"Medical device" means instruments, equipment, apparatus, in vitro diagnostic reagents and calibrators, materials, and other similar or related items used directly or indirectly in the human body, including required computer software; the utility of which is obtained primarily by physical means, other than pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means or, although these modalities are involved, only in an ancillary manner; for the diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, or alleviation of disease; for the diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation, or functional compensation of injury; for the examination, substitution, regulation, or support of physiological structures or processes; for the support or maintenance of life; for the control of pregnancy; and for the purpose of providing information for medical or diagnostic purposes through the examination of samples derived from the human body. Providing information.
Medical equipment, Pronunciation: [yī liáo qì xiè]
1. Our hospital has the most advanced medical equipment.
2, The development of science and technology has led to the continuous updating of medical equipment and the cure rate of people's illnesses is getting higher and higher.
The medical device industry involves a number of industries such as medicine, machinery, electronics, plastics, etc. It is a multidisciplinary cross, knowledge-intensive, capital-intensive high-tech industry. The basic characteristics of high-tech medical equipment is digital and computerized, is a multidisciplinary, cross-field crystallization of modern high technology, its product technology content is high, high profits, and therefore the various scientific and technological powers, international large companies compete with each other the high point, the threshold of intervention is high. Even in the industry as a whole, lower gross margins, input is not high in the sub-industry will continue to have a higher technological content of the products, and from this spawned a number of enterprises with strong profitability. Therefore, the overall trend of the industry is high input, high yield.
Commonly used types of medical equipment:
Family health care equipment: pain massage equipment, home health care self-testing equipment, blood pressure monitors, electronic thermometers, multi-function therapeutic instrument, laser therapeutic instrument, glucose meter, diabetes therapeutic instrument, vision improvement equipment, sleep improvement equipment, oral hygiene and health supplies, family emergency treatment products; home health care massage products: electric massage chair / Bed; massage stick; massage whack; massage pillow; massage cushion; massage belt; blood circulation machine; foot bath; foot massager; hand-held massager, massage bathtub, dumping belt; therapeutic instrument; foot physical therapy instrument; weight loss belt; car cushion; kneading cushion; massage chair; breast augmentation; beauty massager;
Family Medical Rehabilitation Equipment: Home Cervical and Lumbar Tractor, Traction Chair, Physical Therapy Instruments, Sleep instrument, massage instrument, functional chairs, functional beds, supporters, medical inflatable air mattresses; oxygen concentrator, decoctors, hearing aids, etc.
Home care equipment: home rehabilitation nursing aids, women's pregnancy and baby care products, home with the supply of gas transmission equipment; oxygen cylinders, oxygen bags, family first aid kit, blood pressure monitors, blood glucose meters, nursing beds
Hospital commonly used medical equipment: trauma Disposal vehicle, surgical beds, surgical lights, monitors, anesthesia machines, respiratory machines, blood cell analyzers, differentiation analyzers, enzyme markers, plate washer, urine analyzers, ultrasound (ultrasound, ultrasound, etc.), X-ray machines, nuclear magnetic *** vibration and so on
New medical equipment
With the development of science and technology, the scientific and technological achievements of a number of institutions have also rapidly transformed the results. Some of the new field production of patented products also appeared in the market. Including some home and hospital equipment. For example, medical trauma disposal car.