? As a medical practitioner with conventional medical knowledge, coupled with adherence to fitness for quite a long time, hesitation again and again, before trying to start coding this text. Look at the pressure to withstand nearly half of the medical circle and medical gurus gathered, I hope to be able to use a tolerant mind to taste the book and the following personal sharing.
? The book is not as good as the book. Before opening this sentence I think must be put in front.
"Eat up to one egg a day, and preferably no more than four a week""An apple a day, disease away from me"
"The three high people, it's all the fat cholesterol's fault! "
"High carbon water, high calorie, low salt and low fat"
"Eat more grains and cereals"
? We should often hear similar "cautionary tales" like the above, no, but all the people involved in the social activities of the community can not deny, and try to follow it. Even as a healthcare professional, we have been talking about high calorie, high nutrient, low salt and low fat diets. However, this book, with nearly a thousand scientific research arguments, quotes, tells us:
"Your brain will be sick, not genetically predestined, the culprit, is precisely the food you eat every day!"
? The author of the opening quote from the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, "Therefore, the sages do not treat the already sick to treat the disease, do not treat the already chaotic to treat the not yet chaotic, this is also called." . Throwing bricks to attract jade, clarify the point of view.
? First of all, to popularize the term "gluten (fū) quality".
? Gluten is a group of proteins found in grains, especially wheat. Wheat is very similar to rye, barley, and oats. Therefore these grains also contain gluten. Gluten gives dough a firm structure. For most people gluten is a very common protein that is easily digested by the gastrointestinal tract. However a small number of people are unable to digest gluten proteins. These people have gluten intolerance-the most common condition is celiac disease, or dyspepsia. Gluten is a complex protein that acts as a binder to hold ground grains together, and is responsible for those soft, fluffy, chewy loaves of bread; gluten is also key to fermentation. Gluten is not only found in grains such as wheat, rye, and barley, but is also widely used in cheese, margarine, hair conditioner, and mascara. The one thing I can immediately associate with it is my favorite, baked gluten.
? Once you know the definition of gluten, summarize the book's subversive ideas in layman's terms:
1. The effects of gluten are not limited to celiacs, it affects everyone's health;
2. Cholesterol is human-friendly;
3. Chronic high carbohydrate and sugar intake is responsible for all types of illnesses. The "diseases" that the authors have verified using various scientific methods that gluten-containing grains are the ultimate culprits include "Alzheimer's disease (dementia), diabetes, diabetic obesity, headaches, epilepsy, depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular disease.
This book is about the causes of Alzheimer's disease.
This book reverses the nutritional dietary guidelines we've been led to believe in, with advice to eat fewer carbohydrates and more fat and high cholesterol. This translates into less rice and noodles, more meat, and healthy fats, which is not peanut oil, soybean oil, but extra virgin olive oil or sunflower oil.
I'm sure you'll scoff at this and even find it absurd. So did I. Halfway through the second chapter, I was already wondering about the author's blabbering and the use of words like "absolutely, positively, believe me, fallacy, truth, experimental proof, factual truth" in every paragraph, which made me feel like a flea in my eye.
Figure 1 hints at the 13th note in Chapter 2. At the end of the book, the author has included all the references to scientific experiments. Hundreds of them in all. The Lancet is the top family of journals in medicine. As the highest standard of adherence to medical science, The Lancet is known as THE LANCET, which means both "scalpel" and "spire" in English, symbolizing the journal's ambition to be the "light of the medical profession. "A window to illuminate the medical world". With an impact factor of up to 60 various academic research, adhering to its core philosophy, that is, adhere to: medicine must serve society, knowledge must change society, with good science to create a good life. It is known that its influence is so, with the intention of inquiry, I personally search to verify some, in fact, at that time, the mind is, finally can be revealed to the author of the crazy words of the "pseudo-scientific" face. A quick search of the Wanfang Medical Web site brought you to Figure 3, a paper identical to the author's. The date of publication, the journal and its English translation are the same as those of the author. The date of publication is identical to the journal and its English translation. The caliber is completely consistent.
? Seeing this, I think you will still be half convinced, because of their years of education as well as life knowledge reserves. There will still be a voice inside that cries out, "This can't be"? I don't know what to say. Then I'll go on to share some of the subversive findings from the book that will kill you.
1. Cognitive impairment: total cholesterol levels were positively and linearly related to cognitive performance, with older adults who consumed large amounts of carbohydrates having a four times higher risk of mild cognitive impairment than the average intake; those who consumed high levels of healthy fats were 42% less likely to have cognitive impairment.
? 2, dementia: Neurology published a study in 2007 showed that: from not eating fish increased the risk of dementia by 37%, people who eat fish every day, the risk of dementia reduced by 44%; often eat butter people did not change, but often eat fats rich in omega-3 fatty acids (healthy fats), such as olive oil suffered from dementia than infrequently eaten by 60% lower than those who eat these people.
?3, atherosclerosis, heart disease: oxidized LDL is a key factor in atherosclerosis, the main factor in LDL oxidation is caused by high glucose levels. We mistakenly believe that dietary fat raises cholesterol levels in the body, making people more susceptible to heart disease and stroke, but multiple large-scale studies have not found a correlation between cholesterol levels and heart disease. There are also multiple studies with large samples that show no correlation between the saturated fatty acids we have been afraid of and coronary heart disease, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and there is also no correlation with the incidence of obesity, cancer, or osteoporosis. On the contrary, the brain damage of statins on memory and cognition research, the world's neurological scientists have published several SCI. here, of course, by the way, statins are still majestically in the clinic in the widespread and popular use. Lipitor is the leader in our vascular department. The vascular department of me, here omit 10,000 words 。。。。。。
4, 1977, the U.S. Senate issued a dietary goals, proposed that saturated fatty acids will block blood vessels, so there will be our current "fat is not good for health" and "carbohydrates are good for health" misconceptions, grease hypothesis ruled the cardiovascular field for decades. The lipid hypothesis ruled the cardiovascular field for decades. Ironically, in 1994, the American Diabetes Association recommended that Americans consume 60% to 70% of their total calories in carbohydrates, which led to a doubling of the number of diabetes cases from 1997 to 2007.
? Here's some more digression.
? I read the book in a very short time, but of course at the same time captured all the key points that could be absorbed and pondered. Because a lot of the academic terminology of the study has been familiar for a long time. A lot of experimental process description, results feedback, comparison of data, and the pathogenesis of the disease explanation, in my reading, similar to browsing through the literature, familiar, targeted. In other industries, it may be doubly difficult to understand. I will try to use some layman's explanations to illustrate the ideas expressed in the author's book. Yes, by this point I have become a woman who is convinced by the arguments of the scientific research itself, and here I am making noise for you. Women really are fickle.
? Back to the book.
? "Is modern nutritional science really scientific?"
? Let's start with that question and come into the lead up to the next article.
1. How you became obese
Modern nutritional science tells you to speed up your metabolism and eat more carbohydrates while avoiding fats and cholesterol, but this nutritional theory, which no longer has a cultural legacy or an evolutionary element to it, doesn't actually make people much healthier. But tons of advertisements, weight loss advice, and popular books tout this idea. Of course, there has been scientific evidence that trans fatty acids are linked to many chronic diseases, and while you have to realize that healthy fats and cholesterol are good for your health, it's the large amounts of carbohydrates that are the source of what makes our bodies run poorly. We've been told to eat more grains and vegetables and less high cholesterol and high fat foods because the latter will make you obese and cause the "three highs" to come to you, but the truth is, obesity, the three highs, and all those diseases in your brain are all caused by carbohydrates! Your fat is converted and stored by your liver from unwanted glucose, and your high cholesterol is created by your liver when you don't eat enough natural cholesterol!
Getting back to the dangers of carbs, you have to ask, how does it cost the brain? How does it cause diabetes, Alzheimer's, depression?
? Well, let's start by talking about gluten, which was introduced first.
? Because gluten damages neurotransmitters in the brain, it makes it impossible to judge how much , and what, one should eat. My own feeling is that eating these pasta dishes, such as freshly baked bread, steamed buns, the more you chew, the more flavorful it is, even if you don't eat anything, just eat it with your mouth full, it's so delicious that you don't realize you're eating a lot of it. Not to mention with the flavorful dishes. The medical rationale is this: gluten is able to enter the stomach as a peptide that can cross the blood-brain barrier and will bind to the brain's morphine receptors to produce a pleasurable sensation, and this is known as exorphins, which can damage the brain. That's why you get addicted to those chewy scones, croissants, all kinds of dessert cakes.
Do you know which of the following four foods makes your blood sugar rise the fastest:
1) a slice of whole-wheat bread;
2) a Snickers bar;
3) a spoonful of white sugar;
4) a banana.
Nine times out of ten you'll pick the wrong one, and their glycemic indexes are 71,55,68,54. (There's experimental data in the book to back this up). Wheat raises blood sugar more than table sugar, you didn't expect that. That's gluten screwing up.
2, Alzheimer's disease (dementia)
? In case you didn't know, Alzheimer's is also known as type 3 diabetes. The Global Alzheimer's Disease Report 2015, released by Alzheimer's Disease International in 2015, shows that by 2050, the number of people suffering from dementia across the globe will more than triple from the current 47 million to 132 million. In 2015 alone, there were about 10 million new cases of Alzheimer's, which equates to about 19 people developing Alzheimer's every minute. It's never too late to start preventing Alzheimer's.
? The authors list several possible causes of Alzheimer's: diabetes; chronically high blood sugar, although not diabetes; eating too many carbohydrates; a low-fat dietary approach with too little cholesterol intake; and problems with gluten sensitivity. (Numerous argumentative studies are provided in the book).
? 3, Cholesterol
It's worth pointing out that sexual dysfunction is also closely related, and the most common cause of impotence is extremely low cholesterol levels, since testosterone levels are what cholesterol is produced from. Men with low testosterone levels have more than twice the death rate of normal men, and it's crazy logic that if you have coronary heart disease, your doctor will put you on a statin to lower your cholesterol, which in turn lowers your testosterone levels, which then raises your risk of death. It has also been shown that high cholesterol is positively correlated with cognitive performance, immunity, mental performance, and the maintenance of normal functioning of various organs.
4. What if the brain is stronger
? Before the 1990s, researchers in brain science had believed that brain cells could not be regenerated, and in 1998, Peter Eriksson, a Swedish neurologist, discovered neural stem cells, which replenish neurons in the brain. So how do we grow new brain neurons, what affects the nerve regeneration process, and what should we do?
? DNA research has shown that a protein called "brain-derived neurotrophic factor" plays a key role in promoting nerve regeneration and protecting existing neurons. Research has demonstrated a decline in brain-derived neurotrophic factor in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Fortunately, there are a number of artificial ways to increase this factor:
(1) Exercise
Aerobic exercise increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which increases the growth of new brain cells in the brain's memory centers. Our original understanding was that we thought exercise would increase circulation to the brain, which would nourish cell maintenance and production, but research is now showing that the benefits also include: controlling inflammation, improving insulin sensitivity, controlling blood sugar, expanding the volume of memory centers, and increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels. Exercise is super, super important. The book analyzes it in more detail.
(2) calorie restriction (can be phased fasting)
A German confirmed that a comparison of two groups of older adults, one group to reduce calories by 30%, and the other group want to eat as much as they want to eat, after 3 months, the reduction of calories in the group of older adults appeared to be a significant increase in memory, and the latter there is a significant decrease. A study from Chile also confirmed that reducing calories detected a rare increase in brain-derived neurotrophic factor.
(3) Ketogenic diet
A ketogenic diet is a properly formulated diet that is high in fat, low in carbohydrates, protein, and other nutrients. The ketogenic diet is a highly effective treatment program for Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic sclerosis, and autism.
(4) Get enough sleep.
Here we highlight the discovery of leptin in 1994. It controls almost all the functions of the middle hypothalamus. Leptin controls your metabolism by controlling the thyroid gland, overseeing all energy stores, deciding whether to feel hungry or not, and deciding whether to store more fat or burn it. When any part of your hormone system goes wrong, you can't really fix the problem unless you control leptin. The reason leptin was discovered so late in life is because it is found in fat cells. Lack of sleep can cause leptin to plummet. There is no drug or supplement in the world that can balance leptin levels, and improving sleep and diet is by far the most effective way to do this.
? This book is not just about brain health, it's really about whole-body health. Remember, it's the carbs and gluten that are damaging our health, and blood sugar is the top priority in the prevention and control of all diseases; it can disrupt your body's balance and lead to all sorts of illnesses coming to your doorstep.
? A final list of the kitchen list given by the author at the end.
Clean up your kitchen (cleanup list)
(1) Gluten-containing foods: bread, pasta, spaghetti, pastries, cereals
(2) Processed carbohydrates, sugars and starches: corn, yams, potatoes, sweet potatoes, all kinds of processed desserts; all kinds of sweets, syrups, ice cream, fruit juices, jams, dried fruit, all kinds of beverages, deep-fried foods and so on.
(3) Margarine, vegetable shortening, cooking oil (soybean oil, corn oil, peanut oil, etc.)
(4) Non-fermented soybeans (e.g., tofu, soymilk) and processed soy products. In particular, some commercial soy sauces contain small amounts of gluten, and you should choose to consume soy sauces that are brewed from 100% soybeans and do not contain wheat ingredients.
Shop for the following (shopping list)
(1) Healthy fats and oils: extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, organic butter, pastured butter, Indian ghee, almond milk, avocados, coconut, olives, nuts and nut butters, cheese and some seeds.
(2) Protein: whole eggs, wild fish (salmon, nude capelin, grouper, herring, trout, sardines), shellfish, mollusks (crab, shrimp, mussels, oysters), grass-fed meats, poultry, and pork.
(3) Vegetables: leafy greens, kale, broccoli, beets, cabbage, onions, mushrooms, cauliflower, sauerkraut, snap peas, celery, bok choy, baby carrots, asparagus, garlic, leeks, fennel, green onions, scallions, ginger, zucchini, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and eggplant.
(4) Low-sugar fruits: avocados, bell peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, lemons, limes.
? Perhaps to see the end you can not accept the refreshing cognition, then the author in the spirit of strong fresh curiosity and life-threatening mentality, will be the next try to grasp the first-hand experience, to gradually argue our " grain brain ".
? bingxin