What are some of the live banding techniques?

Talking points are as follows:

1, I'm using it myself, and I've already used X number of them, and they're really especially good! My coworkers also say it works well, and now I'm ready to grab a wave as well! (Guaranteed)

2. We have sold 100,000 sets of this product in XX before! (Data-type discourse)

3, the official flagship store is X money a, in my live room, buy 2, send a, equivalent to spend a share of the money, buy three, the activity is only this time, really buy is to earn. (Value-type tactics)

4, do not have to think, directly shoot, only we have such a price here, and later will only become more expensive. (Threatening type of speech)

5, today only in my live room have this price, outside the station are not this price.


Live with goods, live entertainment industry in the live at the same time with goods, its form is constantly changing, the reason for the emergence of live with goods is the rise of e-commerce, caused by some people in the entertainment industry to follow up due to the evolution of.