Neutral disinfectant what

Neutral disinfectant:

One, 2% neutral glutaraldehyde aqueous solution, immersion time of 30 minutes, commonly used in the blade, scissors, sewing needles and microscopic instruments disinfection, sterilization time of ten hours, the solution is replaced once a week.

Two, 10% formaldehyde solution, immersion time of 20 to 30 minutes, for ureter, catheter and other resin, plastic and plexiglass products sterilization.

Three, 70% alcohol, immersion time of 30 minutes, the use of glutaraldehyde solution with the same purpose, is now more used for the disinfection of the items have been immersed to maintain the disinfection of the state, the alcohol should be filtered weekly, and check the concentration of once.

Four, 1:1000 benzalkonium bromide solution, immersion time of 30 minutes, although also used for razor blades, scissors and sewing needle disinfection, but because of its disinfecting effect is not as good as glutaraldehyde solution, it is now commonly used to disinfected holders of pliers soak.

V, 1:1000 chlorhexidine solution, immersion time of 30 minutes, antibacterial effect is stronger than benzalkonium bromide.

Glutaraldehyde disinfectant solution introduction:

Glutaraldehyde disinfectant solution is a new type, high efficiency, low toxicity neutral strengthening disinfectant solution, can kill bacterial propagules, bacterial spores, hepatitis viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms. Glutaraldehyde has a broad-spectrum ability to kill microorganisms, 2% alkaline glutaraldehyde solution can kill propagules in two minutes, 10 minutes can kill viruses, 20 minutes can kill mycobacteria, 3 hours can kill bacterial germ cells.

So glutaraldehyde can be used as a high-level disinfectant, and if the exposure time ( 10 hours) is sufficient, it can also be used as a sterilizing agent; in principle, the initial concentration of glutaraldehyde in foreign countries should be higher than 2%, and the exposure time should not be less than 20 minutes if it is used for disinfection, and 10 hours if it is used for sterilizing.

Because in the process of use, many factors can cause a decrease in the concentration of glutaraldehyde: such as the polymerization of alkaline glutaraldehyde, water dilution, frequency of use, disinfectant evaporation and loss, etc., so it is necessary to monitor the concentration of glutaraldehyde on a daily basis.