The penetrating power to the site being illuminated is determined mainly by the

The penetrating power to the projected site is mainly determined by:A milliampere second B focus a film distance C kilovolt peak D irradiation time E focus size Answer C

The whole book *** is divided into nine chapters, the first chapter of the introduction, a brief introduction to the development of medical imaging equipment and classification, so that students understand the history and current situation in the field;

The second to ninth chapters are introduced respectively conventional X-ray machine, digital X-ray machine, X-ray computerized body layer, magnetic **** vibration, ultrasound and nuclear medicine and other imaging equipment, as well as the basic structure, function, technical parameters and application characteristics of the PACS system, in the content processing strive to grasp the theme, the selection of appropriate materials.

At the same time, to strengthen the close connection between this specialty and other specialties, and to cooperate with each other, in order to prepare the necessary knowledge for learning related courses and engaging in clinical practice in the future.

Conventional X-ray equipment was introduced for the establishment of radiology laid the foundation for the birth of CT scanning equipment, is a new milestone in medical imaging equipment the establishment of modern medical imaging equipment system China's development of medical imaging equipment development briefly medical imaging equipment classification of medical imaging equipment medical imaging diagnostic equipment medical imaging therapeutic equipment

X-ray generating device Section I X-ray tube fixed anode X-ray tube rotary anode X X-ray tube special X-ray tube characteristics and parameters tube sleeve high-voltage generator high-voltage transformer high-voltage components console

Basic requirements for the circuit basic circuit unit circuit introduction diagnostic X-ray machine X-ray machine frequency X-ray machine conventional X-ray machine programmable X-ray machine high-frequency X-ray machine main technical parameters of the main characteristics of the main characteristics of the composition of the working principle of the DC inverter power supply medical X-ray television system image intensifier

Television basics CameraAutomatic brightness control deviceMonitorHigh-definition televisionDiagnostic X-ray machineIntroductionGastrointestinal X-ray machinePhotographic X-ray machineOther special X-ray machineImaging aidsDigital X-ray equipment

Computerized X-ray equipmentBasic Composition and Principle of WorkImage plate reading deviceComputer Image ProcessingImage storage deviceEvaluation standardsUse of precautionsComposition of digital X-ray equipment

Composition of digital X-ray equipment Working principle precautions CR and DR comparison of digital subtraction angiography device basic structure of the factors affecting the image quality of the X-ray machine requirements of the special stent catheter bed

High-pressure injector digital system DSA system special features of the image quality testing precautions X-ray computed tomography equipment overview of the development of the development of a brief history of the development trend of the imaging system data acquisition device

Computer and image reconstruction system Section III spiral CT features spiral scanning device multilayer spiral CT X-ray CT equipment quality assurance image quality parameters

Factors affecting image quality artifacts magnetic **** vibration imaging equipment overview of the development of a brief history of the characteristics of the composition and principle of operation of the main magnet system types and performance indicators uniform field technology

Gradient magnetic field system gradient magnetic field generation gradient magnetic field coils Technical parametersRadio-frequency systemTransmitting coil and transmitting channelReceiving coil and receiving channelComputer system

Gradient magnetic field controlRadio-frequency pulse controlImage reconstructionImage displayMagnetic *** vibration imaging equipmentQuality assuranceMRI equipmentQuality assuranceMain parametersMagnetic *** vibration imaging equipmentDetection of the body mode