Is it illegal to sell IOT cards to private individuals

Legal analysis: selling IOT card to personal cell phone use if not touch the law is not illegal, but is against the law, if because of the sale to the personal device and touch the law, this will need to bear some responsibility. IOT card as a bridge for smart device networking, currently widely used in smart home, wear, agriculture, industry, medical and other fields, IOT card is generally enterprises through the business hall for bulk processing or bulk purchasing through the supplier, personal devices on the purchase of personal devices are often obtained through a number of gray channels, such as WeChat, QQ and other platforms, the quality of the card and the flow of the real and fake difficult to distinguish, and there is also the risk of non-delivery, which is prone to cause property damage.

Legal basis: "The Chinese People's *** and State Regulations on the prohibition of pyramid schemes" Article 7 The following acts are pyramid schemes:

(a) the organizer or operator through the development of people, requiring the development of other people to develop people to join, the development of people to develop the number of people directly or indirectly rolling development of people as the basis for calculating and paying compensation (including material rewards and other economic benefits, hereinafter the same), the development of people to the number of people to develop the number of people, including material incentives and other economic benefits, and the development of people to develop the number of people. Benefits, the same hereinafter), making illegal profits;

(2) the organizer or operator through the development of personnel, requiring the development of personnel to pay fees or subscription of commodities and other means of payment in disguise, to obtain the qualification of joining or development of other people to join, making illegal profits;

(3) the organizer or operator through the development of personnel, requiring the development of other personnel to join, forming an up and down line relationship, making illegal profits;

(3) the organizer or operator through the development of personnel, requiring the development of other personnel to join, forming an up and down line relationship, forming an up and down line relationship, forming a relationship with other people. (C) the organizer or operator through the development of personnel, requiring the developed person to develop other people to join, the formation of the relationship between the upper and lower lines, and the sales performance of the lower line based on the calculation and payment of the upper line of remuneration, profiting from illegal profits.