb, loosely, loosely

eg.?tighten/?tight/ tightly, vt/?adj/?adv, to become tight/? tighten/? tightly

8. guideline , noun, rules or instructions about the best way to do something, guidelines, guiding principles; guide, verb, to instruct, to direct

eg. follow/ issue guidelines, follow/ issue guidelines; clear/ strict guidelines, clear/? strict guidelines

9. relax , vt, to allow rules, laws, etc. to become less strict, relax (restrictions, etc.)

eg. relaxing/ relaxed, relaxing/? relaxed; exciting/ excited, exciting/ exciting; amazing/ amazed, surprising/? surprised; boring/ bored, boring/? bored; interesting/ interested, intriguing/? interested

10. restriction , noun, a rule or law that limits what you can do or what can happen, a restrictive rule, a restrictive statute; restrict, verb, to limit

eg. severe/ tight/ tough restriction, severe restriction, strict restraint; accept/ be subject to restriction, accept constraint/? be subject to restriction

11. ventilator , noun, a piece of equipment with a pump that helps sb to breathe by sending air in and out of their lungs , respiratory machine; ventilate, verb, to make airy, to make ventilation

2? Fixed collocation

1. millions of? gallons of , millions of gallons

2. hand sanitizers , hand sanitizer, disinfectant

3. h ealth care workers, health care workers

4. ?struggle with , intractable, with ...... struggle with

5. ?shortage?of , shortage, lack of

6.? food-grade ethanol , food-grade ethanol

7. medical grade , medical grade

8.? worry about , worry, worry

eg. worry that/?be?worried that +? clause, to worry about, to be worried

9. medical supplies , medical supplies

10. coronavirus tests , new coronavirus tests

11. ethanol plants , ethanol factories

eg. power plants , power plants, power stations

3? Terminology

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a federal government agency under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is one of the largest food and drug regulatory agencies in the world. Its responsibility is to ensure the safety of food, cosmetics, drugs, biologicals, medical devices, and radiological products produced or imported into the United States, as well as to carry out inspections of public ****anitary conditions and interstate travel and transportation, and to control diseases that may exist in many products.

Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute, English, Level 4 TEM-4 ?

Professional translation and interpreting experience, specializing in exhibitions, jury interpreting, consecutive interpreting

Translation project management, including translation terminology database, translation memory database

Computer-aided translations (CAT), such as trados, with more than 100,000 words of translation volume