What is the difference between party B and individual B

You go to apply for a job, you are quasi-Party B, the recruiter is the list of Party A, you are hired, you become a real Party B, the recruiter transformed into a veritable Party A, the difference between recruitment is, A is the pit, B is the carrot.

In the recruitment process, party A is the recruiter who releases information, provides jobs and demand, party B is the applicant, there is a contractual relationship between the two sides, both sides of the status is equal, is a two-way selection process.

Generally we say recruitment, refers to the employer according to the needs of enterprise development, through the dissemination of information, for the public to recruit employees. Correspondingly, we generally call looking for a job as applying for a job. In the recruitment process, the employer is usually the first party, and the applicant is the second party. If the prospective party B and party A to reach **** knowledge, signed a labor contract, this time to determine the strict sense of the A and B party.

The difference between A and B is that A is the employer and B is the individual laborer. But in theory, both parties are on equal footing, because it's a two-way street, whether it's Party A and Party B before the contract is signed, or Party A and Party B after the contract is signed. The employer can choose Party B and Party B can likewise choose Party A.

Even after the contract is signed, if Party A thinks that Party B is not competent enough to do the job, it can dismiss; if Party B is not satisfied with the employer, it can also choose to resign.

Nowadays, the legal system is sound, and the state has begun to pay attention to the protection of workers' rights and interests, so now even after the recruitment of work, Party A and Party B are theoretically equal.

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The Party A and Party B in the contract is the standardized name of the two parties to the contract signed, in order to simplify and distinguish between the two parties in the contract name. The law does not specify the use of party A party B, completely by the contract between the two sides to determine the negotiation, who can also be used as party A, can also be used as party B, the contract one party for party A, the other party will be party B, as long as the contract is labeled who is party A and who is party B, and the use of consistency and uniformity in the contract, do not arbitrarily change or replace on it.