Neimenggu Chennuo Water Supply Equipment Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (natural person sole proprietorship) registered in 2018-02-26 in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Kundulun District, the registered address is located in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Kundulun District, Kunhe Town, Heping Village, South of the village of the South First, Block 3, No. 37.
Inner Mongolia Chennuo Water Supply Equipment Co., Ltd. of the unified social credit code / registration number is 91150203MA0PQT0Y9K, corporate law Li Mingtao, the enterprise is currently in business.
Neimenggu Chennuo Water Supply Equipment Co., Ltd, within the province, the current registered capital of the enterprise belongs to the general.
Through Baidu enterprise credit to view more information and information on Inner Mongolia Chennuo Water Supply Equipment Co.