I personally feel that it is really not worth buying, because if you buy a general that is certainly not much effect on your own beauty, but if you buy a particularly expensive you certainly can not afford it, so why bother with this thing! Why not take some time every month to go to the beauty salon to do a professional beauty, may also be more useful than the beauty instrument you buy!
After all, the equipment in the beauty salon is very complete, where you do not feel beautiful to the beauty salon will certainly help you to solve the problem, you can not invest so much money to buy so many beauty equipment, right? So might as well save some money like I said, so you will have more money to save up.
And we all know that if you want to buy a beauty device is nothing more than your face like to grow some pimples and so on, so you want to eliminate all these things, but you have to know that the reason why our face will grow these things that is entirely because of our own body's reasons, may be because of the hormone imbalance in our body, or we have recently been on fire! This is all possible, originally the woman's endocrine is with the advent of menstruation will undergo a huge change, so our face will naturally grow some things, so it seems that we naturally have to start from their own body.
So we should take appropriate measures according to their own body, rather than to rely on the beauty meter those things, because those things can only treat the symptoms, even if this time good, the next time we will still recur, so we must treat the root cause of the problem, from the root to take care of our body, then we can always be beautiful!