Africa's Little People: How Pygmies, who are 1.4 meters tall, can marry and have children before the age of 10.

The Pygmies are an ethnic minority in the tropical forest regions of central Africa, with an average adult height of 1.30 meters to 1.40 meters. They are also considered small compared to the Chinese, not to mention the United States and Europe. When they reach the age of 10, they are generally less than 1 meter tall. Our impression of black Africans is that they are tall, muscular and athletic.

Pygmies can be so short, why can they marry and have children before the age of 10?

1. African rainforest ecosystem is hot and sultry and humid, and the advantage of being short is obviously more suitable for survival environment and population reproduction:

African dimension is close to the equator, which in its original meaning is the place burned by the sun. You can imagine the high temperature. And pygmies live in which countries in Africa we look at, basically the hot and scorching zone. Generally in the tropical races, height and size generally smaller than the level of the cold zone, this is the law of nature: (compared to Germany, Russia, Nordic countries and our southern and northeastern height as an example)

The rainforest areas in which there is a predominance of the environment is more humid and sultry. That curly hair of black Africans also evolved to insulate them from the heat. And the body size is small, need less food and energy oxygen, heat dissipation faster and more flexible and agile, hunting and fishing tree climbing and running action will be more rapid.

At the same time, the habitat needed is also smaller, obviously more conducive to the survival of the environment and reproduction needs in Africa. It is also hard to say that it is not the survival of the fittest that has evolved over thousands of years of the species.

2. African primitive tribal living conditions are limited, economic backwardness and lack of materials, resulting in a rough diet, nutritional absorption is insufficient, developmental delay:

Africa is relatively more than the conditions of survival, lifestyle and habits, there are some simple backward. Not to mention the primitive tribal tools and materials, means of production are also limited, but also involves the distribution of household items such as eggs, milk, meat and prey. Although the spirit may be happy and satisfied, but the economy is really scarce.

Poverty and social patterns lead to insufficient food, nutritional nature can not keep up, coupled with the cold fire raw food, cooking means of utensils and methods of the lack of means, the body needs vitamins and proteins, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and other nutrients such as amino acids and energy absorption, certainly not so much in place. The pygmies' physical development has been slowed down over the years, and it is normal for them not to grow taller.

3. Inbreeding and hereditary factors cannot be ignored, and are also important reasons for the shortness of African Pygmies:

Although in the 21st century, the society is enlightened and civilized. However, the vast majority of African Pygmies are still attached to their ancestral way of life and prefer to continue to live a closed and primitive life. The chances of consanguineous marriages have increased as a result.

By marrying close relatives, the disease-causing genes and height genes are intermingled and hybridized, and certain traits become dominant from recessive to dominant, so that they can be seen. For example, double eyelids, single eyelids, skin color, straight and curved hair, and of course, short height. Shortness is also passed down from women to the next generation. After a long period of evolution, and community communication tends to be closed, shortness is passed down.

4. Traditionally, the African continent itself has a custom of early marriage.

Some tribes in Africa still retain the circumcision of girls, the rite of passage at the age of 10, as well as the way of life of adults to marry. So, this is what folk have always done as they have done it throughout history, and is just a reflection of the traditional culture of respecting the wishes and rituals of family elders. Grandpa is only in his 30's "old age" and may not be mature and reliable in dealing with things, but being in a position of authority and majesty, doesn't he have to carry out the orders he issues?

Secondly, the Pygmies' overall life expectancy is generally low, with the average age of 30-40 already facing death. In their traditional view, 10 years old is exactly the prime of life. Because of the excellent physical condition of the year exercise labor, strength, flexibility and agility muscular, individual maturity and early, metabolism accelerated sweating more. 10 years of age has been with the adult not much difference. Can carry the burden of the family. The disadvantage is that the aging process is also fast.

In their opinion, getting married at 10 is the right time. It's the right time to get pregnant, prepare for pregnancy, and give birth. And with African laws encouraging the preservation of rare races, it's not surprising to see people marrying and having children at 10.

Deforestation is leading to a shrinking of viable areas. Crisis awareness is on fire to ensure that the population reproduces. The birth rate of children is sensational, and rumor has it that there are Pygmies who like to eat them in an attempt to fulfill their wishes. Of course I don't think that's very plausible. But Africa's medical equipment and maternal health care is so backward, it is lucky to be able to grow up to the age of 10 years old. 10 years old female small part of the body's reproductive organs mature, is able to give birth to children, but it involves the ethical and protection, many countries do not advocate it, but this is the law of nature.

In ancient China, there were a lot of 12,3 year olds who got married and had children. This was almost always the case with the Kangxi as well as the Qing emperors. The law of the lower house of the Russian Duma also provides for marriage at the age of 14. In modern India there have been news of girls having children at 8 years of age. This at least proves that at 10 some girls are also capable of having children.

In short:

Africa has its own "hobbits" and is trying to protect them. Some say they are a subspecies of humans, the missing middle ground between human and gorilla evolution. Opinions right or wrong aside, I hope other blacks in Africa don't discriminate against them and wish them a happy, joyful and happy life and a life expectancy of the average 70-80 year old, who probably won't be getting married at 10 years old.