Cyprus can enjoy sound medical insurance services, Cyprus health care reaches the middle to upper level in Europe, and is recognized by the World Health Organization as reaching the level of developed countries. In Cyprus, there is 1 general practitioner for every 480 people, all of whom have more than 2 years of experience working in the UK, Germany, the US and so on. Cyprus invests in low or even free public hospital health care, personal health insurance is also very low cost, in the newspaper of the day you can also find the phone number of the doctor on duty.
Italy--All Italian citizens enjoy public healthcare for life
Italy is the best country in the world in terms of welfare among the top six economies. Under the Italian healthcare system, all Italian citizens are entitled to public healthcare for life. Italy in the European Union countries to enjoy the benefits of health care, the threshold is set ultra-low, basically everyone can enjoy the benefits, as long as you have a legal status, even if you do not have the status, there are humanitarian organizations. In Italy, as long as you are still in the validity period of your stay, you can apply for a registered medical card and choose your own family doctor, even if you are unemployed and unemployable or do not want to go to work, it does not matter. All you need is a RESDENZA. In some places, you can also get a temporary medical card with your temporary residence permit, which is usually valid for 6 months. The European Union is now also Schengen for healthcare. With an Italian medical card, you can go to other countries in the EU to see a doctor, and enjoy the same treatment as the local hospitals in Italy, and in case of emergency, treatment is basically free of charge.
Portugal - the ratio of doctors to nationals is 1:256
Portugal's social and medical welfare is very generous, in the global health care system rankings, Portugal's health care system ranked 12th, organ transplants and other subjects in the world first. Portugal attaches great importance to health care, doctors and national ratio of 1:256, 10.1 of GDP for national health care, than China's medical investment accounted for about twice as much. Portuguese citizens can enjoy the free medical services provided by Portuguese public hospitals and health centers, and at the same time, they can also get the regular physical examination services provided by the family doctors in the health centers for each family. There are community hospitals in every community in Portugal, and pharmacies usually have a green cross sign outside the store.
Britain - free medication with NHS card
The British National Health Service is one of the proudest welfare systems in the UK, and was showcased to the world at the opening of the 30th Summer Olympics in London in 2012. The NHS is one of the UK's proudest welfare systems. In the UK, illnesses are usually seen at a GP, and patients who cannot be diagnosed by a GP are referred to a hospital. British citizens must first register with a community GP, get a "National Health Service card", and with a prescription from a GP, they can pick up their medication free of charge at any pharmacy in the UK except England. In England, you have to pay a small amount of prescription fee, and the prescription fee is settled by the pharmacy with the NHS on a regular basis, so you do not have to pay out of your own pocket. The British Government stipulates that residents have the right to choose their own doctors, and the income of doctors in the United Kingdom is not linked to the fees for examination, treatment and medicines prescribed. The income of a general practitioner mainly comes from the Government's payment according to the number of people registered with him there. As a result, quality medical care is available in the UK.
Spain - universal, welfare and public funding
The right to healthcare under Spanish law includes not only Spanish citizens, but also foreigners who have obtained legal residency. The right to health care is granted to all citizens, including foreigners with legal residence, who pay social security contributions and apply for a medical card, which entitles them to free medical treatment in public hospitals, as well as to their spouses and children who do not work. If you are in a better position, you will buy a private insurance policy to help you in case of emergency, and you will have to pay more than 50 euros a month to enjoy all free medical services, including emergency and serious illnesses. Spain has implemented free public health care for all, a mechanism known as the "national health system", which is characterized by universality, welfare and public funding. Spain has a high standard of medical care and advanced medical equipment, making it one of the best public health systems in the world. The health care network is perfect, with a dense distribution of health centers and hospitals that can provide primary diagnosis and specialized care, making it very convenient to seek medical treatment. Spain has a perfect preventive and emergency response system, and a well-developed first aid system. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and have no criminal record.
Hungary -- Europeans preferred place for dental treatment
At present, the entire Hungarian population of 10 million people are basically entitled to health insurance, and children under the age of 18, university students over the age of 18, and retired people are entitled to free health insurance. Hungarian health care is divided into three levels: the first level is general practitioners and family health doctors in community health clinics; the second level is district comprehensive and specialized outpatient clinics; and the third level is inpatient care. Each doctor is registered with the Ministry of Health and the Physicians Association. Family doctors in the community play an important role as "gatekeepers". Each resident has his/her own medical card, health record and a family health care doctor of his/her choice.
Hungary's dentists and the low cost of dental care and services have attracted citizens from several European countries to Hungary for dental treatment. A dental procedure that might cost 1,500 euros in Austria or France costs about 465 euros in Budapest, Hungary; a crown procedure that costs 950 pounds in the UK costs only 150 pounds in Hungary. "Dental tourism" has become a unique landscape in Hungary.
Greece -- health care system full coverage
The state vigorously support medical care, to ensure free medical coverage throughout the territory of the Greek government spending on health care accounted for about 10.1% of their gross national product. This is much higher than other developed countries, which spend about 7.5%-8% of their GNP on healthcare every year. The reason the Greek government spends so much is because of the many islands it owns, and the Greek government has a government-run hospital on each island to cover the medical needs of tourists and residents from all over the world.
Greece utilizes a hybrid healthcare system - consisting of private health insurance providers and the national healthcare system. This ensures that all Greek citizens and residents have access to free medical services. There are no professional or regional differences. Health care is also available to EU and non-EU citizens on the basis of bilateral or multilateral agreements. In addition to this, foreigners or expatriates who pay taxes to the Greek government are also able to benefit from the national healthcare coverage of Greek citizens.