Beginning in 2022, a version of our digital RMB app will be available for download on Android and Apple app stores. Registration is also relatively simple, enter the phone number, binding the personal information can be registered to complete, click on the opening of the digital wallet can be used to use the digital yuan, the interface on the slide is the payment code, down is the receipt of money code. It's very easy to use, if we usually have the experience of using Alipay or WeChat to make payments, we can get started right away.
Digital RMB is different from the traditional paper money we used before, and encrypted Bitcoin, as well as the two-dimensional payment code of Alipay and WeChat we used before is fundamentally different, and it will bring more changes to our life, which is mainly on the surface of the following four aspects:
One, The first is that it is not a good idea to use the same technology as you would use in your own home.
In the digital currency software APP on the speed transfer of a touch, this function allows us to touch between the phone and the phone to be able to transfer the money, there is also a sticker function, as long as the cell phone is attached to the hardware wallet device, you will be able to transfer the money out of the money or in the money, is not it very convenient? In addition, the use of digital currency does not require the use of the network, so that in many of the conditions of the network payment is no obstacle. Even if your phone is out of battery, the digital wallet you put in your phone can be used to make payments through NFC technology. And very thoughtful for the reluctance to use or not have the ability to use the smartphone crowd, you can choose IC card, feature phone or other hardware;
In terms of security in China's digital currency in the use of strict multi-layer encryption technology,even if the real digital currency of the occurrence of the case of the theft of the digital yuan for the real name of the wallet, can provide a lost function. The digital RMB can be provided with a lost function.
Second, you can avoid the merchant's retrieval of your payment situation, to protect your personal privacy
When we go to the third-party payment platform to buy things, our billing privacy and so on all will be recorded in the platform, this information is very easy to be leaked by the illegal merchants
This is the first time that we have seen the digital currency in the market, and it is the first time that the digital currency is used in the market, so we will not have to worry about it. The company's website has been updated with the latest information about the company's products and services, and is now available on the Internet. But in the use of digital RMB APP above, we use the cell phone number to register after the wallet can be anonymous, do not have to bind anything, use any of these platforms to buy the goods, the third party organization can not get hold of our personal information. The purpose of protecting personal privacy is achieved.
Three, for the fight against daily economic crimes is a tool.
One of the very big benefits of using digital currency is the traceability of the currency, the flow of every penny of digital currency is available through the central bank for inquiry and recovery. For example, if you use digital currency this year, unfortunately by telecom fraud, then do not worry about the money fell into the hands of criminals and can not be recovered, straight to the public security organs to confirm the facts of the crime, just a few simple operation of your money will be back to your own digital wallet. Of course, this for those who use their power for personal gain, accepting bribes for officials is also a winning strategy. All of the money is accounted for, and they can't deny it.
Fourth, for after the country's economic and monetary policy making and implementation will be very convenient
More effective supervision of the whole society's money investment and use of the situation. Through big data analysis policy makers can understand at a glance, this kind of statistics and regulation is simply not possible when paper money. Policy makers can analyze this data and develop truly effective monetary programs to promote economic development and monetary rebalancing in each region. For example, in the event of a natural disaster, the government can directly credit each affected person's account, saving both material and human resources, and avoiding the possibility of intermediate mistakes.
All in all, the launch of digital currency will gradually change people's old habits of using money, and the whole of China has entered a real cashless society. What's coming will come, and what we need to do is to meet the change, accept the change, and adapt to the change.