A man in India spent 11 days in quarantine in a tree - why did he run to a tree for quarantine?

May 18, the Indian media released a piece of report, said India's Telangana state, an 18-year-old man in the new crown virus test results were positive, in the home of the tree isolation of 11 days, we all know, India's epidemic is now very serious, and India's wealth disparity is too large, many poor people do not even have the basic amenities of life, not to mention the good medical equipment, and this year old 18-year-old man is because there is no suitable isolation facilities, so they choose to isolate in the tree, see this news, many netizens said ? Pretty good, not infecting others? .

It is reported that the Indian man named Shiva, who was diagnosed with the new coronavirus on May 4 local time. During these 11 days of isolation in a tree, the man's family transported him daily with rope and buckets of water to get him the necessities of life, such as food and water, and in solving the problem of going to the bathroom, Hope usually went out into the wilderness on his own after sundown.

The mutation of the new coronavirus was undoubtedly a crushing blow to India, where many young people have died from it and none are completely safe from it, and a more contagious variant of the virus has swept through the country, with many media outlets labeling the mutation as ? one of the world's deadliest disasters? , with some netizens saying that India is now ? human purgatory? , the huge population and simple medical facilities as well as a quite poor sanitation environment have provided a hotbed for concurrent infections, and many Indian patients can only ? three or four people with one oxygen tank.

What's even more infuriating is that, in such a dire situation, India actually holds elections and ? Dabur festival? and other festivals to celebrate, a move that has caused the number of local infections to skyrocket, with participation in the ? Kettle festivals? People dipped into what they called the Mother River. Mother River? in the waters of the Ganges, many topless and not wearing masks.

Combined with some of the unscientific practices adopted by the Indian population? therapeutic practices? , what gas, cow urine, sunlight, cow dung and other strange treatment means, have greatly delayed the new crown control of the best period of time, this ridiculous and absurd means of combating the epidemic, undoubtedly the Indian epidemic to the climax.

Local time on May 19, the Indian Ministry of Health data show that India's new daily number of new crown infections 267334 people, the total number of new crown infections reached 25.5 million people, the number of deaths of new crowns as high as 283,248 people. And nearly 300 journalists have already died as a result of the new crown infection.

We hope that the people of India will recognize the current situation sooner rather than later, and not continue to be obsessed with it. We should believe in the power of science, and try to minimize the damage caused by the new crowns, and we should also guard the country's gates, and not allow any mutation of the virus to spread to other countries, or else the widening of the scope of the epidemic will be even more difficult to control, and will bring even greater losses to human beings.