Puyang city construction bidding network in the construction law is mainly divided into (1) the general principles (2) building permit (3) construction project contracting and contracting (4) construction project supervision (5) construction safety management (6) construction project quality management (7) legal responsibility (8) bylaws eight parts. One of the construction law in the construction supervision of the basic content is as follows:
Chapter 4 construction supervision Article 30 of the state to implement the construction supervision system.
The state council may stipulate the scope of the implementation of mandatory supervision of construction works.
Article 31 The implementation of supervision of construction projects, the construction unit entrusted with the appropriate qualifications of the project supervision unit supervision. Construction unit and its commissioned engineering supervision unit shall enter into a written supervision contract.
Article 32 of the construction supervision shall be in accordance with the laws, administrative regulations and relevant technical standards, design documents and construction contracts, the contracting unit in the construction quality, construction period and the use of construction funds, on behalf of the construction unit to implement supervision.
Project supervisors believe that the construction does not comply with the project design requirements, construction technical standards and contractual agreements, the right to require the building construction enterprises to correct.
Engineering supervision personnel found that the engineering design does not meet the quality standards of construction or contractual quality requirements, shall report to the construction unit to require the design unit to correct.
Article 33 Before the implementation of construction supervision, the construction unit shall entrust the engineering supervision unit, supervision of the content and supervision authority, written notice of the supervision of the building construction enterprises.
Article 34 of the engineering supervision unit shall, within the scope of supervision permitted by its qualification level, undertake engineering supervision business.
The engineering supervision unit shall, according to the entrustment of the construction unit, carry out the supervision tasks objectively and impartially.
Project supervision unit and the supervision of the contracting unit of the project and the supply of construction materials, building materials and equipment shall not have subordinate relations or other interests.
The project supervision unit shall not transfer the project supervision business.
Article 35 If a project supervision unit fails to fulfill its supervision obligations in accordance with the agreement of the entrusted supervision contract, fails to inspect the items that should be supervised and inspected or fails to inspect them in accordance with the regulations, and causes losses to the construction unit, it shall bear the corresponding compensatory liability.
Project supervision unit and the contracting unit collusion, for the contracting unit to obtain illegal benefits, causing losses to the construction unit, shall bear joint and several liability with the contracting unit.
Puyang City construction network website: /xy/jwxy/index.asp
Puyang City construction bidding network address: No. 33, Renmin Road, Puyang City
Puyang City construction bidding network zip code: 457000
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